Chronicles of the Bloody Raven Episode 5: The Nemesis - Part 4

in steemsilvergold •  7 years ago  (edited)

Show & Tell: California Wild Pig

I fell in love with this Hand Poured 0.999 Fine Silver Flintlock the moment I saw it. It’s not a tiny Pour but a big 59 grams, almost 2 Toz in size. It is a must for any Pirate’s treasure chest. The actual weapon at the time is a handy sidearm for those sticky combat situations when you need stopping power. Muzzle loaded firing a lead ball it is a vast improvement over the matchlock system.
Blackbeard carried more than two, three, or even four pistols on his holster belt when he prepares to assault his prey. Puts on a big performance but I think he’s a bit of a big Teddy Bear in a way.

Meanwhile the Assassins creed round is nice crown plus sized at 46 gm or 1.5 Toz Fine Silver was a nice add with the flintlock. Should I come across a member of the Brotherhood I may just show this piece as a perfect Challenge coin. "Hi, I'm Claudia and I'm 600 years old, buy me a drink kid and I'll tell ya a story! "

California Wild Pig Pours is on Instagram @californiawildpig

Damn ye, you are a sneaking puppy, and so are all those who will submit to be governed by laws which rich men have made for their own security. ~ “Black” Sam Bellamy (The pirate)

Episode 5: The Nemesis –Part four

Captain Whitmore stepped next to the Watch officer then joined by the senior officers, “What is happening, report!”
“Captain, I believe the San Cortezia have engaged what may be the Storm Crow attempting to escape in the fog.”

“Is that so.” Captain Whitmore pounded his fist on the rail, "Damn this freak fog! How can this be! This is extremely rare in these waters and climate! Aweigh anchor! Sail Master make way to the Cortezia to assist, Beat to quarters.”
The sounds of combat abated, and the air grew cold and became still. The silhouette of a ship approached port side. The ship was not the Cortezia. Whitmore ordered, "All hands at the ready! Port Cannons at the ready, incendiary every third!" A hint of sunlight began to lighten the night sky over this decrepit fog to begin welcoming the daylight and be rid of this inconvenient obstacle.
Gun crews scrambled to their stations in a disciplined frenzy as a testament to years of experience, practice, and precision. Each Iron beast loaded their charge, iron, primed and heaved into firing position in a choreographed tapestry of motion and function. Each gunnery officer turned to face the Ship Master and replied "Cannon at the Ready" who in turn waited for the Captains order.
The dark mystery ship never wavered but continued steadily towards the Fury. Only a few deck lamps marked it’s eerie profile. "A stupid pirate Captain, sailing straight into our line of fire!" Whitmore turned to his ship Master, "We have him, Fire Mr Smithe."
The Ship Master turned to the main deck and relayed the order, "From the bow Fire!"
The ship shook as each Gunnery officer ordered their crew in a timed fashion. The ripple of cannon fire lit up the sea beginning at the bow to follow the trajectory of the phantom ship. The acrid smoke lifted. “Cease Fire!” Whitmore ordered. “ No ship can survive such an onslaught at this range.” The ship was gone. As if it never existed. "Where is it? Any wreckage?" The gun crews looked over the rail in search of their prey.
"I don't know sir, I didn't hear any hits.”, Replied the first officer. Then a gaunt figure of a man appear next to his first officer.
“Who…who…next to you Filson!”, Whitmore was almost speechless, he pointed at the figure an immediately recognized him.
"Greetings I am Dr. Masterson, I have finally found you the man behind my murder and those innocent lives with me. I will have my vengeance." He raised his cane as if to strike. The first officer drew his sword and slashed the shadow. At the same time more than a hundred ghostly figures appeared and stood among the crew aboard the Fury with their accusing expressions of anger. Panic immediately spread throughout the ship.
A woman’s distant voice echoed out of the fog off the starboard bow. "Men of La Savior, for the Venture...Fire!" A series of cannon flashes lit up the fog immediately followed by the chaotic explosion of men and debris in all directions. The Fury shuddered as cannon fire razed the main deck shattering the rigging, smashing cannons, and decimating helpless crew in a matter of moments.
She was the Blade of Nassau, Captain of the French sloop La Savior she was best at squad level tactics. Preferred stealth if not Hit and Run tactics and having never shirked from any confrontation having taken down men twice her size. A crack shot inside 25 paces and lethal with her dual blades to almost an art form. “Prepare to board the Fury – remember the Venture and remember Captain Ichabod!”
Groggy, Whitmore picked himself up from the deck. "Report" Most of his command staff dead or wounded. Masterson stood alone with Whitmore his own sword now in Masterson's gaunt hand. The flicker of fires on board now highlight the Dr's ever changing grizzly facial features. Whitmore staggered away from Masterson and clumsily careened down the steps and fled into his quarters. Still groggy he sifted the contents of a cabinet and grasped a small vial. He could hear Masterson’s heavy patient footstep outside his quarters. Whitmore uncorks a vial; Masterson steps in and looks the captain in the eye.
“Take this Masterson!” Whitmore held up a silver cross then splashed the Holy water at the apparition.
The figure of Masterson only hesitated, and then sighed as if there were still an ounce of compassion left in his tormented soul, “I see you use these things as if they had a magical power, only a man of genuine faith and humility can do such. You have no faith but in your own wealth and power Whitmore. May your soul burn in fire and brimstone Whitmore for your crime.” The sword leveled to Whitmore’s heart. The sounds of hand to hand combat ensue on the deck above. “Your crew cannot help you now.”
“No, no...“ Whitmore begged, "But you are dead, I saw your ships burn down to the waterline and sink." He backed up behind his opulent desk as if provided some measure of protection, his hands desperately fumbling with the shelves behind him in a futile search of a suitable weapon. “Mercy!”
“Mercy? How many cries of mercy have you ignored of innocent women and children? ”Masterson replied in his calm decorum, his face shifting back and forth from disfiguring burns to what was left of his humanity, “And that is what keeps me here on this sullen sod. My heart for revenge has trapped me here because of you and your corrupt Masters!", the tip of the sword dropped slightly, “I am tiring even in this cursed form.” He sighed once again.
Whitmore sensing weakness grasped a flintlock from a drawer, it was unloaded, “Curses!” and gripped the barrel and swung at his tormentor with no effect. Masterson instantly plunges the sword into the wicked Captain’s heart. Whitmore gasped and dropped the flintlock as Masterson slowly withdraws the sword. The wounded Captain slowly leans forward and collapses on the glass and paper littered floor. His last breath exhausted, his lifeless eyes stared into nothing.
Masterson drops the sword and turns out the cabin door, ”No more words, sir. Go, go to your real Master!” With another sigh, Masterson whispers to himself, "I cannot do anymore my friends, the rest is up to you." then disappears into the smoke.
The fog lifts.

### Back Stories: ###

Opening Video (Click on the Raven and Katana)

Opening Episode 1 Chronicles of the Bloody Raven
Episode 2 Coin Keeper: Dragon Bar
Episode 3 AgEnder: Ickabod’s Skull and Crossbones
Episode 4 Dr Masterson: Fog of War
Episode 5 The Nemesis
Episode 5 The Nemesis Part one
Episode 5 The Nemesis Part two
Episode 5 The Nemesis Part three
Episode 5 The Nemesis Part Four
Episode 6 Part one The Heart of Ezio

Clipart from 123RF

“Et lux in tenebris to serve laboro, sum sicarius” “I work in the shadows to serve the Light, I am an Assassin”

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Hahahaha, I love the splashing of Holy Water stuff... Very nice pick-ups, SIS! Take care, get enough sleep!

Lol, my take is most people mis place their faith in the Holy water than He who blesses and makes the water holy. Been a busy grocery shopping day and cashed in another load of refundables for a tidy $30, napping where I can. Thanks Sis!

As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!

Why thank you so much!

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

And thanks for being there for the community

Ah @ravenlravenhill pirate queen what a fantastic mystic tale!! Your skills as a pirate are matched by your ability to spin an amazing tale!! Thanks so much my friend!!

You begin to realize that the Bloody Raven is that of a Ghost Whisperer. Inspiration from the horror movie, The Fog 1985, 2005. And the employing of Ninja tactics into Naval warfare.

Awesome as always!!

I always like the Silver Pieces that are Shared with the Community........@kerrislravenhill

The Bloody Raven always enjoy sharing her treasured collection with her Brethern'n Sisters-in-arms.