Smashing Personal Records & SBSS

in steemsilvergold •  7 years ago 

It might not mean much to you, but 3 consecutive days blogging here on Steemit is milestone for this guy! I must admit I have really enjoyed my brief time on here so far. Already friendships are beginning to develop and when they say the community is welcoming and generous, my god did they every mean it! Mr @raybrockman has been very helpful and kindly has taken me under his wing to help get me established around here, thanks man, I really appreciate it!

To celebrate this early milestone, I'd like to share one of my favorite Silver Bullet Silver Shield rounds from back in the day. I really think this round is a good fit for the minds of steemit and those who seek to control their own thoughts and strive to be the best they can be.

Trivum 1oz Silver Round

The first positive Medallion in the Silver Bullet Silver Shield series is the Trivium Medallion. The Trivium is the basis for all individuals to free themselves of collective manipulation or toxic thoughts that hold them back from their destiny.

It was based on the Trivium of Grammar (Observation), Logic and Rhetoric. Grammar (Observation) the rational and unemotional observation of symbols, situations or facts allows truth to be observed. Logic is processing the current set of facts and logically thinking about what will be the logical consequences of, or the best course of action in light of the observation. Rhetoric is the ability to tell either yourself or others of your observation and your line of thinking. The Trivium is the three step thought process that breaks the slave thought and allows the individual to become their highest and best self.

The reverse showsthe Classic Silver Bullet Silver Shield Crest with the sayings "A Conscious Solution To Collectivist Problems" and "Listen To All. Follow None". The Silver Shield is flanked by 47 Silver Bullets representing the atomic number of silver.
My original intention with this round was to carry as a pocket piece, to be used as reference and reminder to remain present in the pursuit of happiness...might have to revisit that idea.

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Very nice coin. I absolutely love the stuff coming out of Golden State Mint!

There are so many different series and designs with great meanings behind them

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Nice round buddy and keep up the blogging. It gets easier everyday!

Given’er an honest go man! Nice post you made on what to do with your crypto holdings...a lot of great comments afterwards

Very beautiful round my friend. I really need to take the advice also and keep up blogging.

Hey buddy, good to hear from you! You totally should, its worth the effort that's for sure. Wish I had kept at it when I first joined

Keep it up man like Phil said or gets easier. Plus your off to a great start especially since we were all anticipating your return.

Wish I had kept at it when I first joined - guess better late than never. It certainly does help having friends of friends on here :)