Say NO to Alcohol

in steempress •  7 years ago  (edited)

Even though the majority of mass media will constantly pin point threats related to drugs, they will rarely mention alcohol or pharmaceuticals.

Why is that so?

In reality, 40 seconds of self-education proves you how alcohol does load of damage to cognitive function, yet many children consume it since youngest of ages...

And it is criminalized for children to drink it, but still easy accessible in pretty much any part of the world.

The answer lies in the profit... Profit & corrupted food industry that doesn't have best intentions for us in it's heart.

If you are a healthy & strong individual, there is no money in you. They want you right there in the middle, getting sicker & sicker so you can be a loyal consumer to the corrupted system your whole life.

That's the reason why alcohol is so easily accessible to everyone & even encouraged to consume since youngest ages...

You know how it is in the system : Caffeine to keep you energized slave through the week, alcohol to drown your consciousness on the weekends. Sunday is pretty much reserved for curing hangovers, getting ready for that Circulus Virtiosus once again...

This is not just empty talk. There was actually a study conducted by The BMJ (British Medical Journal) at early 2017. The study proved how numerous brain problems are related to alcohol consumption.

The study followed 550 men and women for 30 years, measuring their brain structure and function to determine how alcohol use affects the mind over time. What they found is that the more people drank, the more atrophy occurred in the brain’s hippocampus, a seahorse-shaped structure in your brain that plays a role in storing memories. The highest risk was for people who drank 17 standard drinks or more of alcohol per week. But even people who drank moderately saw an elevated risk for cognitive changes
Study in its entirety can be observed here.

The interesting detail is, world alcohol comes from arabic Al-Kuhl, that means body eating spirit.

The connections are obvious. Alcohol posses great dangers for our physical suits & therefore our mental well-being.

As someone who grew up in family affected with alcohol, I know from first the connections to depression. Later on when I educated myself, I realized how that happens cause of Hippocampus damage. At the same time, Hippo damage is one of the main depression cause so the connection is pretty self explanatory.

Even when you consume it in decent manner, it still does damage & causes issues such as: Slurred speech, blackouts, memory issues etc:

So, why is alcohol being normalized in pretty much every culture? I mean, it's not widely advertised but when you oppose it to ongoing oppression of drugs - especially some of them being extremely healing, you become a bit suspicious.

For example, the psilocybin from Magic 'shrooms can effectively treat PTSD after single usage! At the same time, that is logical answer why are they so hardly criminalized. It's worrying to add, most of PTSD sufferers turn their attention exactly to alcoholic beverages & load of pharmaceuticals... Exact contrary to how it should be.

The outcome? A miserable life.

Alcohol undergoes zero order kinetics of elimination from the body. It is only one of the three drugs that does so. This means a constant AMOUNT of drug gets eliminated per unit time, not a constant FRACTION, like most drugs. This makes its rate of elimination very slow. If it had undergone first order kinetics, a person drinking alcohol at night maybe all fresh in the morning as all the alcohol may get eliminated from the body very rapidly.
No matter in how good physical condition you are, there is simply no way you wake up refreshed after night of drinking. In that kind of environment, it is easier for everyone to develop adverse & acute effects. Even the next day...

Due to some beneficial for state of being effects, many individuals get stuck on it. Some of them range from:

  • Higher self-esteem
  • Euphoria
  • Sedation
  • Anxiety relief
On the other hand, it affects every single bodily-system you can think of:


Most common alcohol related complication, due to reduced hepatic metabolism of lipids (fatty liver -> cirrhosis -> liver failure)

Gastrointestinal Tract

Due to increased gastric and pancreatic secretions by ethanol, result is increased incidence of gastritis and pancreatitis. Ethanol has direct toxic effects on the mucosal membranes of the stomach, causing gastritis.


Alcohol consumption reduces glucose uptake by the tissues leading to an initial increase in blood glucose.
Also, alcohol inhibits gluconeogenesis and a fasting person or a person whose hepatic glycogen is low could experience a hypoglycemic attack, which may cause irreversible brain damage.

Effect on smooth muscle

It is in direct connection whit smooth muscle caused by its metabolite acetaldehyde.

Effects on Sexual Function

It is increasing sexual desire but impairing the sexual performance at the same time. It lowers testosterone production, performance in athletes is also impaired.

Damage to CNS (Central Nerve System)

One of the most serious long consequences. It causes cerebellar degeneration, as well as serious brain damage. Many chronic alcoholics show degrees in dementia, connected to ventricular enlargement.

Wernick-Korsakoff’s syndrome

Connected to Thiamine deficiency -> resulting in paralysis of external eye muscles,
loss of memory and state of confusion. A.k.a. Alcohol amnesic disorder

Final Word

No matter how you feel about it or what have you convinced yourself into - it's not good for you. Alcohol is a poison that intoxicates you soon as you consume it & therefore can't be on your intake list. For the love of yourself & everyone around you, you should stop consuming it. Majority of fun on it comes from illusion & it has nothing to do with your real self. From my point of view, the spirit even refuses to stay in the body while it's heavily intoxicated...

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Very true. Alcohol is dangerous to human health.

I do not drink nearly as much as I use to. Back in the day it felt like a sin to go more then a day or two with out that warm buzzy feeling. Now I can easily go three months between sips.

Drugs actually are bad! Mr Mackey from South Park was right!

I agree for this post!


This is a very well-written piece detailing the widely-acknowledged, yet so often overlooked, adverse effects of alcohol consumption. This topic is certainly an interesting one, since ethanol is one of very few recreational drugs that are almost universally legal around the globe. I definitely agree that there is a systemic, profit-driven force that perpetuates human society's obsession with what is, at its core, but a simple solvent molecule. One that, as you've outlined in this post, can damage almost any organ it comes in contact with. It is the same situation with the frequency at which opioids are prescribed in the US. Addiction to these substances is somehow normalized by the fact that they are in some way deemed "legal" and more "socially-acceptable" to consume (and abuse), despite the fact that addiction to opioids and ethanol are among the most physically harmful flavors of drug addiction. What's worse, is that when these patients end up being denied their opiates by their doctors, they turn to the black market in search of heroin, etc.. anything to curb the severity of their excrutiating withdrawal symptoms. It's truly amazing to me how much the greed and hunger for power of just a few people can end up shifting the widespread adaptation of nonsensical, damaging behaviors that ultimately result in the suffering and demise of an atrociously high number of human beings. While at the same time, many of these greedy profiteers of suffering could probably care less about how many lives were ruined while they were stuffing their pockets with cash.

I really do hope that one day, the masses will procure the ability to see through the blatant corruption that drives this futile cycle of "legal" self-destruction, and perhaps somehow shift the mainstream opinion towards that which promotes love, truth, and universal peace while simultaneously mitigating widespread desensitization to overt suffering, violence, and selfishness.

agreeing on this one also! The thing I dislike the most is seeing people destroying their lives by becoming alcoholics! It just stops the brain work. Makes you into an animal, you don't think anymore, you stop being conscious, just became a vegetable. I strongly strongly dislike this drug, is the most dangerous of them all! Ok, one glass of wine is ok from time to time, but daily consumption is spirit suicidal!