Thank you to everyone who took the time to apply to become a Steem Representative.
There were 40 applications in total.
It has taken extra time to assess and review all the applications as we are keen to select the very best people to become Steem Representatives.
We are now ready to announce a new set of Representatives.
The New Steem Representatives
Here are the Steem Representives being appointed this time…
@alejos7ven [Venezuela] [5,000 SP delegation]
https://steemit.com/hive-188619/@alejos7ven/4ikyqx-my-application-to-become-steem-representative@chriddi [Germany] [20,000 SP delegation]
https://steemit.com/steemreps2023/@chriddi/na-dann-will-ich-doch-mal-den-steem-repraesentieren-bewerbung@dexsyluz [Venezuela] [5,000 SP delegation]
https://steemit.com/hive-141434/@dexsyluz/application-to-representative-steem@disconnect [Sri Lanka] [10,000 SP delegation]
https://steemit.com/steemreps2023/@disconnect/3lr1su-application-for-steem-representative@edgargonzalez [Venezuela] [10,000 SP delegation]
https://steemit.com/hive-193637/@edgargonzalez/mi-aplicacion-para-representante-de-steem@goodybest [Nigeria] [5,000 SP delegation]
https://steemit.com/steemreps2023/@goodybest/2extva-an-application-for-steem-representative@graceleon [Argentina] [10,000 SP delegation]
https://steemit.com/hive-141434/@graceleon/aplicacion-para-steem-representantive@harferri [Indonesia] [5,000 SP delegation]
https://steemit.com/hive-120861/@harferri/application-for-steem-representative-2023@heriadi [Indonesia] [10,000 SP delegation]
https://steemit.com/hive-153970/@heriadi/my-application-for-steem-representative@inspiracion [Venezuela] [10,000 SP delegation]
https://steemit.com/hive-193637/@inspiracion/2gbhfj-aplicacion-para-steem-representante@irawandedy [Indonesia] [10,000 SP delegation]
https://steemit.com/hive-153970/@irawandedy/lpjxm-application-for-steem-representative@jungjunghoon [South Korea] [10,000 SP delegation]
https://steemit.com/steemreps2023/@jungjunghoon/4rxpqk-application-for-steem-representative@karianaporras [Venezuela] [5,000 SP delegation]
https://steemit.com/hive-188619/@karianaporras/solicitud-a-representante-de-steem@kouba01 [Tunisia] [20,000 SP delegation]
https://steemit.com/burnsteem25/@kouba01/my-application-for-steem-representative-2023@mikitaly [Italy] [10,000 SP delegation]
https://steemit.com/hive-184714/@mikitaly/application-for-steem-representative-2023-candidatura-per-steem-representative-2023-ing-ita@msharif [Bangladesh] [10,000 SP delegation]
https://steemit.com/hive-170554/@msharif/6gokxv-my-application-for-steem-representative@o1eh [Ukraine] [10,000 SP delegation]
https://steemit.com/steemreps2023/@o1eh/6h2lck-application-for-steem-representative@patjewell [South Africa] [5,000 SP delegation]
https://steemit.com/hive-168072/@patjewell/my-application-for-steem-representative@pelon53 [Venezuela] [20,000 SP delegation]
https://steemit.com/hive-190211/@pelon53/mi-aplicacion-para-representante-de-steem-2023@radjasalman [Indonesia] [10,000 SP delegation]
https://steemit.com/hive-111300/@radjasalman/5qqcui-my-application-for-steem-representative@ripon0630 [Bangladesh] [10,000 SP delegation]
https://steemit.com/hive-140292/@solaymann/7lkupd-my-application-for-steem-representative@sduttaskitchen [India] [5,000 SP delegation]
https://steemit.com/hive-120823/@sduttaskitchen/my-application-for-steem-representative-2023@solaymann [Bangladesh] [5,000 SP delegation]
https://steemit.com/hive-140292/@solaymann/7lkupd-my-application-for-steem-representative@stef1 [United Kingdom] [20,000 SP delegation]
https://steemit.com/hive-185836/@stef1/7ftzck-application-for-steem-representative@suboohi [Pakistan] [10,000 SP delegation]
https://steemit.com/hive-180106/@suboohi/my-application-for-steem-representative-2023@tocho2 [Venezuela] [10,000 SP delegation]
https://steemit.com/hive-193637/@tocho2/mi-aplicacion-para-steem-representative-agosto-2023@ubongudofot [Nigeria] [5,000 SP delegation]
https://steemit.com/hive-153970/@ubongudofot/a71dr-application-for-steem-representative@waterjoe [Indonesia] [10,000 SP delegation]
https://steemit.com/hive-103393/@waterjoe/my-application-for-steem-representative@weisser-rabe [Germany] [5,000 SP delegation]
https://steemit.com/hive-107855/@weisser-rabe/steem-representatives-application-bewerbung@wilmer1988 [Venezuela] [20,000 SP delegation]
Congratulations to everyone who has been selected.
Please would you all confirm your acceptance of the post in a comment below. Please include your contact details (Discord and/or Telegram) if we do not have it already.
We have managed to select 30 Steem Representatives in this round - up from 20 last time.
The next review and recruitment window will be at the end of the year. We hope then to push further towards our ultimate target of 40 Steem Representatives.
If you are interested in being selected as a Steem Rep next time you should…
Post regularly - ideally with a diverse range of posts
Comment as much and as widely as possible - particularly making constructive comments to help people improve their posts and their activities on the platform
Vote regularly - make sure you use all your voting power
Keep powering up.
Make sure your posts are the very best they can be - in content and presentation. Ensure your posts look good, read well and do not have unnecessary spelling or other errors.
We want Steem Reps to stand out as role models for others on the platform.
The new Representatives should demonstrate a long term commitment to Steem, have a thorough knowledge of how Steem works, be actively engaged both within communities and beyond, and be willing to help people across the whole platform.
They should particularly be keen and willing to give advice and guidance to Steemians both new and old, both through commenting and through direct communication.
As well as generally promoting Steem, Representatives should also actively promote and support new projects and initiatives launched by Steemit Inc and Tron.
Rewards for Steem Representatives
Steem Representatives will be rewarded in two ways - though a delegation and through votes on weekly reports.
As we are keen to reward commitment to the platform, the delegation will increase according to the amount of Steem Power a Representative has…
Representatives with at least 15,000 SP will receive a delegation of 5,000 SP.
Representatives with at least 30,000 SP will receive a delegation of 10,000 SP.
Representatives with at least 60,000 SP will receive a delegation of 20,000 SP.
Steem Reps are also invited to make weekly reports which are rewarded with votes from @steemcurator01 or @steemcurator02. Reps should limit their reports to one report per week, which should be posted in the Steem POD community.
These reports should not just be lists of people voted for in the past week. They should include details of contests, events or other activities they have organised in the week to support Steemians across the platform, as well as any issues they have encountered.
Steem Reps may also be given preferential voting support for activities and contests they organise.
We look forward to seeing the new Steem Representatives in action.
We will be following all Steem Representatives closely. Anyone falling behind in performance or activity may be dropped from the role. We will also be looking out for Reps increasing their Steem Power to the next delegation level.
The Steemit Team
Challenge accepted!
Thank you very much for your trust.
At this point I must note that I will find myself on vacation for the entire month of September. There I don't have permanent access to the internet and can't be active every day as you are used to from me.
Of course I will continue to read and vote whenever I find the time and hope to be a "representative Steemian" this month as well.
Basically, I am very interested in networking all Steem Representatives. Is there a Discord group? I'll be happy to participate in it, though as I said, I won't be active in it for about four weeks. My Discord address is chriddi, Telegram @chridd1.
If you like, you can follow my journey in my diary under @chriary - it's no secret that I have an "alternative ego"... ;-)
See you the days - I have to go to the beach... :-))
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Ui, zwei Vertreter aus good old Germany... wenn das mal keine Zeitenwende ist :-)
Glückwunsch 🎉
Mir scheint, du hast einen Pakt mit dem Wettergott geschlossen... Strandwetter bis zum Abwinken... Ich hoffe der Preis war nicht zu hoch ;-)
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Na, das glaube ich nicht. Aber so ein bisschen Aufmischen habe ich schon geplant... ;-)
Danke... :-)
Zu hoch nicht, aber hoch: Verbrannte Waden, ein überhitzter Hund und eine Blase unter (aua!) dem Fuß (vom Barfußlaufen auf dem harten Sandstrand). Sand und Salz sind rein in die Blase - musste mich heute erstmal operieren. Ist schon ein schweres
HandiFooticap...Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
Nej, das ist gar nicht schön... erst recht für die Vorhaben der nächsten Tag... ich hoffe, die OP war einigermaßen nebenwirkungsarm ;-)
Du machst mich neugierig :-)
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Jupp, ist nicht so fein. Da ich mal Chirurgin werden wollte, kriege ich so eine OP ohne Nebenwirkungen schon hin. Die Dauer des Heilprozesses so eines schweren Eingriffs kann ich jedoch nicht beeinflussen... ;-)
Tschä, Tag 2 ohne größere Wanderungen. Macht mich ganz figgerig... ;-)
Naja, so dramatisch wird's nicht werden. Beginnt aber irgendwann schon mal mit ganz anderen "Reports", an denen der ein oder andere sich die Nase dran stoßen könnte. Sofern sie denn gelesen werden... ;-D
Jepp, Tag 3 ohne Kontaktdaten "von oben" oder Einladungen zum angefragten Discord-Server... ;-)
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Muss wahrscheinlich erst einmal alles sortiert werden. Die "alten" von der Liste streichen und die "neuen" raufsetzen... Ne neue Chatgruppe gründen, Titel aktualisieren ... ;-))
Holla, Chirurgin?! Sind es ein paar Semester geworden? Frage mich gerade, ob ich das bisher verpasst oder gelesen und schon vergessen habe. Bist du für diesen Beruf nicht viel zu empathisch?
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Jo. So "muss" es sein. Habe Kontakte aufgenommen, allerdings weist langsam alles darauf hin, dass sich darum kaum jemand schert und (sogar!) die SR Einzelkämpfer darstellen... Bitter. Sobald ich wieder zu Hause bin... ;-D
Ich habe vier Semester Medizin (mein tiefster Kindheitstraum...) studiert. Kurz vor dem Physikum habe ich abgebrochen - da passte leider so einiges nicht. Vielleicht u.a. Empathie... ;-)
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Du operierst Dich selbst an der FUßSOHLE?? So hart muß man erst mal drauf sein! Das ist doch sensibelstes Gelände! ;-))
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Was sollte ich denn tun?! Okay,die Arbeitshaltung war nicht optimal und mit der Dosierung des Narkotikums (Rotwein) musste ich auch sehr vorsichtig sein - sollte ja ruhige Hände und einen klaren Blick behalten... ;-)
Operation geglückt, Patientin lebt - und kann schon wieder 20-Kilometer-Runden drehen... ;-)
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Thank you for giving back his blessing to me so that he was appointed as a Steem Representative. Hopefully, this is a new start for me to continue to be able to contribute in accordance with the expectations of the Platform.
I realize that my performance in the previous period was not optimal and did not have a real impact on the expectations of the Steemit Team.
Hopefully, I can continue to explore my potential to be better by learning from previous experiences, support from other selected Steem Representative Partners is needed to make everyone's dreams come true.
Congratulation to:
@alejos7ven @chriddi @dexsyluz
@disconnect @edgargonzalez @goodybest
@graceleon @harferri @heriadi
@inspiracion @jungjunghoon @karianaporras
@kouba01 @mikitaly @msharif
@o1eh @patjewell @pelon53 @radjasalman
@ripon0630 @sduttaskitchen @solaymann
@stef1 @suboohi @tocho2 @ubongudofot
@waterjoe @weisser-rabe @wilmer1988
Discord: irawandedy
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Terimakasih banyak dan selamat juga untuk @irawandedy :)
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good job mas... semoga dapat menjalankan amanah dengan baik
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Selamat untuk Anda atas penunjukan Steem Representative yang kedua kalinya
steem on
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Terimakasih, Yang Maha Kuasa telah melimpahkan nikmat dan karunia-Nya kepada Steem Representative terpilih dari Indonesia dan khususnya kepada saya melalui motivasi, gagasan dan etos kerja dari steemian Hebat seperti anda.
Saya bahkan tidak memiliki apapun jika hanya berdiri sendiri tanpa belajar banyak dari semua pengguna diplatform ini.
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Los que día a día ayudan a otros usuarios a aprender y a mejorar en su desenvolvimiento, los que hacen promoción a la blockchain, los que encienden,votan y cometan y van más allá de solo diarios .
Me sie yo orgullosa de muchos de los seleccionados hoy aquí tantos latinos como de otros países que se dedican cada día a steemit y que cumplen con todas las pautas para ser dignos representes steem .
Muchos éxitos y bendiciones en especial para mí queridos amigos @karianaporras @ubongudofot @alejos7ven @ripon0630 @patjwell @pelon53 @tocho2 @inspiracion @graceleon @heriadi y todos los demás que saben hacer bien su trabajo 😊😊😊😊
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Thank you friend! I appreciate your kind words and support 🎕
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Hola Mile, gracias por tu apoyo, un abrazo fuerte.
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Gracias amiga @mile16, acá seguimos para uds..!
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Thank you very much for giving me this great opportunity. I will sincerely try to devote myself to Steemit and steemians, essentially Korean community.
My discord is jungjunghoon#5683
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Hi! Did someone invite you to our Discord server...? I had to beg for it a little bit myself ;-))
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Que despertar tan maravilloso,🥳 gracias a todo el equipo por la oportunidad brindada para este nuevo rol aquí en steemit.
Felicidades a todos los amigos venezolanos @Alejos7ven @graceleon87 @dexsyluz @Inspiracion1 @Karianaporras @Pelon53 @Tocho2 @Wilmer1988
que hoy forman parte de este increíble equipo de representantes , como también felicito al resto de los amigos seleccionados en especial a los amigo @ubongudofot @suboohi @sduttaskitchen.@ripon0630 🥳
Se que haremos un estupendo trabajo!!
Mi discordia @edgargonzalez#5531
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Thank you very much 💕
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Thank you so much my dear friend
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Agradezco mucho tu apoyo amigo
Se que haras un buen trabajo
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Igualmente amiga, gracias se que haremos un excelente trabajo aquí en steemit!!
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Hola hermano de igual manera felicito a todos los seleccionados al igual que usted que viene realizando un buen trabajo como curador, aquí estamos para ayudarnos en lo que se pueda.
Saludos 🇻🇪👍
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Muchas gracias amigo por su apoyo, espero seguir haciendo las cosas bien aquí en steemit, gracias por su apoyo! Bueno la orientación a los principiantes siempre debe existir jajaja. Gracias total ! Su apoyo me será muy útil!
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Gracias por el apoyo, un paso mas en esta plataforma, una nueva responsabilidad, mucho éxito para todos.
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Saludos amigo @edgargonzalez
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Thank you! It is an honor to be chosen for a second round as Steem Representative.
I hereby confirm my acceptance and commitment.
As for my fellow Steemians who got elected, congratulations!
For those from Africa, @kouba01, @goodybest & @ubongudofot, I am looking forward in working closely with you.
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Congratulations to you ma'am, It will be nice working with you!
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Thank you my friend! 🎕
Indeed it is going to be nice.
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Thank you for your trust! Of course I accept... ;-))
My contact details are known from my time as curator; once again for safety's sake: discord - weisserrabe (formerly weisser-rabe#4490)
Congratulations to all confirmed Representatives: some of you have been in this position for a while - please feel free to send me a link to the internal Discord group, which I guess exists...?
Especially I am very happy about the election of @chriddi and @jungjunghoon, which seems to me to stand for openness and plurality ;-))
I wish us all the best!
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Bin auch sehr angenehm überrascht, dass gleich zwei Vertreter aus D den Weg in das Steem-Repräsentantenhaus gefunden haben.
Viel Erfolg und Spaß bei der "Arbeit" :-)
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Das wird luschdich... ;-))
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Wie jetzt?! Es beweist Offenheit, mich ausgewählt zu haben?! Haha... Wie du sagst: Das wird luschdich... ;-)
Hast du schon irgendwelche Kontakte? Ist ja augenscheinlich nicht so angesagt, Kommentare zu lesen und auf die Bitte nach den Daten zum SR-Chat Reaktionen zu erhalten... ;-)
Jepp, das wird luschdich... ;-)
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I wo, nix und niemand. Und of course wird das luschdich! Ich bin schon ganz gespannt, wie mein erster Report so ankommt ;-))
Offenheit - das meinte ich tatsächlich ernst: nicht immer die gleichen Personalien, kritische Stimmen, Freigeister...
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LOL, ich auch auf meinen! Also auf unsere... Meiner muss noch bissel warten - aus angesagten Gründen. Und jetzt "Gute Nacht", ich muss das SCRABBLE fertig machen... 😁
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Thank you, it's an honor to be among people who care about the fate of the blockchain.
My Discord: o1eh#3516
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Congratulations to all the steem representatives! Wow! I am so glad to see so many that have emerged as representatives this time including @irawandedy @goodybest @graceleon @patjewell @stef1 @ubongudofot @hariadi @karianaporras @alejos7ven @waterjoe @wilmer1988 @weisser-rabe @tocho2 @suboohi @solaymann @sduttaskitchen @ripon0630 @radjasalman @o1eh @harferri @msharif @mikitaly @jungjunghoon @inspiracion @dexsyluz @chriddi @disconect @alejos7ven @edgargonzalez and others. I and happy to see you all. Hopefully, you will represent steem very well. I wish you all success
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Thank for your support... You have given so much to me to be here again, your support is my passion and energy
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Congratulations sir.
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Thank you dear
You have shared inspiration with me in particular and steemit users in general. my existence here is thanks to your support, regards
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Thank you my friend! Your support is always never ending and truly appreciated! 🎕
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Thank you very much for your support and thanks to the Steemit team for trusting me to be one of the SR :)
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Thank you for your support, my friend @ngoenyi - but my biggest hope is to have the opportunity to work with you again in the future for the growth of Steem. You are among the best and always have been. A warm hug for all inspiration.
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Thank you dear Steem Team for giving me this opportunity. I will try to fulfill my duties properly. Steemit has always given us so much for which we will always be grateful. Thank you ♥️
Congratulations Everyone.
My Discord: ripon0630#4573
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I just learned of the reappointment as a Steem representative. I would like to express my warmest thanks for the trust you have placed in me once again. I sincerely hope to honor you by living up to my responsibilities. How I congratulate all the selected representatives.
Discord: kouba01 #2216
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Congratulations teammate! 🤛
We join forces yet again!
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As I have performed this duty before, I am aware of this duty and I am eager to perform this duty again. So a big thank you to the Steem team for selecting me as a Steem representative again. And I am committed to fulfill the responsibilities assigned to me.
Discord - msharif#5177
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Dear Steemit team, I'm overwhelmed and right now I'm short of words to express I grateful I am for the trust, all I can say is thank you for the honour and I won't let you down.
Discord: goodybest#9285
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Thank you so much @steemitblog for appointing me as one of the Steem Representative and congratulations to all those appointed.
I will be delighted to take on this role and this challenge.
I agree to follow the guidelines stated in the post above.
Discord: ubongudofot#9499
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First of all I would like to Congratulate all the Steem Representatives who were selected in this round, many of you we know very well and you are showed yourself as good active and engaged users!
I also, wanted to thank Steemit Team for hard work while looking through the applications and nominating us, for Steem Rep post, it must be quite difficult because it was a good number of application and different users.
From mu point of you, I am happy to be selected once again as Steem Rep and excited to have next few month of busy Steemit activities.
My discord: Stef1#0658, cheers,
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Big congratulations to all the selected representatives 🎉🥂
@ubongudofot and @goodybest, many congratulations 🤗💃💃💃
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Hi @adylinah thank you..
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Thanks ♥️ dear
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My dream come true I am grateful to the selection team and I promise to serve this platform with my honest effort until I die. My eyes are moist and can't express how happy today I am.
I would congratulate all the steemians who selected for this position.
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Alhamdulillah 🥰
I express my gratitude to the steemit team for trusting me to the highest status on the steemit platform. I will fulfill my duty honestly. This is one of the motivations for spending a long time with Steemit. Love and gratitude always to steemit. 💚
Welcome to all selected steem representatives.
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Thank you so much for the honor of being selected as a Steem Representative. I am over the moon with this opportunity. Really excited to serve my Steemit platform. I accept this role with great enthusiasm and looking forward to working diligently to represent our vibrant Steemit Platform. Thank you so much for your trust.
Username | @suboohi
Discord ID | suboohi#9678
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Thank you to the steemit team for appointing me as Steem Representative in this second period, may it be a blessing for me and steemit in the future, please guide me to become a good Steem Representative
Congratulations, to all steemians who have had the opportunity to be appointed to the role of Steem Representative on the Steem blockchain. Hopefully we can collaborate to have a positive impact on the development of Steemit in the future
Greetings from me @heriadi
Discord : heriadi
Telegram : @heriadi_pase
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I am very happy and grateful for the trust placed in me to contribute my grain of sand in the achievement of steemit's plans in the growth and development of the vision.
Let's keep moving forward, let's go for more and enjoy with all the steem Representatives that join the Steemitblog team.
Together we are steemit!
Discord: @graceleon#2348
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Thank you for giving me this amazing opportunity to be a Steem Representative! 🙏 Congrats to all the fellow appointees too!
I'm super thrilled to take on this role and all the challenges it brings.
🚀Discord: disconnectedrat
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Hola a todos, gracias por la confianza que han puesto en mi, continuaré trabajando duro para lograr los objetivos, felicidades a todos los escogidos, grandes steemians. Un abrazo.
DISCORD: karianaporras
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Gracias por nombrarme esta vez como Steem Representative. Creo que soy la más pequeña de todos los demás, aceptaré este grandioso reto
Realmente es un honor, intentaré hacer las cosas con amor y además con mucho entusiasmo. Felicidades también a mis compañeros
@alejos7ven @chriddi @dexsyluz
@disconnect @edgargonzalez @goodybest
@graceleon @harferri @heriadi
@inspiracion @jungjunghoon @karianaporras
@kouba01 @mikitaly @msharif
@o1eh @patjewell @pelon53 @radjasalman
@ripon0630 @sduttaskitchen @solaymann
@stef1 @suboohi @tocho2 @ubongudofot
@waterjoe @weisser-rabe @wilmer1988
Aquí mi discordia: Dexsyluz#6619
Telegram: @dexsyluz
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My friend the honor is mutual! Thank you!
As they say, dynamite comes in small packages (•ิ‿•ิ)
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Gracias amiga @dexyluz, éxito y muchas bendiciones en este nuevo rol.
Dios te guarde
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Thank you for the trust given, I will continue to carry out the task of developing Steemit. Hopefully I can do this responsibility given to me better.
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Thank you so much for the trust, and for giving me this opportunity to contribute again, congratulations to all the colleagues who have been selected.
My discord: inspiracion (inspiracion#0799)
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Thanks again for selecting me.
I will recover the 10,000 SP delegation soon cause I will reach 30,000 SP in a few weeks 😎
This season I’ll be willing to organize more contests (not only for Comunidad Latina, but different communities) should I tag sc01, sc02 in these contests?
BTW, you know how to reach me! Discord: Alejos7ven#2590
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Thank you very much for trusting me again and for confirming me as a Steem Rep.
I will continue to do my best to fulfill this role.
Congratulations to all Steem Representatives.🤗
My discord: mikitaly#0
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Congratulations to all selected.
I'm glad to see new faces, users who have shown a great commitment to the platform and, above all, loyalty. I hope that you fulfill the role of Representative in a humble and helpful way, remembering that this role does not represent a power, but rather, our willingness to serve on the platform.
I thank the Steemit team for the support provided, and I inform you that I will continue to contribute in the best way as I have been doing all this time.
I reiterate my congratulations to the colleagues who remain as representatives, as well as to those who will be fulfilling this important role for the first time.
I wish @everyone success.
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Thank you to the Steemit Team for giving me the opportunity. I will try my best to carry out my duties as a Steem Representative as best as possible
My Discord: waterjoe#3535
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First of all I want to thank God for the opportunity to be here sharing all his blessings, and the steemit team for the confidence to be able to move forward in this new stage that we have to start with the best positive energy.
Through this I want to accept this new opportunity to continue contributing and being part of the growth of this platform.
Lastly, I want to convey my sincere congratulations to the entire SR team that open this new stage within steemit, for you all the success and greatest enjoyment within it.
@alejos7ven @chriddi @dexsyluz
@disconnect @edgargonzalez @goodybest
@graceleon @harferri @heriadi
@jungjunghoon @karianaporras
@kouba01 @mikitaly @msharif
@o1eh @patjewell @pelon53 @radjasalman
@ripon0630 @sduttaskitchen @solaymann
@stef1 @suboohi @tocho2 @ubongudofot
@waterjoe @weisser-rabe
Discord: @wilmer1988
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For me it is a true honor to be at the service of my colleagues, friends and Steemit subscribers now as Steemit Representative, and I feel very flattered to share this facet with this distinguished group to whom I send my most sincere congratulations: @alejos7ven, @chriddi, @dexsyluz, @disconnect, @edgargonzalez, @goodybest, @graceleon, @harferri ,@heriadi, @inspiracion, @jungjunghoon, @karianaporras,
@kouba01, @mikitaly, @msharif, @o1eh, @patjewell, @pelon53, @radjasalman, @ripon0630 @sduttaskitchen, @solaymann, @stef1, @suboohi, @ubongudofot,
@waterjoe, @weisser-rabe and @wilmer1988
Discord: tocho2#8353
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Gracias amiga, un placer trabajar contigo. Haces un gran trabajo, aunque muy pocos lo vean.
Saludos y bendiciones
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Muchas gracias amigo @pelon53, acá seguiremos compartiendo un gran rato..!
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Muchas gracias al Equipo de Steemit por esta nueva oportunidad de ser Representante de Steem.
Cuente conmigo, trataré de hacer el mayor esfuerzo para seguir haciendo mi labor de la mejor manera. Y que todos juntos podamos hacer que el Steem alcance lugares más altos.
Saludos y bendiciones
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Thanks to the Steemit Team for the extraordinary trust, which is also a big responsibility for me to carry out this task professionally and responsibly.
I also want to say a special thank you to all my brothers and sisters in Steemit who always support and are a source of inspiration for me to continue working with you. A warm hug from me.
And congratulations to the elected Steem Representative.
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Muy orgullosa de ustedes @alejos7ven y @karianaporras, merecido. Felicidades a todos los SR venezolanos por su grandioso trabajo, de igual forma felicidades a mi amigo @ubongudofot . Buen trabajo❤
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Hola Vivi, gracias por todo el cariño y el apoyo que siempre nos brindas, un abrazo fuerte.
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Congratulations @suboohi ma'am for being selected as a steem representative.
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Thanks dear
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You are welcome ☺️
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Congrats to all the selected CRs. Especially, congratulations to dear mam @suboohi for being selected as a SR from Pakistan. Also congrats to other friends especially @kouba01, @pelon53, @sduttaskitchen, @solaymann, @ripon0630, @msharif, @patjewell, @dexsyluz, and @karianaporras 👏 🎉
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Thank you so much for your best wishes my friend.
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Thank you so much for congratulations me dear brother 💗
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Thank you very much 💕
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Hello thank you very much for your support, congratulations to all the other colleagues.
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Gracias amigo!!
Dios te bendiga
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Thank you so much!! Your support is appreciated! ☕
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First of all I would like to congratulate everyone. Next I would like to congratulate our admin ma'am @sduttaskitchen separately for getting selected as a steem representative for the first time. I have witnessed your hard work, your failure, your success since joining this platform. But what I am most proud of is your honesty and dedication to work. As a result of which today you have finally been selected as the steem representative. I am really very proud of you. May your journey be long like this. And may I be lucky to walk with you. I have learned a lot from you, & want to learn more in future also. Stay well, stay blessed ma'am.
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Thank you so much for your best wishes and heart melting comment. You too stay blessed and follow the honest path like the same you are following. 💕 🤗
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Congratulations 👏🎉 @sduttaskitchen. Really, I am so happy to see you my honourable ma'am here.
And congratulations 🎉 to all the selected steemrepresentatives.
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Thank you @piya3
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@sudattaskichen congratulations madam . We are so happy and glad to see your achievement.
Congratulations to all the steemrepresentatives.
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Thank you so much for your best wishes. 🙏
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@sduttskitchen আপনার জন্য অনেক অনেক শুভেচ্ছা ও অভিনন্দন রইল। আপনি স্টিম রিপ্রেজেন্টেটিভ হিসেবে নির্বাচিত হয়েছেন,,, শুনে অনেক ভালো লাগলো।
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আপনারাও সমান অংশীদার এই সফলতার, সাথে থাকুন সবসময়।
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@sduttskitchen আপনার জন্য অনেক অনেক শুভেচ্ছা এবং অভিনন্দন! আপনি স্টিম রিপ্রেজেন্টেটিভ হিসেবে নির্বাচিত হয়েছেন,,, জানতে পেরে অনেক বেশি খুশি হলাম।
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অনেক ধন্যবাদ আপনাকে।
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Congratulations @sduttaskitchen, we are also proud too for your deserving assignment ma'am.
Congratulations to all other respected Steem Representatives
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Thank you so much for this encouraging comment.
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🎉@sduttaskitchen 💐 Congratulations 🎊
I am very happy. You have been appointed as a Steem Representative. Best wishes and best wishes to you. May your path be smooth. Your hard work really motivates us. Much love to all who have been appointed as Steem Representatives.
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Thank you so much for your kind words 😊
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আলহামদুলিল্লাহ, @sduttaskitchen. আমাদের মাননীয় এডমিন ম্যাডাম ,,,,আপনি স্টিম রিপ্রেজেন্টেটিভ হিসেবে নির্বাচিত হয়েছেন🎉🎉🎉🎉,শুনে অনেক ভালো লাগলো। আপনার জন্য অনেক অনেক শুভকামনা রইল,
এবং অভিনন্দন 🎉 নির্বাচিত সকল স্টিম প্রতিনিধিদের।
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Selamat kepada para Steemians yang mendapatkan kesempatan dan kepercayaan dari tim steemit untuk menjadi Steem Representatives, dan tentunya besar harapan akan membawa steemit menjadi platform yang lebih baik. Selamat untuk @heriadi, @waterjoe, @weisser-rabe, @wilmer1988, @ubongudofot, @tocho2, @suboohi, @stef1, @solaymann, @sduttaskitchen, @ripon0630, @radjasalman, @pelon53, @patjewell, @oleh, @msharif, @mikitaly, @kouba01, @karianaporras, @jungjunghoon, @irawandedy, @inspiracion, @harferri, @graceleon, @goodybest, @edgargonzalez, @disconnect, @dexsyluz, @chriddi dan @alejos7ven. Selamat menjalani tugas, sukses buat anda semuanya.
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Thank you! Hope there will always be! ☕
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Muchas gracias amigo.
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Thank you 🙏
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🥳🥳 Felicitaciones a todos los seleccionados como representantes, se que son una personas muy dedicadas y con un gran amor hacia la plataforma, deseo muchos éxitos para ustedes, felicitaciones a los representantes que quedaron por Venezuela, estoy muy orgullosa de ustedes @alejos7ven, @karianaporras, @dexsyluz, @edgargonzalez, @inspiracion, @pelon53, @wilmer1988, @tocho2 muchos éxitos para ustedes 🤗.
También quiero felicitar a mis amigos extranjeros que también quedaron seleccionados y se que son personas excelentes y comprometidas, a mi amiga @sduttaskitchen mil felicidades sé cuánto luchaste por estar acá y aquí tienes retribuido todo tu esfuerzo, @solaymann, @graceleon y @patjewell bendiciones para ustedes y muchos éxitos.
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Thank you so much! 🎕
Blessings and success to you also
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Muy agradecido por tu gesto.
Saludos y bendiciones
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Congratulations on being elected Steem Representatives @irawandedy, @heriadi and @harferri good luck always on the steem platform I say
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Thank for your support
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congratulations to all who are selected as a steem representatives.
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Felicitaciones para todos los seleccionados en esta ocasión para el rol de Representantes Steem.
Dios le brinde sabiduría para esta gran responsabilidad, un gran abrazo.
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From Me Congratulations All Steem Representatives. @ripon0630 @msharif @solaymann I congratulate❤️
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Huge congratulations to all the selected Steem Representatives! 🏆👏
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@sudattaskichen দিদি অনেক অনেক অভিনন্দন আপনাকে। আপনার আগামী দিনের পথচলা শুভ হোক এই কামনা করি। আপনি স্টিম রিপ্রেজেন্টিভ হিসেবে নির্বাচিত হয়েছেন শুনে বেশ ভালো লাগলো। আজকের এই সফলতার পেছনে অন্যতম হাতিয়ার হলো কঠোর পরিশ্রম ও সততা। আপনাকে দেখে আমরা
প্রতিনিয়তই শিখছি। আমাদের সকলের পক্ষ থেকে অনেক অনেক অভিনন্দন দিদি আপনাকে।
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Alhamdulillah! We are happy and very sure, the selected friends are the best and responsible people as Steem Representatives for their country. Congratulations to all of you SR colleagues, especially SR for Indonesia, Kanda @irawandedy @heriadi @harferri @radjasalman and @waterjoe
Success for Steem and our platform together.
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Thank you very much ..:)
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My pleasure..
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Terimakasih atas dukungannya pak
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Sama sama kanda..
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Terimakasih atas dukungan kanda @ridwant
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Sama sama kanda..
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অভিনন্দন প্রিয় @ripon0630 @msharif এবং @solaymann ভাইয়েরা। আমাদের বাংলাদেশের গর্ব। আল্লাহ আপনাদের সামনের পথ সহজ করুক আমিন।
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wow It's great to hear that there were 40 applications for Steem Representatives. Congratulations to the 30 individuals who were selected. It's important that they demonstrate a commitment to Steem and actively engage with the community to help others. Best of luck to them in their role as Steem Representatives!
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Congratulations to the chosen ones, they deserve to have that role because they do it very well.
Many Blessings..🙏🏻
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Thank you so much. I'm really happy.
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Selamat untuk bg @irawandedy atas terpilihnya perwakilan Steem Representative..
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Congratulations to all Steem representatives. @ripon0630 @msharif @solaymann Many congratulations to you
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@solaymann, @ripon0630, @msharif অভিনন্দন আমাদের বাংলাদেশের তিনজন সুযোগ্য ভাইদের।
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Congratulations to all selected SRs
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শুভেচ্ছা এবং অভিনন্দন রইল @sduttskitchen 💐💐,আপনার জ্ঞান ও দক্ষতার জন্য আজ আপনি স্টিম রিপ্রেজেন্টেটিভ হিসেবে নির্বাচিত হয়েছেন।আপনার সফলতা দেখে আমি খুব আনন্দিত ও উৎসাহিত হয়েছি।
সমস্ত নির্বাচিত স্টিম প্রতিনিধিদের জন্য অভিনন্দন রইল।
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Selamat atas terpilihnya SR untuk Indonesia para steemians senior yang aktif dan produktif dengan konten berkualitasnya brother @radjasalman @heriadi @irawandedy @harferri dan bapak @waterjoe, semoga semakin menginspirasi dan memotivasi steemians Indonesia agar lebih maju dan terus berkarya di platform favorit kita bersama ini.
Congrats guys..!!
Keep it up your great work..😃
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Terimakasih atas doa dan dukungannya untuk steemian Indonesia terkhusus dan steemian lainnya pada umumnya.
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With my pleasure pak ded 😁
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Terimakasih banyak ..:)
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Congratulations to all the newly selected Steem representative. Good to see that @suboohi mam is again selected as a Steem representative. Best of luck to all. We will try next time to become a Steem representative.
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Thank you very much 💕
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Congratulations to everyone. Opportunity to develop this community and platform with the will, ability, and acceptable to the majority of community members. Besides that, I think the additional condition is not to attach importance to his own friends.
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Congratulations to all the selected SRs, many many congratulations to @suboohi mam.
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Thank you very much 💕
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Congratulations to all the steem representatives! I am delighted to greet everyone. I trust you will proudly represent Steem. May success accompany each one of you. @irawandedy @goodybest @graceleon @patjewell @stef1 @ubongudofot @hariadi @karianaporras @alejos7ven @waterjoe @wilmer1988 @weisser-rabe @tocho2 @suboohi @solaymann @sduttaskitchen @ripon0630 @radjasalman @o1eh @harferri @msharif @mikitaly @jungjunghoon @inspiracion @dexsyluz @chriddi @disconect @alejos7ven @edgargonzalez
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Masha Allah!!! Many many congratulations to all the selected reps especially @suboohi Mam , @solaymann brother and @ripon0630 Sir 🤗
Allah bless you with more success Aammeen 🤲
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Thank you very much for your support 💕
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Muchas felicidades a todos los seleccionados, un representante steem debe esforzarse por hacer crecer nuestra blockchain.
aunque es triste que algunos de los seleccionados no cumplan con esta norma:
En fin, espero que apartir de ahora al menos si lo hagan
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Selamat kepada semua peserta terbaru untuk Steem Representatives perwakilan dari masing-masing negara. Dan khususnya saya memberikan selamat kepada Steem Representatives keterwakilan Indonesia.
Selamat kepada: Mr. @harferri, Mr. @heriadi, Mr. @irawandedy, Mr. @radjasalman, dan Mr. @waterjoe 🙏🙏
Spesial juga untuk Mr. @pelon53, @patjewell, @wilmer1988, dan @solaymann
Kalian semua memang layak dan pantas menjadi perwakilan Steem, kalian adalah kebanggaan kami.
Semoga sukses untuk semuanya 👏
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Terimakasih atas ucapannya... Semoga dapat mengembankan tanggungjawab dengan baik
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Good luck Mr. @irawandedy 👍
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Terima kasih
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Muchas gracias amigo por el apoyo.
Saludos y bendiciones
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Terimakasih atas dukungan yang luar biasa dari anda sahabatku @elrazi
Salam dan sukses!
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Prestasi anda luar biasa Mr. @harferri 👏
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Thank you! Your kind words and good wishes are appreciated. ☕
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Muchas gracias amigo por las felicitaciones.
Saludos 🇻🇪👍
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সবার জন্য অনেক অনেক শুভকামনা রইলো। আপনাদের আগামী পথ চলা সুন্দর হোক।
Happy Steeming
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Felicidades a todos en cualquier parte del mundo.
Pido a Dios vida y buena salud para ustedes 🙏 que sea Dios quien ilumine cada trabajo y cada esfuerzo 🤗😘🙏
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Felicidades compañeros seleccionados, se lo merecen por su arduo trabajo, honestidad y bondad para con nosotros, los demás steemians, siempre dispuestos a apoyarnos y a orientarnos.
Deseo que disfruten esta gran mensión y sigamos creciendo, muchas bendiciones amigos. 😊🙏✨
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Felicidades para todos los seleccionados, éxitos y bendiciones en esta nueva oportunidad para representar nuestra plataforma 🙏
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A biggest congratulations you all my able steemrepresentatives and we all pray. For strength, I celebrates with you, and congratulations once more
Congratulation to:
@alejos7ven @chriddi @dexsyluz
@disconnect @edgargonzalez @goodybest
@graceleon @harferri @heriadi
@inspiracion @jungjunghoon @karianaporras
@kouba01 @mikitaly @msharif
@o1eh @patjewell @pelon53 @radjasalman
@ripon0630 @sduttaskitchen @solaymann
@stef1 @suboohi @tocho2 @ubongudofot
@waterjoe @weisser-rabe @wilmer1988
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Impressive 😀
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My big Congratulations to all selected Representatives .may Allah you all more success
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Congratulations to them
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Well organized
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Congratulations to our @goodybest and @ubongudofot you both deserve. Congratulations once again
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Thank you!
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@sduttaskitchen congratulations didi.
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Please follow..im follow back
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Thank you
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Too much Happy for you guys. Many many Congratulations to you.🎉🎉.
This is ofcourse the greatest achievement of you people. It is said " Hardwork pays off". This is your hardwork that brings you here. I very glad to see my two close friends @goodybest and @suboohi are in the list. I am very much happy for you two. You are doing very great here: helping people and guiding them. I have been taught and guided by these two alot. Thanks for that dear.
Love for everyone ❤️.
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