All Federal Reserve Notes to be gathered up and burned...???

in steemsilvergold •  7 years ago  (edited)

There is very little Value remaining in the Federal Reserve Notes...

I realize, we all grew up, seeing them, holding them and using them as Money...

Yes, they look like Money to me too...

They've been around all my life...

The Big Problem I see with Federal Reserve Notes, is that they're not "ours"...

They belong to the Federal Reserve Banks and their "Owners"...

The Owners, "allow" us to use "their" money, so long as we pay them interest...

We need to Reclaim our Monetary System by Creating a New, United States Trade Dollar, and use them to Gather up all the Federal Reserve Notes, from around the World...

Any Country, Company or Person, anywhere around the World will be given a Redemption Period to turn in and Exchange all their Federal Reserve Notes for the New, U.S. Trade Dollar...

The Trade Dollars are a part of my P.C. Theory...

I was calling them a New Dollar, but I came to the Conclusion that Trade Dollar was a more fitting name...

We keep hearing about all these Trade Wars coming our way...

I figure, we better have a Trade Dollar that Packs a Large Dose of Purchasing Power...

The Rate of Exchange will be 100 Federal Reserve Note Dollars for 1 U.S. Trade Dollar, with no loss in Purchasing Power...

The Reason behind Gathering up, Returning, Destroying, Shredding or Making "all" Federal Reserve Notes, Void of any Legal Tender Status, will be our "one and only" way to pay off the National Debt...

This is because, they will be returned to their Legal Owners and Counted towards "Payment in Full" and eliminate our National Debt once and for all...

At this point, all they will have coming to them is the interest, which will "easily" be paid in U.S. Trade Dollars, backed by Common U.S. Coinage...

Once returned to the Federal Reserve Banking System as payment of Debt, they shall no longer be Honored with any Legal Tender Status, and will never be used again as United States Currency...

The Clock is Ticking...

Everyone thinks the Time is at Hand...

Are you prepared for the coming Reset...???

Will you be bringing along any Silver, Gold or Common U.S. Coinage...???

Have you read any of my other Posts...???

Do yourself a favor and check them out...

Up-Votes are not necessary, but I'd love your views and comments...

COIN MAN by @pocketechange ...A penny may cost you a dollar bill...

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I just discovered you - the coin man creation grabbed my attention but your message is a very important one! I'm going back to check out your other posts! I'm so happy to see you are trying get the word out there about the Fed and how it really works. Many average people do not even know the federal reserve is a privately owned bank.

You've got a new follower!

Thanks for commenting... I hope you find the new Trade Dollar as a means to rid ourselves once and for all, of the Central Bankers around the World... I don't know for sure, but I feel that the United States, Russia, China and many other Countries are joining forces to fight a Common Enemy... I think we're on the Verge of taking back our Monetary System...

I hope! central banking is choking out humanity :-[

I like your blog - the things you talk about about are very real and most people don't even realize what's happening.

Hers something to ponder - If the federal reserve issues every dollar we have - and we are supposed to pay back each dollar issued with interest - where do we get the dollars to pay the interest? We need to borrow more dollars so we can pay the interest - but now we owe more dollars and more interest ... it's a negative feedback cycle of neverending debt....

As long as the Federal Reserve Notes are in Circulation, they are never considered paid back...
We will use our new U.S. Trade Dollars to gather up all the Federal Reserve Notes, from around the World and also here in the United States, and give them back to their Legal Owners as payment of Debt... And the answer to your interest payment is easy... Once their Debt Notes are Returned, Destroyed, or made Void, the interest will be all that remains... We pay the interest due with our new Trade Dollars, backed by Common U.S. Coinage...

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Your thanks have been received and welcomed... No need to thank me daily... I realize you have more important things to do... I wish you well, along with all the Peoples of the World...