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Wow - writing from the perspective of the mother. Having that happen is such a nightmare.

So well written @byn. Congrats on the novel. Knowing how well you write I'm sure it will be amazing.

@byn i can really feel the trauma the mother is going through- very realistic. Well done! 😊

With love from a fellow #steemitbloggers

Phwew - what a brilliantly breathless, desperate and beautifully written piece. Look after yourself this month as you're writing such a harrowing story - be gentle with yourself and remember to check in with your own emotions- it's always surprising what a toll it takes, living with your characters through such trying ordeals!

Gorgeous work as ever!

E x

Thank you so much for saying this! My writing is often cathartic and sometimes very healing, but at other times a story seems to need to come out that is gut wrenching and a lot of emotional work for me. I will do my best to stay conscious of my own emotional health while I work to get this one out!

Thank you so much for the thoughtful comment and your support!

I could not even imagine going through something like that. Great story.

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Thank you so much, kind sir! :)

howdy Byn! oh you like to torture us don't you? lol. This is SO painful to read, it hurts! great job.

This was inspired by the longer story I'm writing for NaNoWriMo. I was wondering what the story would look like from the perspective of the mom. I can not imagine having to live through something like that. Thanks for reading!

well Byn, for not being able to imagine it you sure did a heck of a job imagining it! lol. The longer story must be great!