FRANK [add with regards to] "WORC Has kept me BUSY" if ewe WONK2 what to do with THIS, I'll B EmpressD.Live.Ring!

in steempunkmedia •  6 years ago  (edited)

DISS CLAIMer: Frank Bacon is a WORC OF Cryptographic Fiction for the Crypto Faction.

What is he talking about here? Doesn't make a lot of sense.

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So, in @allseeingewe’s challenging week (see IJ’s razor sharp entry here) there is a few choice words I’d like to AD D


the Qanon and QUESTIONS BELOW.


@allseeingewe is distancing herself from @frankbacon because she is “not blogging as much lately”? Do I understand correctly from this that @allseeingewe and @frankbacon’s relationship exists mostly by the powers of social media, and by the numbers of blog entries made? I guess I do, and then - on second thought - why am I surprised, as this is coming from people who seriously believe @frankbacon and @allseeingewe send each other coded messages (about, oh… only one’s wedding, or expected love-child) via @steemit and possibly other SM outlets. Their time-in-tandem online is what Shipper High Command mainlines in the ongoing strategy to ‘prove’ @frankbacon en @allseeingewe’s so-called relationship.

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Moreover, @allseeingewe is not distancing herself from @frankbacon - she’s distancing herself from crazy-ass SHIPPers who come on her blog vomiting all kinds of rubbish in the comment section, fueled solely by crazy-ass tinhat High Command: @thealexjonesshow & @donaldtrump, for all your Fake Wedding Fantasies (oh, and they do Baby Showers too, but it’ll cost ya).

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Consequently, it wasn’t @allseeingewe causing “nothing but trouble for @frankbacon”, it was those same s-SHIPPers and tinhatters and @thealexjonesshow & @donaldtrump. Keep the facts straight, silly girls! And no, it wasn’t the realistic people either (I refuse to call them by that moniker); you know those people on here who try to infuse some sense into it all, some measure of sanity, away from the increasing lunacy of tinhat super-SHIPPers (again, powered by @thealexjonesshow & @donaldtrump).

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Finally, I’m not going to go into the question whether @allseeingewe is making a name for herself with or without knowing (or even using) her connection to @frankbacon; I’m only using the little bit before that - the bit about @allseeingewe now knowing how “crazy HIS fandom is”.


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Don't forget his Partner in TrollBot Building... @quinnmichaels
Who I hope gets enough Patreon cash to finally pay his Child Support.

JG is gonna need a lawyer like yesterday.



Try this dot.

@flauwy.apx @FrankBacon #STORK @aggroed's V-trained on YOUT...bust'd. #pathologicallway



hup ho, yeah

What is clear is that the alliance is far more powerful than initially anticipated. I'm going to plead the 5th for now...

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Bacon EMPIRE.png

Dime the mash-E.R.'s @AustinSteinbart - #HORT!

The Mattress PING_Wachowski_7fork on penned.png

US NAVY Training film validates @georgewebb and the Rothschild Girls

THAT is definitely Stroke!


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