My suggestion to @steempress-io

in steempress •  7 years ago 

By @acehtrend

@fredrikaa and @howo

Currently the default function of the plugin is automatically published to steem with its check mark button ticked. However, for a news website running on wordpress like @acehtrend, letting the plugin to post every articles to steemit is sometimes not helpful because some articles published on our news site is also been published by other online news outlets. As a result many of our posts on steemit are exposed to #cheetah, especially for press releases contents as other media might have have published the same story.


I would like to suggest @steempress-io to make its default ‘publish to steem’ checkbox unticked. By doing so, the editor will have choice before cross-publishing articles to steemit.


Second suggestion is make a checkbox based on category. For example I create a new category of steempress, so that all posts included in the Steempress category are automatically published on Steemit.

In my view, current steempress plugin suitable for personal webblog. If steempress would add two additional features as mentioned above, it will be helpful and suitable for the news media as well.

thank you
CEO of acehtrend

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Good idea. It us in our plans to let users decide to only crosspost certain types of content.

Would being able to choose to only crosspost certain tags solve your problem?

I see @howo already upvoted the post so we're both aware.

Thank you for your feedback.
I hope to be a solution. We're news websites, so it's always hourly updates. Sometimes it is the same with other media releases. So prone to cheetah if forgot to remove the tick.

I think those ideas are fabulous to have as future options and I hope they are considered.