The Odd Tale Of The Lonely Pineapple

in steempress •  6 years ago  (edited)

Of Course It's Lonely. It's A Pineapple!

Pineapples by nature, are lonely. They don't need each other to propagate, and they have no means with which to do so anyway, even if they wanted to, which they don't, because they don't feel. They're pineapples.

Unfortunately, one pineapple didn't get the memo about not having feelings. How it came to emote was a mystery. It certainly didn't know. Even with self-awareness, its capacity to reason was that of a, well, pineapple. It just knew that it existed, and even though it was at first surrounded by other pineapples, it still felt alone.

Then, one day, it got separated from the rest. How and why, it did not know. It couldn't remember much (no brain means no memory) so its arrival at the beach, sitting in the nice warm sand, as if staring out to sea, was another mystery.

Inside, it sighed, and wondered if this would be the place where it might meet someone like it. Someone who needed to be more than just alone. But day after day it sat, and though plenty of commotion went on around it, the lonely pineapple remained quite alone.

And perhaps that was the way it was meant to be.

The Rest Of The Story

Little did the lonely pineapple know that somewhere behind it, another pineapple sat. Just like the first, it didn't know how it got there, or why, but after such a long time sitting there, it was wondering if this was all there was. Then, the lonely pineapple showed up, and the musings of the second pineapple began to center around it. Why was it there? What was it doing? Was it searching for something?

That would make it a very strange pineapple indeed, if it were doing anything. But then, the second pineapple was puzzling over a lot of stuff, something pineapples didn't normally do, either. Did that mean they were meant for each other?

More time past. The second pineapple finally decided that the lonely pineapple wasn't going to make a move. Perhaps it couldn't. Not knowing how it managed to get where it was, perched on a rock, the second pineapple wasn't in any position to cast aspersions. Pineapples couldn't normally move on their own. No legs, wheels, wing, or other means of propulsion pretty much led to a very sedentary life. Which was normally fine, because a pineapple's life didn't normally last very long.

Perhaps we're outliving our usefulness, the second pineapple thought. Sitting there wasn't going to change that. If anything was going to happen, it better happen now.

And then, quite suddenly, the second pineapple was sitting on the beach right next to the lonely pineapple. Instead of trying to figure out it came to be there, the second pineapple decided to ponder something else.

What are you doing? the second pineapple asked.

I'm not sure, the lonely pineapple said. Waiting for you, perhaps.

Me? You knew I was coming?

No. I just know that I am alone and that I don't want to be alone anymore.

For the first time in its short life, the second pineapple felt something odd. It didn't know what it was, but it felt tingly inside.

You're probably getting too ripe, the lonely pineapple said, apparently aware of the second pineapple was experiencing. It happens, you know.

I don't think that's it. Aren't you feeling it, too?

No. I really don't feel anything other than lone...

The lonely pineapple's sentence was cut short. Abruptly, the two pineapples were inclined, the lonely one atop the other. How it happened, neither knew, but there they were, touching one another. In that instant, the lonely pineapple didn't feel lonely anymore. The second pineapple suddenly couldn't think of any questions to ask—it was tingling too much. For long moments, stretching on toward eternity, the two pineapples lay there as one.

Then, as sudden at it began, the touching was over. They were sitting upright again, and instead of being just the two of them, there was a third pineapple.

Where did that come from? asked the second pineapple, a little annoyed. The third pineapple was sitting between it and the other pineapple, which was starting to feel lonely again.

I don't know, the lonely pineapple said, It doesn't seem very mature.

Mama? The third pineapple asked. The second pineapple could tell that it wanted to snuggle closer, but it couldn't do it. It was a pineapple.

The second pineapple sighed. The tingly feeling was gone. Now, it just felt tired. And why was this new pineapple white? That was an odd color for a pineapple.

Does it matter? the lonely pineapple said, I guess I'm destined to be alone.

But I'm right here, the second pineapple said.

I don't think there's any chance of us ever touching again. Not with IT around, the lonely pineapple said.

And so there the three pineapples sit on the beach, all alone, as if looking out to sea.

About This Post

This short story is an entry for today's (Tuesday, February 12) freewrite. The prompt is pineapple. If interested in participating, write a post, publish it, and then link to the freewrite post in the comment section.

Source for all images is Pixabay.

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Well, thank you, @c-squared. I very much appreciate the attention. :)

Great freewrite buddy! Very engaging as I feel that I relate to the story when reflecting on larts of my life. Thanks for sharing!

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Okay, now you've got me curious, @newageinv. :) Loneliness, all questions and few answers, a love connection so quickly gone, a child getting between its parents... These pineapple have some things they need to work through here. :)

As we all do... life is full of ups and downs! It’s about the journey though and being grateful for where we find ourselves!

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ananası çok severim ama hiç aklıma gelmezdi, böyle bir hikaye içinde okuyabileceğim:)
gayet başarılı ve keyifle okudum teşekkürler.

Not sure if I'm understanding this completely, since I don't speak or read your language, but Google translate says something about how you like pineapple, but you didn't think you'd be reading about pineapple in a story like this.

If that's accurate, I don't blame you. :) I get some silly and odd ideas a lot, and this was one of them. Figured I'd give pineapples some kind of personality, even though they're not much. I had fun, so I hope others have fun, too.

yes, I had fun reading:)
was very good, thank you..

I love this story very much! Such a great deal of inspiration for those who love reflecting on their lives. So much to learn from this.

Thanks for posting this! It helped me greatly.

Hey, dofficialbarbs.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. I was going for mostly a lark, something kind of silly and lighthearted, but I the pineapples did take on some rather human characteristics, so I suppose there could be a message in their somewhere. :)

Fun post! Never thought one could get so much out of a pineapple^^.
And thank you for using SteemPress again! Added you to our whitelist of users.

Well, thank you for adding me to the whitelist @fredrikaa. I want to get more into using Steempress, so I'm glad to get the greenlight. Now, I just have to come up with a Wordpress theme I like. There's a lot of choices, but none of them seem to turn out the way they set them up when you preview them. :)

re: pineapple

That you can thank (or blame) pixabay for. Someone took a bunch of images of pineapples on the beach, many of which ended up in my post, and pretty much drove the narrative. I doubt the post would have gone the same way without the images. I didn't have much of an idea of what I was going to do with the prompt until I found the images. So, there you go. :)

And so there the three pineapples sit on the beach, all alone, as if looking out to sea.

Until I find them, put them in a blender and do a smoothie! There is only one place where I wouldn't put them... on top of a pizza!

Did you take the photos or did you find them on the internet?

I actually like Hawaiian pizza quite a bit, @teutonium, so I would even put them there. :)

No, the images are from Pixabay. Apparently one of their contributing photographers took quite a few of the lonely pineapple and the others. I'm not sure what they were feeling inspired to do, but I'm glad. :)

I think you're the first @galenkp, who didn't opt immediately for making the pineapples into a smoothie. Sounds like we have another important movement to consider here. Thanks for going the peaceful route. :)

😁 Maybe they should have their own bathrooms...Seems to be popular these days...

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This was an awesome read. Love how the pictures strengthen the story line.

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Hey, @jeanlucsr.

I'm glad you liked it. I definitely took as many cues from the images as I could. :)

I guess it was worth it :).

Posted using Partiko Android

Haha! sir Glen! those lonely pineapples get into some mischief! lol..that was dang fun and entertaining. If I had that prompt I would still be sitting there in front of a blank screen! Well done. What about all the photos, pixabay has all those photos of pineapples sitting around on the beach? lol

Pixabay gets all the credit for this particular post, @janton. If not for all the images of pineapple on or near a beach, solo, in pairs, up to three, I doubt this story would have gone where it did.

I didn't really know what I was going to do with pineapple as a prompt, either, which is why I decided to search for images first. When I went looking for one, that's when it became crystal clear that lonely was going to be the central theme behind the post. I just don't get a very happy vibe off of the pineapple sitting out there looking forlornly out to sea. :)

So, yes, all of them were from pixabay, most of them from the same photographer, and for whatever reasons, they decided it would be cool to take pictures of pineapples in the sand. :)

haha! that's pretty funny sir Glen! Getting a story from pixabay...but it still takes a gift of writing a good one. I might have an idea but then actually making an entertaining story out of it is another thing altogether! And that one shot had them painted sitting on the beach. ha! Great job sir Glen.

Hey what have you been busy doing since musing is not paying?

I haven't really been busy doing anything other than trying to come up with some more posts. I've been trying out dpoll, but unless you actually post a poll, it doesn't really pay as far as answering the poll goes. So, got to start working on that a little bit. Just not sure I want to flood people's feeds with polls.

Howdy back sir Glen...yes sir I understand, I don't know how well that concept will fly in the long run, kind of fun at first but I think it might get ignored easily since there's not much to it. But what do I know, maybe it will become the most popular thing on here? lol.

😊 nice story.. I want to adopt that three pineapples and make a nice smoothie with papaya and bananas, so it won't felt lonely anymore😆

Hey, @cicisaja.

Go right ahead and adopt them, if you can find them. :) I'm sure making a smoothie out of them would definitely get the lonely pineapple out of its misery.

Probably a little too silly for most people's tastes, but when I saw the images available for the pineapples, lonely is what came to mind. So, lonely it is. :)

What a sweet and tasty tale. It’s the ultra-prompt prompt delivery team here with the magic word for today:

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Hey, @deirdyweirdy.

Thanks for the ultra prompt delivery of the prompt. :) I hope this team of dedicated promptsters don't go underappreciated. It would be great if there were others who could prompt me about other things I could be doing. Wait. Check that. I'm married so.... :)

It is hard to be different but there are more different types around

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