Silver - Invest in your future

in steemsilvergold •  8 years ago 

Published: June 5, 2017 at

On my home page of Honest Value Never Fails I talk a lot about "investing" in silver. This statement can be misconstrued in that I am implying I invest in silver for a quick flip or a positive return in profit and that you should invest as well. That is not at all my point when I say "Invest in Silver and Gold". Of course the only time I would sell or anyone for that matter should be when it is profitable. Never sell at a loss unless some sort financial emergency arises. Now when I say invest in silver I am using the term loosely. I am not investing for a profit even though it is always a possibility that silvers spot price may skyrocket. I am investing in my future by putting away silver and gold. It is an investment against inevitable current and future inflation in today's fiat currency system. It may not be an investment that brings me a profit tomorrow but nevertheless putting away precious metals today is very beneficial for a brighter future. An investment doesn't necessarily always have to involve money and a profit. Investments can also be less materialistic. When you read a book you are investing in your own knowledge as you grow in wisdom each day in life. When you lift weights and go for a run you are investing in your body and better physical health. Obviously investing in silver as your hedge against inflation involves money making it more materialistic than those personal examples but they still prove my point. My investment in silver is not in hopes that next month or next year that I will be able to sell for a lot more money than I initially put into it. It is an investment not only for the financial preservation of myself but for my family as well. I rather be proactive and ensure my family will always have a plate of food in front of them, a roof over their heads and a safe place to sleep not just today but in the future as well. If an economic collapse were to happen and I had never got into precious metals, I can honestly say I would not be able to provide for my family or myself in that situation to the extent I can now. I hope something like that never happens nor am I anticipating it but I will continue to prepare just in case. No matter what happens in this fraud of a currency system we call fiat the true, honest, biblical and constitutional value behind gold and silver can not be taken away from me. Our dollar can become even more worthless than it already is. People vested in Bitcoin and crypto-currencies can have their digital/matrix money taken away from them in the blink of an eye. My physical and tangible gold and silver can not and they will forever hold their honest value. This is why I look at silver stacking as an investment.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Your attention and support is truly appreciated. Please comment your thoughts, I would love to talk to you guys about your opinions as well. LIKE my blogs if you enjoyed the read and don't forget to subscribe to Honest Value Never Fails by going to my homepage and clicking "SUBSCRIBE" in the menu bar. Not only is it free by simply signing up with an email but it shows me support that I am doing a good job as a silver stacking blogger. Now recently on metals mafia I had someone question me about if they were to subscribe would they receive spam in their emails for ads etc. No the only things you will receive when you sign up here are notifications when I publish a new blog. So to my current subscribers, the second I hit publish on this article they will all receive an email notification about it. That is it. I currently am about half way to my goal of 50 SUBSCRIBERS here so there is still time to get in on my silver giveaway!!! Help me reach my first sub goal and get in on your chance to win!!! Thank you all again and keep stacking!

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Great post! You beat me to the message of investing yourself and your family's future generations. Your message is so important, it's been upvoted and resteemed.

I am sure I am not the first to post something like this. We can all spread the message though. Thank you so much for the kind words and support. I truly appreciate it :) Hope you have an awesome Saturday my friend.

Well said my friend, if you cant hold it you dont own it. Keep stacking my friend, your future will be brighter.

Exactly ray! You as well bud! Happy stacking :)

Keep stacking @honestvalue !
Silver is my friend 👍

The internet, exchange markets, and banks can all have their services disrupted or digital cyber risk so having insurance in the form of physical silver makes sense to me.

Im looking forward to no bills this week. I know what I am doing on payday :D Physical and Tangible forms of wealth make the most sense to me as well! Thank you for reading ron!

Thanks for reminding me, your nudge may have me stacking some more - hopefully they will smash the spot price again LOL 😃

I hope so too :) Some people panic when the price is smashed. Thats just when I pick even more up than I normally would lol

Happy stacking my friend

Will do and you @honestvalue happy stacking!

started stacking silver for my retirement. I don't trust/faith in the dollar. Also stacking numismatics, silver numismatics, Mexican numismatics. Junk silver, bars rounds and bullion also. I am covering all the bases here for a successful outcome. Who knows what the future is? Nobody, so diversify...even digital currency.

I agree. I am against cryptos for the most part but most likely I will keep my steem going just in case to cover the bases. I have a few numismatics as well. Whether its constitutional silver, .999 bullion or numismatics, I love it all!

Love it all too! Will I be able to let it go in 3 more years? haha Tough call.

I think about that too lol. We shall see when the time comes

I like the part about investing in yourself.
Knowledge is power.

It truly seperates us from the 99%