Silver Stack Update: Some exciting Weekly Pickups! Why I liquidated some of my steem...

in steemsilvergold •  7 years ago  (edited)

With silver still at sub-$16/oz lows, I've never been so bullish with anything in my life! As I continue educating myself in all matters that I think are important causal factors for everything our modern world, it seems to all go back to the creation of fiat currency.
If you develop your faculties to have open eyes and a knowledgeable enough mind to comprehend the nature and scale of this massive, multi-generational, wealth-leaching Ponzi scheme, its easier to navigate and make your own rational decisions for how/where to store the fruit of your hard earned labor! In my opinion, silver seems to be the antidote for a number of reasons.

Up until the Coinage Act (USA) of 1873, the world largely ran on a bimetallic standard, in other words nearly all transactions were back by both silver and/or gold. The coinage act effectively ended this bimetallic standard with silver being forever after demonetized. The bimetallic standard was replaced by the more well-known Gold Standard, which was later replaced by the Fiat System. They will teach us many shallow reasons (see: Comstock Load) in a attempt to justify this heinous plundering of the common people's wealth, but I think that the truth is far more nefarious and if we piece together the puzzle its easy to see why events played out this way.

The simple Truth is...

Silver has been more widely used as money throughout history than gold. Silver was the money of the common people and gold was the money of the rulers. Simply put... The bimetallic Standard was disbanded and replaced by the Gold Standard because the "Rulers" controlled the gold. We now live in a fiat illusion in which we deal with a currency that is backed by nothing but debt and was designed specifically to transfer wealth from us to the controllers.

Silver will one day come back as a vengeance and until then I will continue to store the value of my labor within it!

Here are my latest pickups that I bought with my Steemit profits. I normally would hold such an asset as its depreciating but I felt compelled to take advantage of the prices and go with the asset of tangible, intrinsic value. Who knows for sure how long this smash down will last after all?

So arrived in the mail today are 25 troy ounces in total!

  • Atlantis Mint 10 oz Bar! mmmmm hand poured metal!!


-Geiger 10 oz bar! My first! I was surprised by how chunky and compact this bar is! Love it!


-Monarch Precious Metals Viking 5 oz bar! SKåL!!!!!!


As always I am most pleased with the new pick ups. Equipped with ever expanding knowledge, I can rest with gratitude that I am making the right decisions for myself and my future family!

Keep Stacking High my friends!
~Hratch Jangala @jangaladesigns


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Silver is very undervalued right now, it's a great time to buy. The only thing I don't like is how the silver market is manipulated.

The silver manipulation is the very reason why the metal is undervalued. Manipulation is actually a good thing for us stackers. We stack and take advantage of the manipulated, suppressed prices in hope that when manipulation ends, there will be true price discovery that aligns more with supply/demand reality! keep stacking my friend! Manipulation is your friend! :)

But how long do you have to wait to see a return on your investment. Silver experts have been saying the price will skyrocket for the last 10 years, I have yet to see it. In my opinion, cryptocurrency is a better investment.

Very nice, Great pickups

Prices here at these levels are a good buy for Silver!

Finally Jim Willie is here 👍

Its a no-brainer!

Beautiful pieces! My fav is the Geiger bar. Those Germans know how to make quality items! Check out my last post of a sexy silver coin.. :) Cheers

They most certainly do! I can definitely see acquiring more Geigers in the future! I will check out your post now!

Good taste in silver bars dude, im going to start posting more of my stuff, gotten in pretty serious last 2 months, peace

Run, Bull, Run.... I'm loving the Monarch Precious Metals Viking 5 oz bar. Cool.

Its so nice! I like how its a bit bigger and flatter than my other 5 ouncers! A nice change!

Love those hand poured bars the feeling of holding them in your hands is great. 👍

Very cool pick ups! Congrats!

great pick ups, I especially like the Atlantis Mint bar!!

It's certainly the time to buy silver. I was so surprised to see it dip again after it was trending up in recent months. It's a very unpredictable beast. Those geigers are so amazing, that's another one I don't have but really want, thanks for sharing.

It certainly is! I find it interesting to see the cycles but it still is quite unpredictable at times!

Not sure which I like better, all 3 are cool. I'm leaning toward the Monarch 5oz.
I agree with your reasoning of having a tangible asset in your hands. And while cryptos might have a bigger upside (might), a crash of the internet would render them, along with bank accounts and credit useless.
If you don't hold it in your hand, you don't own it.