Silver and Gold on the Other Side of the Reset...

in steemsilvergold •  3 years ago  (edited)

Silver and Gold will do very nice, on the other side of the U.S. Monetary Correction...

Silver and Gold will actually become way too Valuable to use as a Common "day to day" Currency...

A One Ounce $10 Silver Coin will have the Spending Power of 1,000 of Today's Fiat USD's and the One Ounce $100 Gold Coin will have the Spending Power of 10,000 of Today's Fiat USD's...

It would be very difficult to make Change, using only Silver and Gold Coinage...

That's why it will be necessary to continue using the Smaller Face Values of our Common Coinage, along with the addition of 99 Electronic Decimal Cents...

Just a few adjustments in the Face Values of our Silver and Gold Coins, will make them fit in Perfectly with our Common Coinage...

Our Common Coinage already Ranges from One Cent to One Dollar...

Our Corrected Silver Coinage can Range from One Dollar to Ten Dollars...

Our Corrected Gold Coinage can Range from Ten Dollars to One Hundred Dollars...

Because of the 100 Fold increase in the "Spending Power" of our Common Coinage, it became obvious that we would need to be able to make change for a One Cent Coin...

That's why it was necessary to come up with 99 Electronic Decimal Cents...

It will take 99 plus 1 Decimal Cents to equal One Electronic Cent, just like it takes 100 Electronic Cents to equal 1 Electronic Dollar...

Our Electronic Coinage will "Remove and Replace" the Central Bank Owners Digital Dollars and Cents...

The Exchange Rate will be 100 Digital Dollars for 1 Electronic Dollar...

It will take 100 Digital Cents to equal 1 Electronic Cent or 100 Decimal Cents...

In other words, the Monetary Correction will Range from 1 Electronic Decimal Cent to a "One Ounce" $100 Gold Coin...

That is the entire Range of our New, Improved and Corrected Coinage...

All Fiat USD's will be "Removed and Replaced" during the "Redemption Period"...

No one will lose any "Spending Power" because of the 100 to 1 Exchange Rate...

Fiat USD's will actually gain a little Spending Power, since 'We the People" will Honor the last One Percent Spending Power of the Fiat USD's that have already lost "more" than 99% of their Spending Power...

This means that the Fiat USD's will be the Best Fiat Currency to be holding at the time of the U.S. Monetary Correction...

I think honoring the last One Percent Spending Power of the Fiat USD's will make for a Smooth Transition into our Silver and Gold Coin backed Currencies...

We will have Physical and Electronic Currencies, all backed by our Silver and Gold Coinage...

Every time a New Silver or Gold Coin is Minted, the U.S. Treasury will be allowed to issue or back, an equal Face Value amount of our New and Improved Currencies...

This means our Currencies will be in Perfect "Face Value" Balance with our Silver and Gold Coinage...

What makes this Monetary Correction different is the Fact that our Silver and Gold Coinage will also Circulate with our New and Improved Currencies, including our Electronic Dollars, Cents and Decimal Cents...

We will have many Choices, when it comes to our Monetary Tools...

Feel free to question anything I write...

Brought to you by @pocket-change...

November 1, 2021... 17.0 Hollywood Time...

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After monetary correction the paper currency will have the same value as today?

No... Our Paper Coinage will have Face Values denominated in Cents, unlike the fiat USD's... They will have the same Spending Power as the old Fiat USD's...
November , 2021... 14.1 Hollywood Time...

What is difference between electronic and digital dollar? I think it is same

I'm glad you asked... The biggest difference between the two, is that "We the People" own Electronic Coinage and the "Central Bank Owners" own Digital (Slave Unit) Dollars and Cents... Electronic Dollars, Cents and Decimal Cents will be "Owned and Operated" by "We the People"... Electronic Coinage will be run by our New and Improved Banking System, that will "remove and replace" the Old Banking System... Plus, we will be adding 99 Electronic "Decimal" Cents to our 99 Electronic Cents...
November 2, 2021... 6.0 Hollywood Time...

Man I love how u think! This is right! Love the post too.

Very good , my vote for you now has value :)

I see something very important and it is the fact of the different options in the use of the referred currencies: physical and electronic and especially the support with the gold coin. Greetings.

I like that the Silver and Gold Coins will Circulate, along with the Currencies they back...I want them in the hands of the People, not sitting idle in some Vault...
November 1, 2021... 18.2 Hollywood Time...

De acuerdo,saludos, bengiciones.

We have to keep in mind the ranges of the different new coins, since the silver and gold coins will circulate together with the improved and electronic coins. Valuable information.

Most People will rarely use their New Silver and Gold Coins... The Smallest 1/10th Ounce Silver $1 Coin will have the Spending Power of 100 of Today's Fiat USD's... I tend to think People will Hold onto their Silver and Gold Coins until they need more of our Physical or Electronic Currencies... A $100 Gold Coin will have the Spending Power of 10,000 of Today's Fiat USD's... Not many People will have $100 Gold Coins... A Car selling for 50,000 Fiat USD's today, can be bought with just 5 of our $100 Gold Coins...
November 2, 2021... 14.2 Hollywood Time...

One of the options will be cryptocurrencies, well, you don't like them, but look at how this system progresses, hey, I broke the piggy bank I had in my childhood, it was a clay pig, I remember I cried for the pig ha ha ha ha , now I have two, I keep coins, the teachings of the parents are not lost

I think Children in the U.S. who have Piggy Banks, may end up with more Spending Power than their Parents...
October 3, 2021... 12.6 Hollywood Time...