Silver and Gold "Coin" backed Monetary System...

in steemsilvergold •  6 months ago 


There needs to be a World Wide Monetary "Standard Numbers" for their Silver and Gold "Coins"...

As long as the Weights and Face Value Numbers are Standard, I don't care what they are called...

We will call our Numbers "Dollars" and Weights, "Ounces" or Fractions of an Ounce...

Our Silver Coins will have $1, $2, $5 and $10 Face Values with Weights ranging from One Tenth Ounce to One Ounce...

Gold Coins will have $10, $20, $50 and $100 Face Values with Weights ranging from One Tenth Ounce to One Ounce...

The Silver/Gold "Coin" Ratio will be 10 to 1...

Here in these United States of a Sovereign People, we will be using Paper Coinage, Electronic Coinage and Common Coinage to "make change" for our Circulating Silver and Gold Coins...

Countries around the World, will be able to "choose" what they prefer to use to "make change" for their "Circulating" Silver and Gold "Coins"...

My guess is that they will choose "our" Electronic Dollars, Cents and Decimal Cents, which will be 100% backed by "our" Circulating Silver and Gold Coins...

During Phase One of the Reset, the Melt Value of Silver will Fluctuate in Value, all the way up to $9 per ounce...

The Melt Value of Gold will Fluctuate in Value, all the way up to $90 per ounce...

Payable in Silver and Gold Coins, of course...

Notice how the Microscopic Gold Dust clings to the edge of the inner capsule...
I could be wrong, but according to my Calculations, I may have stumbled upon Gold Ore that contains "more" than 1,000 ounces of Microscopic Gold to the Ton...

That comes to about 1,250 of today's Fiat USD's per "Pound" of Ore...

I plan on carrying out about 50 pounds of ore, on my next trip...

It would have been "over-looked" if someone Crushed the Ore and Panned it for Gold...

They never would have known about all the Microscopic Gold that washed straight out of their pan, unnoticed...

I was totally surprised when the Gold started to Collect on a Metal Plate, with even more that settled to the bottom of the glass...
Awesome Discovery...6.jpg
I sure wasn't expecting to find this on the metal plate the next day...

I used a Coffee Filter to dump in what settled at the bottom of the glass...
Awesome Discovery...10.jpg
This is how it looked Wet, in the Coffee Filter...

And this is how it looks Dry in a Plastic Capsule...


This caught me completely by surprise, since I've been holding onto the Heavy Brown Rock for Two or Three Decades...

I'm pretty sure, I remember the Area, where I picked up that Heavy Brown Rock...

I should be going back out there, soon after the U.S. Monetary Correction is Activated and made Public...

This is how the Microscopic Gold looks in Clumps, when it's Dry...

I'm trying my best, not to turn it into Microscopic Gold Dust as it will easily do when touched...
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Youre a little late posting today. Everything ok?

I'm okay... Thanks for your concern... I've been away for a while...