in steemsilvergold •  3 years ago  (edited)

It appears that my Vision will be using a Legal Version of Gods Money, to back our New and improved Physical and Electronic Currencies...

I was just listening to a Video where they described Silver and Gold as being "Gods Money"...

There is a Bid Difference between my Monetary Vision, and the Monetary System, currently being used...

We came close in 1792, but there were mistakes made in those early days...

The Monetary Correction shouldn't be too hard for "We the People" to accomplish...

We're allowed to Fix our Weights and Measures...

We the People will SET the Face Values and Melt Values of our Silver and Gold Coinage...

Over the years, I've been able to figure out the Final Melt and Face Values of our Silver and Gold Coinage...

Special Deals will be offered for our Older Silver and Gold Coins and Bullion Coinage...

Naturally, rare Coins will not be turned in, and no one will be forced to turn in any of their Silver and Gold, in any form...

But the Special Offers are going to be very hard to resist...

People have been Stacking Silver and Gold, just so they can buy into such a New Monetary System...

Everyone knew it would be good to have Silver and Gold, but no one saw what I was able to see coming...

What no one saw coming, is that our Common U.S. Coinage will "Out-Perform" Silver, Gold and all the "Fiat Cryptocurrencies" including Bitcoin...

Feel free to question anything I write...

Brought to you by @pocket-change...

October 14, 2021... 17.0 Hollywood Time...

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The Monetary correction is all we want. And it will be not much hard

Everyone will be much better off, after the Monetary Correction..I can't think of anything better than a Stable Monetary System...
October 15, 2021... 12.9 Hollywood Time...

You know I am sincere, so I will tell the truth as always, I saw the video, but only in parts, it is long and I am away from home, I liked the way the coins fall and it is like another musical instrument.
I appreciate you very much, you are a good man, tomorrow I will I look for you if GOD gives me life

Without God, you would have no Life in you.. By the way... God is the meaning of Life...
October 18, 2021... 18.5 Hollywood Time...

Another point of View...

October 14, 2021... 23.0 Hollywood Time...

Your vision is good only then you can see ahead, you said it right, everyone thought that gold and silver would be good. Your vision has to be admired.

Everyone around the World will benefit from my Vision... No one really needs to see it coming... But I do think it's best with your eyes opened... I think it's what everyone has been waiting for, but they just didn't know exactly how it would work, or what the Final Melt and Face Values would be with our Corrected, Silver and Gold Coinage... People using Digital Fiat now are going to love using Electronic Coinage, backed by our Corrected Silver and Gold Coinage...
October 15, 2021... 6.5 Hollywood Time...

Prepare, put away a little extra .....you are spot on my friend!! No one will take care of you or your family........except yourself!!

I'm probably one of the most prepared people on Steemit... But I'm still Spending the Fiat and Pocketing the Change... Thanks for stopping by...
October 15, 2021... 12.8 Hollywood Time...

I am right there with you, I try to encourage others, not all will listen.........a few do😀

I've seen plenty of eyes roll... I hesitate telling people in person... Would you believe, if I could sell all my Steem right now, for $3,500 in U.S. Clad Coinage, I'd be able to buy a House (After the Reset) that is currently selling for 350,000 Fiat USD's...???
October 15, 2021,,, 18,9 Hollywood Time...

It is good to know that we will have control, but we have to be vigilant, that is why we have to inform ourselves well, to take preventive measures. Thanks for sharing this information.

Thanks for your thoughts and warnings... Yes, we need to keep alert, at all times... No one sees my Vision coming, but they are aware of the benefits of Gold and Silver... That's a Big Plus, since Gold is going to the Moon and Silver is heading to Mars... If measured in Fiat USD's, this means that Silver will have a Melt Value of $700 and Gold will have the Melt Value of $7,000...
October 15, 2021... 18.6 Hollywood Time...

If the monetary correction benefits us like this, then let it come soon, but the question is: is one of the objectives of the correction to benefit the people or is the benefit something collateral?

The Main Objective of this Monetary Correction is to Benefit "We the People"... Our Electronic Coinage will Benefit everyone, World Wide... Don't worry about your Collateral... It will just be Measured, using New and Improved Monetary Tools...
October 15, 2021... 14.4 Hollywood Time...