3 Important Quotes For Steemian To Pass Steemit Exam

in steemsecrets •  7 years ago 


One of Steemian @mariskalubis, sent a link of @jerrybanfield to my WhatsApp chat, and of course I read it straight away.

In that posts, there are steps to get retweet from Steemit Twitter acount and I found important quotes. I thought these quotes are very important for Steemians to pass Writing Exams in Steemit.

"Do good everyday and the Universe will provide everything in return!" - @Jerrybanfield.

I do agree with what @jerrybanfield said, we all must do good in everything we do everyday. Write all the good things in extraordinary way everytime and universe will give all the good things in return.

@jerribanfield quote is parallel with Paulo Coelho :

"And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it".

In term of that, Paulo emphasizes one secret life. He said, "The secret of life though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times".

image Image Credit

To complete those two important quotations, I choose Dalai Lama quote :

"The universe works in mysterious ways and should be trusted".

image Image credit Pixabay.com

At the end, Bono Lonnsburry wisdom, we also need to quote. "The universe responds and is sending you messages all the time. Everything you see "out there" every single day is a response to what you are thinking, feeling, and believing".


** 3 Kutipan Penting Ini Akan Membantu Steemian Melewati Ujian di Steemit **

Seorang steemian @mariskalubis mengirim saya link tulisan @jerrybanfield ke whatsApp saya, dan saya langsung membacanya.

Dalam post yang menjelaskan langkah-langkah mendapatkan retweet di akun twitter steemit itu saya menemukan kutipan penting, dan saya pikir ini berguna bagi steemians untuk melewati ujian menulis di steemit.

Do good every day and the Universe will provide everything in return! - Jerrybanfield

Saya setuju dengan @jerrybanfield agar kita semua terus melakukan tugas kita dengan baik setiap hari. Menulislah hal-hal yang baik secara luar biasa setiap saat dan alam semesta akan membalas dengan kebaikan pula.

Kutipan @jerrybanfild itu sejalan dengan kutipan Paulo Coelho berikut:

And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."

Untuk itu Paulo menekankan satu rahasia hidup. Begini katanya: "The secret of lifex though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times."

Untuk melengkapi dua kutipan itu penting untuk menyertakan juga kutipan dari Dalai Lama, berikut ini:

The Universe works in mysterious ways and should be trusted.

Sebagai penutup, nasehat Bono Lonnsburry perlu kita kutip. "The universe responds and is sending you messages all the time. Everything you see “out there” every single day is a response to what you are thinking, feeling and believing."





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Love love love! Good positive messages!

Thanks @stickycj

Mantap kali bang risman

Makasih @yandot ya

That bereh tips and triknya....
Dan saya pun mulai menulis, sambil belajar dan terus belajar, sebagai ungkapan terima kasih....
Maaf jika story bang Risman saya resteem...

Semua kita terus belajar, makasih ya udah mau resteem

Follback ya Mr. Diamond Umbrella ;)