"Silver Cycles" Chartwork and Adventure with Captain Joshua Slane- 28JA19 - 'Silver spot price falls $0.10!'

in steemsilvergold •  6 years ago 


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"Silver spot price falls $0.10 in roogh seas! Probably th' colonists ur takin' some profits aff th' markit? Ahh see th' 10 day RA an' th' 200 ur stable but looks at th' 50 day, she's still sailin' north! Hmm, have ta watch 'att! Weel, Ahh've got ta git back ta th' fight! Ahh've got a ship ta sink an' hopefully, 'er evil pirate Keptin Callum Macgibbon will go doon with 'er!" -Cap'n



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[Last time...]

“Dears Keptin,
Th' mission was a total success! - Commander Galligan”

The Captain then rolled up the parchment and glanced towards the coast. His eyes were full of emotion and his heart beat strong and quick…

“Aw mah prayers hav’ been answered…" He said softly as he turned to Fisky, “Tar Hail fur battle stations! All gun ports open!”
“Aye, aye Sairrr!!”

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[On the frigate Silverton…]
“Gives me two jib sails an' tight lines tae starboard! Bring 'er in th' way of portside forty-fife degrees! Aw gun doors oan th' starboard side open!" The Captain yelled as he ran up the steps of the bridge.
“Aye, aye Sairrr!” Cockpit Mate- Midshipman’s Mate Fisky yelled back.
“Stoke those smoke barrels an' pass oot th' fuse wicks!" The Captain yelled to Junior Petty Officer- Gunner’s Mate Spinny as he ran towards the galley steps with Seaman- Quarter Gunner Axwellsilver.

The big ship heaved to port as she came around and the Captain kept a steady lens on the run-away Grand Bank Schooner…

“She's aboot a half mile north now Keptin an' movin' fest!" Fisky yelled as he held his scope steady.
“Ahh knows it! She's still in range an' wit’ a wee bit a luck froms th’ Brine Witch Ursula, we'll git at leest one heavy broadside oan 'er!"

Word was quickly passed up the galley steps from Spinny and Axwellsilver that the guns were loaded and set and the wick torches in hand. The Captain lowered his scope for a moment, cautious of the shudder that the big 16 pounders would certainly bring on. He glanced one last time towards the shore of Comoros island...

In the glimmer of the bright moonlight he noted the tiny hull of the heavily laddened longboat pulling hard through the breakers. Turning back to Fisky he then gave the command…

“Fire! Fire! Fire t’ose belchin' barrels of hateful lead an' brimstone!!"

It took no longer than ten seconds for the command to make it down to the first gun deck! In a moment, the still, dark night exploded in deafening thunder and fire!


“Fire! Fire!” The Captain’s voice boomed again as he steadied himself against the bridge rail!
The second gun deck belched its punishing fire and lead and the entire ship heaved towards the portside!

[In the longboat…]
The echoes of the big guns shocked the crew of the tiny boat and all rowers stopped in mid-stroke!

“Hell's fires! Will ye look at 'att!" Petty Officer- Coxswain Ickied cried out as he saw the mighty Silverton flash in the dark of night.
“They'll be blood an' guts ta pay oan 'att schooner tonight!" Seaman- Carpenter’s Crew Evsup said in awe of the power that had just been unleashed.
“He’s kickin’ they's arses!" Boy Tipper yelled as he watched the scene unfold.

Commander Galligan held the rudder tight as he gazed north at the Grand Bank schooner. It was no more than a dim shadow on the water’s surface, but then, in a violent but silent moment, the small ship exploded into pieces as deck boards, boom shafts and sail cloth flew in all directions! Then came the fire and the secondary explosions and the far north horizon was lit up in a bright orange and yellow glow! No screaming could be heard at that distance but screaming and frantic crying out there had to be...
“Fair enaw ta say th' Keptin got mah message," Galligan said quietly as he watched the terrible scene unfold, “Puir buggers..."

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"Th' Crew ‘att Present" - (61) Strong

1-Joshua Slane –Captain
2-Commander- Galligan

3-Hack – Warrant Officer- Surgeon
4-Fisky – Cockpit Mate- Midshipman’s Mate
5-ErticalOne – Senior Petty Officer- Caulker
6-Mickied – Petty Officer- Coxswain
7-Spinny – Junior Petty Officer- Gunner’s Mate
8-Azzuar – Junior Petty Officer- Boatswain’s Mate

9-Maxwellsilver- Seaman- Quarter Gunner

10-Filipino - Seaman- Carpenter’s Crew
11-Raise-me-up – Seaman- Carpenter’s Crew
12-Prepperbot - Seaman- Carpenter’s Crew
13-Devsup – Seaman- Carpenter’s Crew
14-Council – Seaman- Carpenter’s Crew

15-Fyrstikken – Seaman- Able Seaman
16-Acknowledgment – Seaman- Able Seaman
17-Tuna – Seaman- Able Seaman

18-Hackerzizon - Seaman- Ordinary Seaman
19-Ytal - Seaman- Ordinary Seaman
20-Wolfeblog - Seaman- Ordinary Seaman

21-Pinoy – Seaman Landsman
22-Davidfnck - Seaman- Landsman
23-Yehey - Seaman- Landsman
24-Thetroublenotes – Seaman Landsman
25-Magpielover - Seaman- Landsman

26-Peg – Cook

27-Obaku - Boy
28-Ubg - Boy
29-Steeming-hot – Boy
30-Gormogon – Boy
31-Nextgencrypto - Boy
32-Berniesanders - Boy
33-Slickhustler007 - Boy
34-Youngomarqs - Boy
35-Hitalomottin - Boy
36-Hozn4ukhlytriwc - Boy
37-Engagement - Boy
38-Golgo-13 - Boy
39-Iflagtrash - Boy
40-Lec - Boy
41-Leduc1984 - Boy
42-Magician - Boy
43-Microbot - Boy
44-Mobydick - Boy
45-Ngc - Boy
46-Nutritree - Boy
47-Randomthoughts - Boy
48-Saidlewa - Boy
49-Sensation - Boy
50-Sientondarto - Boy
51-Spammy - Boy
52-Steemaddress Boy
53-Steem.create - Boy
54-Thecyclist - Boy
55-Thedelegator - Boy
56-Circleoffriends - Boy
57-Viking-ventures - Boy
58-Wales - Boy
59-Tipper – Boy

60-Groober - Messenger Pidgeon
61-Doug – Ship’s Dog

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"If yoo’re enjoyin' mah chartwork an' adventure,
consider ‘Up-Votin’ mah blog!" – Captain
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"Confused? Ascared? Seasick? Need a private chat with the Captain?" - [email protected]

Reference: Pictures frae www.freeimages.com, www.pexels.com, pixabay.com, steemit.com an’ www.google.com/maps

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