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Of course, I'd sell my Gold for $42.22 in "Sound Money"...

No, not for the Fiat Money we sometimes carry around in our Wallets...

Remember, we do have $50 Gold Bullion Coins that Weigh in at One Ounce...

We also have some $100 Gold Coins, that weigh in at One Ounce...

That's another story...

Gold will pour into the United States Treasury for a Melt Value of $35 per oz...

We will take that Ounce, and Mint it into $50's worth of Gold Coins...

For Silver, we will pay $3.50 per ounce, and mint that into $5 (one ounce) Silver Eagles...

The One Dollar Silver Eagles will be discontinued...

Can you see the Profit for WE THE PEOPLE...???

Sound Money is close to being Activated, World Wide...

April 26, 2020... 4.7 Hollywood Time...

Absolutely. You know what is going on. We need to begin transacting in the sound money.