What to do so that a child has autonomy

in steempress •  7 years ago  (edited)

Check some good practices so that you can help the child to have more autonomy.



Educating children has always been a great challenge. But in times of so much information and rapid changes in our society, we often wonder if we have offered our children what they really need to prepare for the challenges of life.

Thinking about it, we will list some good practices so that you can help the child to have more autonomy. They are simple attitudes, but they are quite effective on a day-to-day basis.

Wrap the child in housework

From the young child to the adolescent, domestic tasks are rich opportunities to promote important skills, such as responsibility, sense of the process, organization, among others.


Resultado de imagen para Wrap the child in housework

A good idea is to start teaching simple tasks according to the child's age. For example, children from 2 to 3 years old can be responsible for storing toys, putting toilet paper in the bathroom, storing shoes, putting dirty clothes in the basket. It is important to follow the child's performance until the responsibility is internalized.

An important suggestion is that when the child is helping in the household chores, we need to avoid falling into the temptation to complete the task for them so that the activity is carried out more quickly.

When we do this, we can convey to the children the impression that, at any difficulty, there will always be someone to do it for them.

As the child becomes involved with the activities, it is very common that they present a certain curiosity about the housework


Resultado de imagen para Wrap the child in housework

Even if you think the child is too young to operate the washer, for example, answer your questions about the operation of the appliance.

It is also important to avoid expressions like "you are too small to understand this", which can inhibit children's curiosity and make them doubt their ability to absorb new information.

Allow the child to make choices

One of the most effective ways to stimulate children's autonomy is to allow children to make their own choices.


Resultado de imagen para Permitir que el niño tome decisiones

Instead of determining how each detail of the children's routine will work, encourage them to make their own decisions, while still orienting them.

Do you want a good example? How about letting the child choose the clothes he wants to wear in the next family program?

If she makes a choice that may leave her uncomfortable or compromise her well-being, avoid focusing on the mistake and help her understand how to choose a better option.


Resultado de imagen para niño de 3 años queriendo vestirse por si solo

Phrases like "I think you can feel cold wearing that outdoor dress, will you not want to choose a jacket or think of a more warm option?", Help the child to reflect on the subject without feeling incapable of making good choices.

Let her learn from mistakes

Contrary to what many people believe, making mistakes is important for child development and allows the child to learn to deal with frustrations and develop autonomy and responsibility.


Resultado de imagen para l contrario de lo que mucha gente cree, cometer errores es importante para el desarrollo infantil

Therefore, try not to protect the little ones excessively and let them deal with the consequences of their attitudes.

For example, if the child is doing homework and asking for help, it is important to help them, which is very different from doing for them.

Remember that one of the objectives of the home lesson is to allow the child to exercise and fix the concepts learned in the classroom, enabling the teacher to detect any learning failures.


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Therefore, it is not necessary for parents to correct all faults so that the task is delivered without errors.

Encourage them to express their opinions

If you want to create an autonomous child, it is important to encourage him to express his opinions and ideas. Therefore, it seeks to create daily spaces to interact and talk about their experiences.


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When you are watching a movie or a drawing, ask them what they think about the attitudes of a certain character; Ask them about their day to day at school and do not ignore or get off when the child shows interest in commenting on topics that are being debated by adults during meals, for example.

If it is necessary to disagree or present other arguments, try to do so in such a way that the child does not feel inadequate for commenting.

"It's an interesting idea, but it will be that you ..." is a phrase that stimulates reflection without diminishing the participation of children in the conversation.

These are some of the many attitudes of our day to day that favor the development of the autonomy of our children.

And in your day to day, what do you do that also promotes the autonomy of your children?


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visita @ecotrain , gente visionaria y talentosa con una calidad humana increíble. usted encontrará más aquí: #ecotrain

@ECOTRAIN Apoyando a las personas que ayudan a hacer el mundo a un lugar mejor.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://ismaelugas.vornix.blog/2018/08/19/what-to-do-so-that-a-child-has-autonomy/

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As a child I always relied on my younger brother (two years gap) for many things nad he relied on me on other things, so by now I don't have much 'autonomy' I always need someone to make small/group decisions for me. (Personal decisions are easier and I can make miracles when I really set my mind to.)

My parents never taught us to choose ourselves, they choose our clothes, toys when we were small, and did all the chores themselves. My brother taught himself to choose, and I relied on him for the most part. I still love my parents they taught me almost every other things.

We make a joke that I'm the brain of the house and everyone excels in something, I can't do house work but I feel happy when they need something internet related.

These days my sisters are doing the chores, by the way.

I'm amazed I'm the first one to comment on this, it's such a good post!

By the way, I like the way you format your post, if you can using < div class="text-justify" > can make it look even more appealing.

Hello, what a good and sincere comment, is what I can notice, I am happy with your words, and I would recommend that you practice autonomy in your children, if you have them, you will not always be, they must learn to defend themselves in any situation of the life, thank you for your time and your comment, I really liked it.

Thank you, I'm already learning many things to do if I ever had children... But getting married is expensive where I live (social pressure to make your the wedding the best.)

Yes, it's true, here is also very expensive. I hope you find the ideal for that.

Thanks for your recommendation, < div class="text-justify" >I will apply