a small introduction of my tiny stacklet

in steemsilvergold •  6 years ago  (edited)

So recently I found @steemsilvergold a lovely friendly and informative community here on steemit and I have finally feel like I found my place in steemland, took a wee while!
I cannot claim in any way to be any kind of expert in these matters, I can tell you I started collecting coins in May this year, so only a new tiny stackling I am! The reason I got into it was that at the beginning of this year I found crypto and I have to say I have never bought any crypto, I did not have the funds to do so. So I began in January collecting from faucets, a tiny bit of mining, yup with my laptop that's it, and I was happy. I love crypto.
In May of this year, it was my friends birthday, I wanted to get him a birthday present, funds at that time were limited. I wanted to get him something of value yet not too expensive, this friend had last year asked me about bitcoin; what did I think/know about it, at the time I knew nothing and said so, but I am a natural-born researcher and went off found out everything I could about bitcoin, and it took me around 4 months until I finally took the plunge and hit the faucets. During that time he had asked once more what I thought and this time I was confident in answering, as I did, it kept coming to me that although crypto was good some inner voice kept saying 'buy gold'.
You can probably tell I am going to say funds at that time did not permit me to buy gold, and I was left simply giving him the advice. He didn't take it. So back to his birthday and I decide to finally look into precious metals and found a website where I bought my first silver Canadian maple leaf, as always I had researched it, although at that time all I researched was the best silver to buy and the most trusted website, so nothing in depth.
When it arrived I fell in love, it really was that whole love at first sight thing, it was beautiful, shiny, I love shiny things, and it was heavy! I sent it off for his birthday and made a promise to myself I would buy silver, lots of it, save it for my super dream, thats another story; my super dream is quite detailed lol. Since that point I now have collected the little tiny stackling collection you see below;
Each time I had enough I bought one silver maple leaf, I was happy, building up my little store of silver for the future. I had also during this time flirted with the idea of writing on steemit and after a while found the lovely ssg community and through reading a lot of their posts I discovered that there is a whole world of gorgeous silverness out there. I now have a love for collecting vintage coins and silver ingots, don't have any ingots yet, but the dream is alive.

I have recently tried to put all my hard earned faucet collecting crypto into buying steem, for a few reasons, but the main drive I have at the moment is to reach one steem, so I can enter a raffle for some silver, I fell in love with a sunshine bar that was in a raffle that unfortunately finishes today , I dont have enough steem yet as I said the only crypto I have is from faucets and it is just little me manually clicking on pictures of cars to prove I am human. I still love crypto, I also love silver and gold too, as soon as I have enough then I will buy a gold coin. I will be very happy then!
My total collection so far is 7 silver maple leaf coins, one George V1 sixpence dated 1940, and a tiny south africa 3d dated 1943 at least that's what it says on it, I tried to take close ups though please bear in mind I only have an old iphone3 and I am not known for my photography abilities. The two vintage coins I won on ebay auction and have now become firmly addicted to watching ebay old coins and excited about growing my collection of both old and new and ingots and everything lol as you can see I may be just a tiny stackling but I have dreams and really that's all there is too it; once you have what you need in life then you follow your dreams, just keep the dream alive !
thank you to the ssg community I think you're all brilliant and looking forward to reading many more posts on interesting and precious collectables

thank you for reading



all writing and artwork by Velveteen 2018

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As long as you are holding some silver ( doesn't matter how much) you are ahrad of 99.5% of people on this world. Welcome to SSG. but to be honest with you, we gotta work o that 38 reputation you are carrying right now. @thedamus has passed of his daily vote to you. Thanks for posting up about metals. No for the fun part, cause you are about to get hammered! Rep is now 41, much better.

Yeah baby!!! That’s the way we do it — thanks Hammer!!!

hugo4u took you up to 42 ⚡️👊😎⚡️

hi thank you for this i have to say the more technological side of steemit eludes me :( i have never understood about rep or delegating any of those complicated things you should see me panic when i buy steem! even the blocktrades page panics me lol :) i get one of the teenagers to do it i have to i already messed up a doge wallet! however i do understand that the numbers look different and that somehow i am now a different rep and that is is due to the lovely people in the ssg community i am still getting used to everyones names and who is who so please can i say thank you to veryone though i am beginning to recognise some people i am 52 and my memory has never been my strong point :) a huge thank you and also yes i am holding my silver i am celebrating my silver and i am loving my silver :) soon i will achieve full stacker status ! the best thing is being able to share this adventure with all of you, time to don me eye patch there be treasure out there! much love and respect to all ssgians lets find that treasure !

Hi velveteen, i have just finished reading a couple of your posts and wish to welcome you aboard. Y’Arrr Matey! You’re going to like it here in #SSG.

I am going to nominate you for new membership into #steemsilvergold on our private discord channel, i am sure someone will second you, and then at the very least you will get a small upvote from our community bot — more on that later. Also, i will reateem above article so some more peeps see your stuff.

I think Ron’s advice above is good, but you are already doing great with what you are stacking.
Just keep on being you and use #steemsilvergold when appropriate — you’ll soon meet all the scallywags ‘round here.

Cheers, from @thedamus


hiya, that is absolutely brilliant a huge thank you! best news i have had all day, very chipper now :) i am very much an obsessed stackling person and chuffed to bits to find this excellent comment and wonderful nomination, over the moon! many many thank yous i really appreciate it! many thanks also for reading my posts i appreciate that and i shall now go make food for many teenagers whilst dreaming of silver :) a huge thank you to all ssg coomunity for making me feel welcome and for being the friendliest people i love ssg! much respect to you thedamus and thank you for your kind welcome !


cant resist doing a tiny happy dance!

aww it didnt work first time i tried doing a gif and it doesnt move oh well back to cooking tea :)

Hey just to let you know, you have been nominated to become a member of #steemsilvergold by @thedamus. You have received a second nomination and been confirmed by a community mod. Your name will be added to the membership list post released on Monday's.

Welcome to Steemsilvergold

YAY! woohoo and other excited exclamations many many thanks i am so happy, this is the point where i would go around the room awkwardly hugging people whilst happy-crying! seriously this means a lot to me, everyone has been so lovely, and to finally find people who like the same stuff i do is rare no one else in my town even thinks i am sane and that is just talking about crypto! when i mention silver they just laugh and more or less pat me on the head! its been lovely finding everyone in the ssg community and everyone being so friendly, i am normally a quiet person its been lovely having such nice welcomes from everyone and the encouragement has really helped me, so a huge thank you again and an awkward virtual hug! i must start writing a story now had one hanging round in my head for the last day or two so better get it written :) many thanks to everyone in ssg i am over the moon thank you respect to all

Everyone in the ssg group is awesome so you will fit in, there are one or two helpful pointers for you,

😁 use internal market instead of blocktrades for exchanging sbd and steem as you get a better exchange rate
😁 download and install discord and join ssg discord

Also @thedamus nominated you to join precious voting bot for ssg and I have donated the 10sp so you will get a daily 1% upvote.

On a sidenote if you power up your steem you will gain more band width so you can post, comment and reply a lot easier.

aahh this is good thank you i go all confused with that side of steemit i am just a daft lass who likes to write :) when it comes to understanding how steemit works my eyes go cross eyed with the effort :) many thanks for this i have managed to join discord and was on there i just didnt have the link thingy for talking with ssg i do now and look forward to joining in there, also thank you for advice about the buying of steem i confess i have little confidence in using that technical side of things i was so proud of myself using blocktrades lol i am not quick with these things i usually rely on one of my teenagers to walk me through it! i will take your good advice and have a look at the market fingers crossed i dont mess it up! i only have tiny amounts of crypto i will wait until my daughter can help me , its all so complicated to me :) thank you again have a fab day, respect

Welcome, @beckieg! That is a great initial stack, and a good collection going! Keep posting and keep using the steemsilvergold tag. Soon you will meet the other stackers and coin collectors who are members of this community.

hi, thank you for your kindness i really appreciate it, and thank you for commenting and supporting my post i love this community and reading the posts every time i come on steemit these days i go straight to ssg :) i love learning about vintage or pretty coins, my children think i have become obsessed and they are quite right lol i hope you have a fab day, respect

Shinies can be addicting! BTW, I have a new series going here about STACKING FOR BEGINNERS part1, part2, part 3. It may be helpful to you. STack on, my friend!

i know :) i have read it, i already started following you the other day and i read everything and learned a lot, thank you for writing those posts i found them very helpful, and i look forward to reading more, soon as i finish feeding the teenagers :) respect

Welcome Beckie! Every stack has to start somewhere, and you're better off than most folks as long as you hold some silver and/or gold! Keep stackin'!

hiya lovely to meet you and thank you for yur comment and support i very much appreciate it, my silver is precious and soon as i can i shall add the shiny gold to my treasure ! i do love my precious :) tis a stackling i am with dreams that are full of treasure! thank you for your kind welcomei hope you have a fab day,respect

Hi @beckig! Welcome to ssg!

@thedamus welcomed me to the community when I was a new silver collector too. I got my first piece in December. In April I joined #ssg (thanks to @thedamus) and now I probably have close to 200oz! It is addicting. ☺️ Enjoy your new hobby and be thankful you are just trading one kind of money for another!

hiya, very pleased to meet you! everyone has been lovely, very friendly, 200 is an excellent amount of treasure to have! i have ordered a new shiney! :) i am eagerly, impatiently,enthusiastically awaiting the mail tomorrow, it's like being on christmas eve time lol thank you for popping by and commenting i really appreciate your kindness, respect

Welcome and look forward to seeing more of your silver soon, we all had to start somewhere with out stack and having a mix is always a good thing. I read somewhere your in the north of the uk, i am based near manchester.

hiya very glad to meet you! yup i am near middlesbrough the lovely bright cheery middlesbrough lol did visit manchester once i liked it, would love to have a good chat sometime pick your rather expert brains on this whole silver coin collecting malarkey :) just in middle of doing my new post right now so will say thank you for your kindness support and commenting i really appreciate it hope you have a fab day , respect

My friend, that was only your first blog about coins. The size of your stack is not important. It is the love of stacking/collecting that drives us.
As an old collector, I will give you one advice: Buy the book before buying the coin. That is absolutely important if you intend to be a collector.
If you want to be only a stacker, you are doing very well with the Maple Leafs and the future bars/rounds.
This site is the basic of world coins: https://en.numista.com/
There you will find info about more than 90% of the coins that were minted along the world and time.

hiya, thank you for your kind words and encouragement, i really appreciate it, today ebay told me i won another auction so i am excited waiting on tomorrows delivery, plus i just managed to enter the raffle , i am crossing my fingers i did everything right , hoping to be back later for the drawing, right now i have children to feed :) many thanks for your kindness i hope you have a fab day, respect

Oh Welcome to #steemsilvergold @beckieg ! Great Start, just don't way over do it like me and turn into a crazy Poured Pirate silver freak like me. I got into Cryptos about four years back, my entire crypto holdings are from Faucets, except Steem. I'm currently fueling up my STEEM Power by converting my thought-to-be-useless but now HOT Dogecoin. Would love to see how you progress. Following!

hi lovely to meet you thank you for your kind comment and support i really appreciate it and glad to find i am not the only faucet clicker! i love them! and my only way of having any crypto :) i did try using my doge to buy steem but lost over half of it because i sent it to wrong wallet, i was nearly crying :) had to use my hard earned litecoin instead, i tried using some bitcoin to get more steem but the fee was more than i had in btc lol i have to confess i love doge the best no matter what its worth :) very glad to meet you i look forward to chatting more i hope you have a fab day , respect

Oh my. I lost some Bitcoin in the same way. Live an Learn. Doge is cheap to transfer and when I started buying Steem I started with a little test amount before committing a few thousand at a time. And yes the fee on Bitcoin is unreal and despite its popularity I think it is long in the tooth compared to the more efficient and more advanced blockchains. On my Coinpot account I could cheaply convert between bitcoin, bitcoin cash, dogecoin, Litecoin, and Dash. The Moon site has been a good Faucet family to me for years. Got lucky a few times with Freebit and Freedoge faucets. Win some, lose some, and win some.
A pleasure.

So exciting to see a new slacker, so much to learn and so much to see, #ssg is an amazi g group,of people and a lot of fun too! Looking forward to seeing your stack grow, it is fun to add any new piece!

hiya, i have been watching quite a few of your videos, it is a fascinating process! and poured silver has become a new obsession of mine :) thank you for commenting i really appreciate it and thank you for the videos i love watching them, just makes me want to have some silver i can melt and make pretty things with :) much respect to you

You are a little bit ahead of me. As soon as I get back to a regular schedule at home on decent internet, I'm going to l up a few places that someone suggested on the Discord. I already know of couple of things that I want...

hi thank you for popping by and commenting, i really appreciate it, and its nice being a tiny stackling i think, everything is new exciting and shiney :) think i brim over with enthusiasm at every coin, every post, :) it definitely has a hold on me! silverbug well and truly caught! its like a huge treasure hunt :) happy treasure hunting friend hope you have a good day, respect

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thank you i really appreciate this much respect to you

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thank you i appreciate your kindness much respect to you

You got a 8.21% upvote from @dailyupvotes courtesy of @minnowpond!

thank you i appreciate your support and kindness much respect to you

You got a 8.12% upvote from @minnowvotes courtesy of @minnowpond!

many thanks for your kind support i really appreciate it much respect to you

This post has received a 18.44% upvote from @lovejuice thanks to @minnowpond. They love you, so does Aggroed. Please be sure to vote for Witnesses at https://steemit.com/~witnesses.

many thanks for your support and kindness i really appreciate it! and i already vote for aggroed and many other witnesses as i believe strongly in the support of steemit and although i dont understand what a witness is, it seems complicated to me i am not the best on understanding the technical side i know its good and voted a little while back, thank you for your comment much respect to you

@beckieg welcome to the steemsilvergold family! I have never found a more welcoming and friendly community than the precious metals community. Thanks for the awesome post!!

hiya very nice to meet you, and its nice to find steemit working again :) i totally agree with you i did wander around steemit for a few months trying to interact with others and when i found ssg i knew i loved it with reading the posts, it was like finding my family! i was happy with that and being an introvert i wasnt quick to write at first but soon as i did everyone was so nice i became the number one fan of ssg!, everyone is lovely and the posts are brilliant everyone bringing their own view and always informative i have learned loads! and seen some beautiful silver art as well, yup i love it here i love SSG and fingers crossed my new shiney arrives today it didnt come yesterday i was gutted ! the poor mailman felt bad not being able to deliver it yet lol soon as it gets here i will post all about it :) thank you for your comment and welcome i appreciate your kindness, hope you have a fab day, respect

Welcome to the #ssg-community!!

Most everyone starts their stack from one piece, then another, then another.... enjoy the journey of stacking/collecting, as I feel there is no real 'destination'.

hiya thank you for dropping by, i appreciate your kindness, i am hoping i have a new vintage coin arriving today i agree with you totally no desitination only more pretty silver treasure :) i am loving the journey its fun and i have made new friends thats brilliant :) hope you have a fab day much respect to you