It should move to deportation issues rather than genocide for international prosecution
They said the diplomatic approach should be such that the international community can assist in solving the problem.
Lawyers and human rights activists of the country were speaking at the program one year after the biggest Rohingya influx that took place in 2017.
Bangladesh Institute of Law and International Affairs (BILIA) organized the symposium at its auditorium on Saturday.
One of the discussants, Barrister Tapas Kanti Baul, said: “It is good for the country if it moves with the deportation issue rather than genocide, as it is easier to prove deportation.
Taposh Kumar Das, assistant professor of Department of Law and Justice at Jahangirnagar University said: “International jurisdiction is now in a comparatively failing state.
He identified that the reservations of states and the diplomatic impunity of courts is leading to a halt in solving the crisis.
He said: “It would be wise for Bangladesh to think of other out of court procedures, involving more effective diplomatic tactics and humanitarian movements.
Quazi Omar Foysal, lecturer of Department of Law at the American International University of Bangladesh, gave a presentation on trial process centric deportation through the International Criminal Court (ICC). He said: “Our diplomats did not play an active role in the issue which they should have.”
Assistant Professor of Law at BRAC University, Mostafa Hossain presented his paper on the possible ways of prosecution for the violations using genocide conventions, customary International laws, and universal jurisdiction from a genocide perspective.
Assistant Professor Shahadat Hossain from Bangladesh Islamic University said: “A humanistic approach is needed to solve the Rohingya crisis. Any dialogue including countries like China and India, where evidence based documents would be presented, should be organized with strong diplomatic approaches.
“Besides, formal and non formal trials could be arranged in the country to build pressure on international communities.”
Professor SM Masum Billah of the Department of Law from Jagannath University praised the role of Bangladeshi diplomats in saying: They performed their duties in a well managed manner without engaging in any sort of conflict.
The chair of the discussion, Professor Dr Rahmat Ullah, also the Dean of Law faculty of Dhaka University, said: “Geo-politics cannot be blamed for the delay or uncertainty of the prosecution.
“It depends on how diplomats are lobbying in this regard and convincing the international community.”
He called on the country and diplomats to raise and peruse issues in a way that the country can get due compensation and the Rohingya crisis can be solved once and for all. Otherwise the country will suffer a lot in the future.
Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://arakanpost.com/bangladesh-needs-to-intensify-action-to-resolve-rohingya-crisis/