Overcoming Fears - Preview

in steempowerment •  6 years ago 

8 foot Burmese Python

I don't consider myself a fearful person, but I don't consider myself incredibly brave either. I think we each have our thresholds and strengths when it comes to various types of bravery. I used to perform in theatre and in a rock band in front of large crowds with no problem, but speaking in a more intimate setting might cause me to stutter. Nothing a glass of wine couldn't soothe, but enough to get my heart rate up a bit.

Today, we had the opportunity to watch a presentation on Reptiles. I knew we might get a chance to pet one, but did not realize we'd get up close and personal! I have nothing against reptiles, just not much experience with them, other than the fear of rattlers when we lived in the Sierra foothills. (Especially after a neighbor who was a knowledgeable outdoorsman was struck twice as he was stepping out his door! The rattler had chosen to curl up just right there next to the doormat!)


That's a 6 year old alligator on my head!

I never thought I could call something that could grow up to potentially eat me CUTE, but this alligator was just that!

Scott Peterson, zoologist and educator, gave a very informative presentation to a packed house. We actually waited until the crowd had dispersed to get our photos. Scott kept the kids engaged with interesting facts and light humor. It was an excellent presentation. We also purchased one of his DVD's and really enjoyed it.

The @crowbarkids are excited about sharing their photos in an upcoming post, so be on the lookout for that!

All photos were taken using my Android phone. Thanks for stopping by!

I chose @Crowbarmama as a handle because I believe in doing the best you can with what you have on hand. The crowbar is a multi-purpose tool. You’ll notice my photography is a bit rough, my grammar is not the most polished, but as a homeschooling, homesteading mama of 4, if I waited to take my photos until the light was perfect or re-edited my posts a 5th time ( I shoot for 3 drafts), I would never get a post out!

Don’t sweat the small stuff, just Crowbar it!

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Wow that's so brave of you @crowbarmama and @crowbarkids. The snakes look awesome and the alligator actually looks kind of cute hehe.

I never in a million years thought I could call something that could eventually eat me CUTE. But, she had those big eyes and looked almost fake! Yes, I would classify her as cute, but would never keep one as a pet myself! 😜

Hahaha neither would I :P Back in the state I come from, the crocodiles really have killed many lives.

Oh my! I would be scared to touch it and would want to stand a distance hahahaah
Good on you for touching and letting it rest on your head

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The handler had 30+ years of experience. It was definitely a walk on the wild side for me!!

You are brave to hold a snake. I am not sure I could hold one. Look at it up close maybe. The alligator does look pretty cute. What a wonderful time for the kids. I am sure they enjoyed themselves. Looks like a fun day.

Thanks for stopping by! Yes, the kids had so much fun and were very brave. They especially enjoyed the Leatherback Tortoise, but I saved that photo for the post they will be working on this week for their @crowbarkids account. 😉

I will go over there and watch for that post.

Love it! We are a snake loving family here. I have a ball python, my son has a sand boa, my other son has two rat snakes, and my daughter has a garter snake for a pet. :D
Great job working on conquering your fears and stepping outside your comfort zone! I think its something we all need to do, but many of us neglect to do so...

(This is Sneki, my daughter's albino checkered garter snake.)

They still make me a tad bit nervous, but we did have fun with the reptiles. We had rats for a short while and our very first night, my daughter lost hers. Oh I hated the feeling of something lurking around the house. Luckily we set a gentle trap and caught it that night. We ended up rehoming them shortly thereafter. My kids are used to outdoor pets: cats, dogs, chickens and goats. I have so much work picking up after 4 kids, I just can't tolerate any indoor pets! 😁😁😁Thanks for the kind words. I think learning and trying new things is kind of like the fountain of youth!

I agree, learning keeps us young at heart, haha!
I know what you mean. Outdoor animals are one thing, but when they are in the house, its a whole new ballgame.

Your 3 yr olds face when that alligator was by your head... bahaha! His face says mine when I came up on this! You my dear, are a mighty brave soul! I was getting the heebie jeebies just seeing the snakes! Then pop! There's a small alligator! haha! I think your idea of wine would be a fabulous idea now! ;) haha!
super cool though! Glad you and your littles got to enjoy this! My little would have lost his marbles over excitement!

Funny, I hadn't noticed his expression yet! The photo with the alligator on his head is hilarious! I can't wait to share those, but the @crowbarkids aren't done with their writing of the post, so I'll just resteem theirs when it's done. And if you've seen my most recent post about the long bedtime and the mice in the pantry, you'll see I could have used some wine, but opted for ice cream instead! Lol!

No way! I did the same exact thing! Great minds think alike!
Ice cream for the win!
I will go see if i can find them! Sounds like a good story I don't want to miss!

You are really incredible person . Thats a dangerous thing but you dont think that it is dangerous. I am worry about your little child behind you.
Have a safe life.

Thank you. We were very cautious and a knowledgeable handler was right by our side the entire time. I respect the power of these wild animals which is why I learn about them when I can but would never keep one myself.

Thats great .

Great job. and you look so calm.

On the outside!! Lol!

I'm thinking I should have titled this post "Channeling My Inner @Papa-Pepper!" Lol!