Where does your silver come from? the top 10 mining countries # 10

in steemsilvergold •  7 years ago 
  1. United States
    Mine production 1,020 MT(metric ton)(32,793,762 t oz)

In 2017, the US produced a total of 1,020 MT of silver with an estimated value of $564 million USD. The silver was Mined at four producing silver mines and as a by-product at 36 other base and precious metals mines. The United States output decreased by 11% from 2016, the fall maybe due to a strike at one of the primary silver mines. They also attribute Low physical silver demand and low prices as part of the decrease.
The main US-based primary silver producer is Coeur Mining (NYSE:CDE). Coeur’s US projects are not primarily silver focused, however the company does operate several silver mines in South America and Australia.

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all by product in my state wish they still had a refinery around here

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Thanks for the info.