Yes, I'm able to Walk on Water...

in steemsilvergold •  3 days ago 


I learned how to Swim from a very early age...

But that's not what I like writing about...

What I like to write about will be a Game Changer, once we "Fire" the FED and the IRS, and return to our own U.S. Treasury...

No one believed me when I wrote that "We the People" can Pay off the National Debt, including the so called "interest" IN FULL, which can be done in an "instant"...

I've been hearing talk about a Quantum Financial System, that will be Operated from Space and Reach the Entire Earth...

I figure, they'll be using "our" Electronic Coinage, that will be 100% backed by our New Product Line of Silver, Gold, Platinum and Palladium "Coins"...

This is why all the Banks have been loading up on Gold...

They will need all that Gold to buy "our" Electronic Coinage...

I'm sure, many of you don't believe me when I write that we had "Staggering" amounts of Silver and Gold, "Standing By" to Jump Start our New and improved, Silver and Gold "Coin" backed Monetary System...

Guess what we'll be using to "make change"...???

I wouldn't mind seeing some of your answers for a change...

I was asked if I wanted to come back to work...

I didn't go into detail why, but my answer was "NO"...

It's probably easier to Quit Smoking, than Walking away from the Motion Picture Industry...

I did both...

I did tell them for years that I was "Fazing" myself out...

First it was no more Summers, than it was no more Winters...

I think I did the right thing by Walking away...

If you knew me, you'd know that I was "Semi-Retired" most of my Working Life...

I still don't think of myself as being "Retired"...

I have Multiple "Garden Rooms" that I personally take care of...

I have "Never Ending" Pruning Work with all my Texas Sage Bushes...

If I ever want to start selling "Kindling Wood" these Bushes produce plenty...

I figure it will be a good plant to have if the Power goes out...

My "Wood Burning" Fireplace was "Grandfathered" in...

So, at least I'll be able to make Simple "In Door" Meals with Hot Coffee...

My Survival Water comes from a Prime Water Source...

Prime Water might be a Closely Guarded Secret where you live...

I figure, Prime Water is just as Valuable as Microscopic Gold...


I better start thinking about what Coin or Round I want to Post...

It's not going to be easy, after my last couple of Posts...


Wow, I sure didn't expect to come up with something so Awesome...

On the other side of the Reset, people will pay "Double" the "Face Value" plus a "Collector Premium" for this $50 Gold Buffalo Coin...

Would you be willing to Pay $120 in Electronic Coinage for this One Ounce, $50 Gold Buffalo Coin...???

Do you think that's too much or too little to be paying, on the other side of the Reset...???

Paying $120 in Silver or Gold Coinage will be the same as paying 12,000 of today's Fiat USD's...

Again I ask, will you be willing to Pay $120 in Silver and Gold Backed Coinage, for this $50 Gold Buffalo Coin...???


I can't wait to see the Replies I get from all these questions...

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