#steemsilvergold members status report 07/16/17steemCreated with Sketch.

in steemsilvergold •  8 years ago  (edited)

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Dear SteemSilverGold members,

we're becoming bigger and bigger. 104 members in only four weeks now, that's amazing! Please think of the minnows in our community, and to the already confirmed members, don't forget to follow the new ones. Let’s steem on, support each other, comment and vote.
With best regards, @pawos.



Posts of the week:

most upvoted: Buy bitcoin, use Goldmoney, and a call to action! by @goldmatters with 104 votes
most commented: The Rothschild Family & Central banks - 250 years of debt, death and destruction. by @tremendospercy with 120 comments

Members: 104
New: 3
uncon. @cve3
Lost: none

And don't forget folks...
Follow the fellows!


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Just fyi: I've put up my auto-follow script for steemsilvergold members. Can be found here. It's linked to your post.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Heya pawos, thanks for report and list of new members. I can really see this sub booming once the metals get some of the attention they're due.

Steem on & stack on!

I'm waiting on a wee parcel... should have some new stories soon ;)

cheers, from thedamus

Hi! I'm so glad that came across this! I have been on Steemit for about a week now and wish I would have know about it earlier. I would like to be added to the group, please. I believe I have followed everyone on the aforementioned list, thanks!

Horray we made this list too, be following the community for a bit, lots of great discussions and sharing here. Thx everyone!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Proud to be part of this precious metals movement... Upvoted and resteemed

I made it on the list! Haha, though I'm still very new I've enjoyed the wealth of information that's been shared by everyone in the steemsilvergold community! And it certainly is exciting to be able to watch it grow! Thanks to everyone who's taken the time to welcome me and interact with me in the comments! I'll have to post something here soon to keep my momentum rolling. Cool post, thanks for sharing with us!

Hi guys! Brand new to your community but hope to get to know you all wel,l in time!

Yo, count me in guys, I upvoted! Will be rolling out amateur silver vids this week, peace

you have to follow each of our members first and then you will be confirmed by @hgmsilvergold.

So I literally go to all 104 member's sites and follow them?

welcome. just follow all the members, and you good to go.

Alright, I'll take care of this tonight, ty. Upvoted

alright, i'm all followed up (whew), but it was cool b/c i was already following A LOT of the steemsilvergold group... PEACE


was das?

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

hey flurgx, dein vote ist ja eine nette geste. danke. ich beantworte dir deine frage gern. die #steemsilvergold community ist ein verbund von steem-usern, die ihre liebe zu edelmetallen miteinander teilen. sie wurde von @hgmsilvergold vor etwa 4 wochen gegründet. alle in dieser liste sind mitglied und folgen einander (zumindest sollten sie das ;-). so halten wir uns gegenseitig auf dem laufenden, was dieses thema betrifft. unter uns sind analysten, stacker, makler, liebhaber. der informationsfluss ist so um ein vielfaches größer, da jeder von uns aus unterschiedlichen bereichen berichtet. zuletzt sind wir eine kooperation mit #teamaustralia eingegangen, dessen gründer @sirknight ist. das ist ebenfalls ein verbund insbesondere von australiern, die hier auf steemit tätig sind. wenn es nur irgend geht, voten und kommentieren wir unsere beiträge, um uns gegenseitig zu unterstützen. das ganze funktioniert, weil es recht unverbindlich und locker ist. jeder tut einfach, was er möchte und kann. es macht spaß. lieben gruß.

Klingt hervorragend! Danke für die detailierte Erklärung :-) solche Gruppen braucht es imo, um ein wenig Traffic zu bekommen :-) wir sehen uns, bis bald!

@pawos klar vote ich auch, vor allem wenn ich so viel Support wie von dir erhalte! Ich schau aber, dass ich in der Nähe von 95% bleibe, deswegen sind meine votes heute schon etwas schwach,.. Und nein, du musst meinen Kommentar hier nicht upvoten :-D

This post got a 41.44 % upvote thanks to @pawos - Hail Eris !

How do I become a member???

write a comment in one of @hgmsilvergold posts...

This post received a 1.2% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @pawos! For more information, click here!


This post has received a 6.13 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @pawos.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

yes, you are really a booster! thx