Let's put an end to all discussions: Bitcoin has no intrinsic value. It doesn't need to. It gets it's value from it's users. Mostly miners, speculators & traders. Greed rules the game.
Anything is worth something only in relation to other things and just during some time. That's fine - such is life. There are no sure bets. The nearest to sure might be gold.

I put this post as a kind warning sign. There is a relentless FOMO produced and schemes are all over the place. Don't be fooled. Don't go in if you do not have a clue what you are doing. Bitcoin is not the holy grail.
<br /><center><hr/><em>Posted from my blog with <a href='https://wordpress.org/plugins/steempress/'>SteemPress</a> : https://cryptmove.com/2020/02/19/bitcoin/ </em><hr/></center>