Issue 6- Hollywood Goggles: Thanos

in steempress •  7 years ago 

Issue 6- Hollywood Goggles: Thanos


(Slight NSFW image warning!)


Finally. The entire MCU, Marvel Cinematic Universe, came down to this. Thanos, the Mad Titan has come for the heroes and the Infinity Gems. It's the culmination of ten years of movies and this purple villain who had been teased and hinted at throughout the series not only made his presence known, he tore the universe apart searching for his prizes. But how different was Thanos in the comics? Well strap on your Infinity Gauntlets, we’re about to see just how much they changed Marvel’s most memorable villain.

(Behold, Thanos in all his epicness... before I destroy any coolness he had with the some other pics. You have been warned!)


Movie Recap


So considering Infinity War is still in theaters, I am going to go out and call Spoiler Warning here. In the MCU, Thanos is an intergalactic despot with the goal of fixing the universe by ending overpopulation The Titan is almost a reverse Jor-El. After warning his people of the horrors of overextending their planets resources, he watched his civilization fall. Exceedingly strong, smart, calculating and powerful, Thanos clawed his way back into power. Now, with his own army, the Mad Titan causes chaos across the universe in search of all six Infinity Gems, bringing himself and his minions on a collision course with Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.


Back Issues- To Make a Monster


Originally designed to be more of a cerebral villain modeled after the DC comic character Metron, Thanos was certainly more influenced by the other, more villainous New God, Darkseid. Even comic legend and creator Jim Starlin cops to that fact.


Starlin was originally known as an artist but many of his ideas and characters have made a big impact at Marvel, including such well known Guardians such as Drax and Gamora.


Thanos was envisioned to start off as a powerful but not universe threatening cosmic villain but was made into a much bigger threat as time went on. Starting as a Iron Man baddie, Stalin moved him over to be a constant threat to the Kree hero, Captain Marvel.


No, not that Captain Marvel. No, not that one either. No, that Captain Marvel is DC’s and that’s a whole other bag of worms. Ah, yes, THAT Captain Marvel.

(There were actually more Marvels I could have mentioned but the joke went on long enough! And yes, his Kree name was Mar-Vell!)


Thanos eventually went died before being brought back to gain control of the infinity Gauntlet, after getting his own miniseries.


For the Love of Death

Considering the character was created in the 70’s there is way to much history of this character to cover in one article so I’m going to try to give you a good primer. Thanos was an offset of a species of evolved humans known as the Eternals. This godlike race lived on Saturn's moon, Titan in relative harmony.


Thanos was unfortunately born a Deviant, essentially an “ugly” mutant and was ostracized from his family, wherein he fell in love with Death. Yes, the same Death Deapool is into.


So began his conquest to try and woo his lady. In the early days of his battles with Marvel’s heroes, he sought the cosmic cube. Similar to the Infinity Gems, the cube had the power to restructure reality.


(You really didn’t think I would NOT post Thanos in his early appearance with… THE THANOS COPTOR!)


Eventually the Mad Titan was killed, until Death resurrected him with immortality. He returned to collect the Infinity Gems, making him the main antagonist of Adam Warlock since the original Captain Marvel had since died from cancer.


Going through various trials, this would be god finally won his prize, and with a snap destroyed half of all living beings in the universe.

(Yes, the snap’s comic origin was epic as well.)


Death however, was not sated, for the Mad Titan was now her superior and would not reciprocate her love. Fortunately, Thanos was defeated not by the other heroes, but by himself. Essentially he put a block on his own power, not truly believing he was worthy to wield it which allowed Nebula to steal the Gauntlet from his hand.


Thanos retired afterwords for a time, satisfied with the life of a simple farmer. He returned, however every so often as anti-hero, villain, and something in between.


(Including the time that Squirrel Girl defeated him. Yes, this is cannon. And hilarious.)


One More (Slightly NSFW) Thing...


That’s about it on The Mad Titan. Next time I’ll be going over some of the most iconic scenes in comics showcasing one of the most important power any hero should have. Compassion. Till then, enjoy this slightly NSFW of Thanos that Josh Brolin decided to put up. Yes, people do seem to have a thing for the big evil Grimace man.


(While you’re welcome, honestly, Thanos should not be your BAE! HE’s EVIL!)




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