Finding a Massive Transformative Purpose

in steemromania •  7 years ago 

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Why a massive transformative purpose?

An intrinsic part of human nature is to dream, to imagine possibilities, to envision what could be. Some only think about themselves, while others conceive new realities. Some only imagine, while others manifest their dreams and shape this world to an extent or another. Throughout history, we had both individuals as well as groups which had such powerful visions that they shaped human civilization, for better or for worse.

These people used whatever means available to guide the future in the desired direction, and a constant of this process is the understanding of available resources. And increasingly complex tools give way to increasingly complex visions being fulfilled.

Now, more than ever, humankind can dream big; the abundance of digital tools can shape reality in ways that a couple of years ago was considered impossible. This, combined with the democratization of technology, gives us the opportunity to progressively manifest more of our human potential.

Never before did we have freedom, abundance, and balance within nature in our grasp, as we do today. And given the current state of affairs the world rests in, we need to bring about change as fast and as coherent as possible. Thus the immediate need for a massive transformative purpose, both for individuals and collectives!

The tools available

As stated above, there is a direct link between fulfilling a vision and the tools available. In other words, current capabilities act as a foundation for future possibilities and the present blessed us with a lot of potentials. From digital tools of decentralization to exponential technologies and new social platforms, we now have the building blocks by which we can aim higher than ever before. And new social models based on abundance and sustainability is the goal.

Exponential technologies and abundance



One person that observed an instance of exponential growth is Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel, which pointed out the fact that the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit doubles approximately every two years. That roughly translates to the doubling of processing capabilities in a two-year interval. This came to be known as Moore's law and is often used as an example to explain exponential growth in technology.

Such an exponential growth pattern starts out very slow, but because each cycle you get a two-time improvement this starts building momentum. And after the growth starts being visible it quickly skyrockets.

There are a number of technologies that manifest exponential growth which results in exponential price decrease. The book ”Exponential Organization” - written by Salim Ismail, Yuri van Geest, and Michael Malone, compiled a list of price decreases for some of these technologies.

  • drones: cost $100,000 in 2007 to $700 in 2013, 142 times price decrease in 6 years
  • solar energy: $30 per kWh in 1984 to $0.16 per kWh in 2014, 200 times price decrease in 20 years
  • full body medical scan: $10,000 in 2000 to $500 in 2014, 20 times price decrease in 14 years
  • 3D LIDAR mapping sensor (used for autonomous cars): $20,000 in 2009 to $79 in 2014, 250 times price decrease in 5 years
  • DNA sequencing: $10 million in 2007 to $1,000 in 2014, 10.000 times price decrease in 7 years

Peter Diamandis, co-founder and executive chairman of Singularity University, an institution that studies and provides educational programs regarding exponential technologies, presented six stages in the life of such a technology:

  • digitized, anything that becomes digitize enters the same exponential growth we see in computing
  • Deceptive, when something starts being digitized, its initial period of growth is deceptive because exponential trends don't grow very fast at first
  • Disruptive, the existing market for a product or service is disrupted by the new market the exponential technology creates
  • demonetize, money is increasingly removed from the equation as the technology becomes cheaper
  • dematerialized, separate physical products are removed from the equation
  • democratize, once something is digitized, more people can have access to it

Exponential technologies will eventualy leed to abundance and give us the opportunity to structure long-term plans based on tools that continually become better and more affordable. The current organizations that use this principle, have a ten times faster growth because they piggyback on the exponential curve and this influences the achievement of their goals.

The Blockchain and decentralization


The simplest definition of this technology is a mechanism by which you can have rules without rulers. A blockchain is a set of very public and transparent rules to which people can adhere by their own free will. Basically, the blockchain acts as a digital third party that seeks to guarantee transparency, fairness, and inclusion for all participants.

Finance is just the first application, but anything that will require fairness and transparency will be able to be built on a blockchain. This will lead to the empowerment of individuals because it will create a level playing field, where anyone has the same rights and punishments, regardless of social status, skin color, sexual orientation, nationality or any other criteria of differentiation. I consider blockchain a digital tool of decentralization because it has the potential to disrupt monopolies and redistribute power in the hands of the majority.

Johann Gevers has a TEDx Talk in which he shares his vision of the four pillars of a decentralized society in a blockchain context:

  • decentralized communications
  • decentralized law
  • decentralized production
  • decentralized finance

Communication is the most important tool for cooperation, and although we have affordable global communication at our fingertips, almost anything can be monitored and censored if needed. Mass monitorization leads to metadata which can be used to influence people toward different agendas. Censorship in communication is being used stifle change, take as an example major social media platforms going down in Turkey and Egypt during the anti-establishment protests. If we had popular decentralized communication where no one is in control and the rules stay the same regardless of the outside context, this would be impossible. And blockchain will make this a reality.

Law, in theory, should be a system that enforces the same rules for everyone, but the way the current law is structured comes with two major vulnerabilities. Firstly there is a monopoly on lawmaking and enforcing by governments, which have shown time and again favoritism towards certain individuals and groups. The second vulnerability is the human element of interpretation, even if we have a correct person making the decisions there still is a lot of room for error. A blockchain based law system would guarantee fairness and people would be able to set up their own laws for different interactions.

Production is one of the major ways in which wealth can be created, but because it’s mostly centralized, that wealth is not going to the people that actually do the work. A centralized production system made sense because it could easily adhere to regulations and quality specifications, but this lead to monopolies and unfair distributions of the rewards for that production. Blockchain has the possibility to create a mechanism by which decentralized production can adhere to any rules and specification so that the end product is the desired one. It also has the possibility to guarantee a fair distributions of the rewards in an automated and transparent way.

Finance is most of the time the reason why some things move forward and another fail, access to finance makes ideas move. But we don't have a fair system of distribution yet, because the gatekeepers are centralized and don't offer the same treatment to all people, more than half of the people in the world do not have access to financial services and thus live in an economy that moves very slowly. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have already shown that we can have a type of money that treats everyone the same, but blockchain will also create crowd-based lending platforms that will shift the decisions of financing into the hands of the people.

All major blockchains are collaborative open source projects. And they will continue to remain this way because if part of the code is invisible or if any one group is in control, this will invalidate it as a blockchain. We now have the technology of fairness and inclusion and it's fully open to human ingenuity. Whatever we need to be built, will be built.

Steemit and finance


The last ingredient in this train of thought is steemit itself, which is in a continuous growth and transformation. Ned recently announced that his next goal is to bring entrepreneurs on the platform to build their business and in a video interview he mentioned upvotes as a wage mechanism.
It is my belief that steemit can act as a means to finance the work of people that want to contribute towards a massive transformative purpose. In the past, I wrote about the model being applied to social activism and I will insert part of that text here.

For those who do not know, is a platform built on the Steem blockchain with the specific use case of rewarding contributions to open source projects. There are several types of contributions: suggestions, development, translations, graphics, tutorials and so forth.

The interesting part of the model is that the contributions in question are not necessarily made on steemit. Most of them are made on GitHub, which is a platform designed to facilitate the development of open source projects. On steemit we only see the post which proves the contribution was made. has strict submission criteria, in order to try to reward only the relevant contributions that bring value to the project. A team of moderators also exits to check all the submissions and if the conditions are met, an upvote is given as a reward.

The parallel between open source project and social activism is straightforward. Both imply passion and dedication from people that are not financially rewarded in most cases, except those that work in NGO's.

To exemplify how this model can be applied let's take Roșia Montană as a case, which is my favorite social and ecological cause in Romania. There have been several ways of actions: information campaigns, gathering signatures, cultural events, talking to local authorities and direct protests. All these things were done more or less by people that contributed their free time and helped when they could. But what if some of them were financially incentivized and could have contributed full time.

For most of the activities related to social activism there is no need for masses of people, but just a dedicated small team with free time to contribute. Let's imagine that an NGO opens an account with steemit, not for profit, but for rewarding contributions to their cause. Let's say that this NGO can form teams of three in 30 major cities. The time invested by those people increases with the financial gains. Thus the cause has a lot to benefit as well.

The model applied in the context of social activism has the capacity to generate nationwide campaign at a level of coherency rarely met. And the most important aspect is that the team coordination everything from steemit does not need to find finances, everything can be rewarded with a vote.

The bottom line is that steemit creates a context of outsourcing funding. We can now run offline project, post the proof of work on steamit and the community that believes in that project will reward contributions. Thus creating the possibility for teams to work pro-bono and still be financially incentivized to continue their work.

The convergence of these tools.

Al the tools presented above have high potential even on their own and create the possibility of impacting the world in a positive way, but the convergence of these tools is what I think really matters.
If we can position ourselves in the point where these technologies intersect each other we will have access to technological abundance, trust, and finance. I believe that this is as close as it can get to an ideal situation.

@steemromania and our massive transformative purpose.

I choose to write this post now because we are building the @steemromania community and we reached the point where we must decide on our mission and vision statements. The very things that will define who we are as a group and the direction where we are heading.

I do not want to impose my vision on anyone, but I feel that we have everything we need to aim for the stars and set up a massive transformative purpose to which we can aspire. I am not talking about changing the entire world, but we can surely better at least part of it.Thus, these are my proposals for the mission and vision statements:

Mission: Steemromania is a prosocial community that seeks to empower a sustainable future through digital tools of decentralization and exponential technologies.

Vision: Steemromania, a layer in the architecture of freedom.

Please feel free to voice your opinions regarding this proposal, we need to have a conversation as soon as possible and figure out the common direction we want to take. Or you can find me on discord: lishu#0022 .

Join the @steemroania Discord channel.

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What you say is totally true, but this rapidity that we are facing today will lead to a collapse and the exhaustion of many resources to sustain life, and in time we will not have the opportunity to enjoy the knowledge we have gained. In 100 years humanity will end up collapsing because of overpopulation and will partially self-destruct.

That is absolute nonsense. The Malthusian trap has been disproven time and time again, since the days when it first reared its head at the turn of the 20th century.

The resources of the planet are not unlimited as we think, and we humans consume more than we need.I have not read any theory as you say. This is my personal vision. I see the changes around me and the consequences of overpopulation and advanced technology.

You are correct that humans consume more than we need right now, but this is just a little part of history. Consumerism is just a culture of less than 100 years old. Hopefully, we will start using the resources better soon.

But, even with a higher resource use, technology always finds a way to do more with less. This means that although the human population is rising, we will see a decrease in resource usage. I believe this will happen because the exponential growth of technology is faster than the growth in people.

As a "glass half empty" observer of life, I have to tell you that the positivity of the article brightened my day a little :) Unfortunatelly day to day work kills a lot of the creativity that we should be able to express in these times that, as you well say, really give abundance, luxury and peace (in most of the planet).
I will skip the part where I may or may not agree on some of the utopical machinations you think blockchain will bring (on some I totally agree, on some, I am a little more skeptical, hope I'm wrong and on some I really had no idea about). What I will tell you is that also the idealists that fought for "people's power" during the Bolșevic Revolution, were also well intended people that really thought technology and equality are the way the society will progress. Unfortunatelly it was only ideal. Let's hope that this digital revolution will be able to impose a different kind of vision. I personally am a little afraid that utopic descentralisation will mean anarchy. It is not applicable on all segments and aspects of life.
Coming back to the mission and vision of steemromania... I like the idea of activism and reward through blockchain. I really think that people still present here have a certain degree of quality so we can gather and really think of actions that our community needs and start doing something REAL. In this sense I think that we can form groups, help real people with real needs, clean places that need cleaning, plant trees that really need planting now, not later, even go on and do journalism, descentralised way. The applications are infinite. I only hope that steemit will hold and will be able to offer to some of us the financial liberty to go on and make a change, show it to other people and determine them to do the same.
You can always count on me for real actions. Let's just plan them.

To be honest, my ideas regarding blockhain usability are either from others or I pulled them out of my ass, because I don't understand half of the things I'm talking about. But I have faith in creativity and solution driven thinking, I hop we will have a good journey together :)

Well said! What I can say is that we need a little hope. Even if the Italians say "Chi di speranza vive disperato muore." And yes. It is absolutely necessary to have real actions as well. We only need to increase the community enough so that funding for such actions it will never be a problem.

I agree with most of the text above, but it will take time until steemit achieves a truly decentralized system that small communities like the one we are building, can benefit from. I am sure you noticed the drama currently draining the reward pool, combine that with the constant spam and bullshit multiplying every day, there is little to no gain in terms of small communities getting traction and visibility. My point is to not rush things and let events take their course . We would eventually achieve a grade of success as PAL community achieved, but that took time.

But i do think planing and a bit of organisation is needed before we can say We are a community.

Just my 0,04 cents

I really hope we get that planning and organization on track soon. And you are correct, things are not in the best shape right now on steemit, but we have to work with what we have :)

On one hand I believe we should not just sit completely still and try some moves in the direction that @lishu just proposed, but at the end of the day the natural course of steemit and steemromania community will be the one leading us to some achievements so I think your argument is quite founded.

I absolutely agree with your vision of using Steemit as a method for rewarding social activism in the same way that rewards innovative coding and application development. I'm actually supremely grateful for, as they demonstrated how you can use something as simple as a custom condenser to create what is, really, a whole new platform. I also agree that, at no other time in human history has it been easier to accomplish tasks using disparate groups of people focusing on a singular goal. Our technology is paving the way to ever newer, ever more incredible feats of doing well for ourselves and for each other.

I'm supremely fascinated at what the next decade is going to bring. :)

I hope it will bring peace and maybe in two decades abundance :)

From my point of view, things are simple. Governments will lead us down to the road to the better world we dream of. People with passion and purpose will be the ones paving this road towards freedom. I hope we can be a part of that process as a community :)

Wow I’m really impressed by your post! I think using steemit for rewarding social activism, thus outsourcing funding, is a great vision for this community. Peace!

Exactly, peace! That's what we are talking about :D

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I upvoted your contribution because to my mind your post is at least 18 SBD worth and should receive 64 votes. It's now up to the lovely Steemit community to make this come true.

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Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

totally agree with you, @trufflepig! good find here !

Mate, I find your post enlightening! I cannot put in words the joy I felt when reading it. Is still rare at this moment, to meet people who actually understand where we are now. Even more rare, to find people who can see the true impact the Blockchain technology is having on the human society. Some are seeing bits and small parts, but you have the whole image. And that alone is an awesome thing 😀.
Now, the vision which implies the social utility of this platform is nothing, but the best way to use it IMHO.
However, I will gladly join you in your quest of building whatever you dream about. Also, you can count on my support, anytime, anywhere. Congratulations, you got it. Not only that, but knew how to explain it better than anyone I've read so far. Let's aim for the stars 😊!

Thank you for the very kind words, my brother. But, I assure you that I only have bits and piece of ideas, not the whole picture. However, I think we can get there as a community, let's hope for the best :)

A very good article, and absolutely correct.Congrats!

Thank you, my brother!

Your post is epic mate, I agree with you, and I support the mission and vision statements you came up with, I think it's exactly what our community needs.

Thank you kind words.

I am not sure this is exactly what the community needs, but I think I am in the right direction :). Let's see what others think of it, I hope they will comment.

Great post Lishu! as I've said before, not a big fan of production decentralization. Some things need to remain the same to give us a sense of security. Not everything has to go digital.
Anyway, if you need my help and think that will go well with what you have in mind, I'll gladly make a post about something photography related. :)

For sure we will need photography related posts on the community page :)

But regarding the vision and mission, what would be your comments?

I love how this vision sounds. It's optimistic, it's uplifting, it makes my day better. But I still am a bit skeptical about all those good changes and decentralization.

I'm thinking about steemit. Decentralized as they say. But a few dedicated whales with enough cash invested in the platform could still ruin everything.

A few dedicated guys with enough bitcoins could still influence the market however they want.

It's like, no matter what we do, no matter what 'tools' we use, everything comes down in the end to us, humans. And how we relate to each other, and how we cooperate or not. I don't think the technology will change the way we humans are at the core. Even the best technology, with the best of intentions from the creator, can and - from what history shows - will be used against some of us as well.

I don't want to sound pessimistic, but I think that we should focus on educating ourselves more. Before we obliterate mankind or the planet itself. :) Blockchain will surely help - in the education part hopefully - but won't do the job for us.

The best Tesla in the world won't prevent the vilest and meanest person in the world in crashing it into other people. And the society as it evolved until today, created 'errors' in education. A lot of them.

I agree with you that we need to focus on educating ourselves. I found this video and it presents the concept of a facilitator.

And I believe that this is one of the best things we can do, to create a team which would talk to all the people in the community and facilitate their development because they would know all the latest things on steemit. I'll try to write something more coherent on this subject soon :)

Wow, I must admit that I am completely impressed by your article. Your vision fits so much with mine, as you may already know. And this part is briliant

The simplest definition of this technology is a mechanism by which you can have rules without rulers. A blockchain is a set of very public and transparent rules to which people can adhere by their own free will.

This is almost an alternative definition of freedom! While it is actually the blockchain itself...

Reading your article and the fact that technology is evolving so much made me want to suggest you to read one of my articles about singularity, but then I remembered that you already did :))

Thank you so much for sharing this important piece of work that you made here!

I appreciate all the kind words, thank you.

What do you think about the mission and vision, would that be something you would like to take part in :)?

I hope it will be possible to have rules without a ruler and that each other we will have access to technological abundance, trust, and finance. But I think there will be the same old big problem, some groups of people will gain power and will try to control it, there's always means of abusing something, but I hope the people with good values win this battle. At the moment my "intuition" tells me that there's groups of people that kind of making the rules around here, because the sheep will always be the sheep and follow the rules of the ones in power. Money and influence here means power, like in real life. What do you think? How can this thing be fixed?

It is true there are a lot of wales which only see this from a financial perspective and don't add any value, rather they abuse the system and they are making a real mess.

If there is a solution, It's through convincing the other wales or steemit with MR. Delegation, to delegate to good projects. If there is more SP going to produce things, maybe we could turn the tide. Or we can make due with maybe half the little portion of the system that is correct, I don't know.

The idea is that there are projects working, utopian is a massive and excellent example. Hopefully we will make some room for us as well :)

Very interesting topic and very well put. As it happens, Singularity University Nordic is our host, in Copenhagen, and we are very familiar with their work and all the amazing things they do. Blockchain is also a very "hot topic" that we are always happy to learn about, and the ways it can help improve human lives. Good luck with your cause from all the Romanians working with Wiredelta.

Wow, I think it's so cool to be involved with Singularity University, I am a little envious.

I never really liked school, but they do fantastic and much-needed work and hope to attend one of their courses eventually.

Do they know about steemit :)?

PS: Thank you for the kind words and I wish you all the best!

This was a great post, super interesting, I didn't know the stats for what u described.
I strongly agree with your vision regarding our community and probably it will be hard and would take time, but it would totally worth it!

Glad to hear you resonate :)

For sure a lot of time and effort will be needed. But the alternative is the way how things are going now, and this is not acceptable in my view.

As I was saying, Steemit can and must have a big impact on civil society in Romania and can stimulate solidarity and responsiveness for a particular cause. I am really curious if this directions have ever been adopted by any community from Steemit, but anyway the idea is great and we should all struggle to pull in this direction that you proposed.

I saw some communities and persons that also aim big, but not in this particular manner. Maybe this could be our advantage in the international community, the first ones that have such a massive transformative purpose.

Hopefully, we can get things going as soon as possible and start making a difference, at least in the Romanian steemit community at first.