in steemsilvergold •  7 years ago  (edited)

My P.C. Theory relies on a Monetary System owned and run by "We the People"...

We want to get "rid" of the Central Bank "Owners" and "their" Federal Reserve Notes...

I don't hate the Banks...

Banks are usually, pretty nice looking Buildings...

I don't hate the Bank employees...

They're just going to work, to help with the Bills...

I'm against the Central Bank "Owners" who have been (in my opinion) Robbing our People Blind for Far Too Long...

You know I "have to" choose my words carefully...

It all comes down to, "We the PEOPLE" verses the central bank "OWNERS"...

I'm always sorry to see that People are still not understanding my Pocket Change Theory...

It's really very simple and even if you're living outside the United States, you still have the Ability to Purchase United States Bullion Coinage, including the $100 U.S. Gold Bullion Coins and $100 U.S. Platinum Bullion Coins...

Each will contain the PM's a lot of you seek, in addition to a 100 Fold increase in Purchasing Power...

Plus if my Theory is Correct, the $100 U.S. Bullion Coins will have the Purchasing Power of 10,000 Federal Reserve Note Dollars...

It's a win win for all U.S. Bullion Coin, Precious Metal Stackers...

My P.C. Theory looks at the Possible Reset of our United States Coinage, which will lead to the "Removal and Replacement of all Federal Reserve Notes, World Wide...

We will 'remove and replace" all Federal Reserve Note by "means" of a New, United States Trade Dollar and a New United States Crypto-Coinage, denominated in Dollars and Cents with the added bonus of Decimal Coinage...

Paper and Crypto have less Melt Value than Common U.S. Coinage...

It's a good thing our Monetary System doesn't have to rely on Melt Value...

Why do People think Cryptos can increase in Purchasing Power, but not U.S. Coinage...???

The United States of a Sovereign People, has its own form of Legal Tender...

We "OWN" the Power to Coin Money and "regulate" the Value thereof...

We are the proud "OWNERS" of "our own" Monetary System...

We need not pay interest on our own Money...

From what I've seen so far of our POTUS, we will "continue" not paying interest on our Money

And our U.S. Coinage can and (in my opinion) will, be Reset with a 100 Fold increase in Purchasing Power...

I believe this will happen by means of an Executive Order...

I'm also guessing that the Executive Order has "Already been Written" and is "Standing By" for the "Right Moment"...

It will be "The Moment" that "Changes" the way we View "our" Money...

Guess where the Missing 21 Trillion Dollars is Hiding...

I want to do another Post about the 21 Trillion...

Yes... My Wild Imagination will "fill you in" on where the Missing 21 Trillion is...

As always... Feel Free to Comment...


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I believe this will happen by means of an Executive Order

That would be an amazing thing, monetary policy direct from the president. @ironshield

This would be great...We will see!!!

I just heard on a video this morning how not all of the Federal Reserve members are appointed and the President chooses the vacancies. Not all vacancies are appointed and are currently open. Trumps has an opportunity to stack the deck in his favor.

Trump inherited a rare opportunity to appoint Fed board members in his favor. The chair position came up for reappointment during his term. Powell was appointed. Three additional board positions are vacant, including the Vice-Chair position. Two of them have been vacant since the 2008 financial crisis.

I heard Greg Hunter mention U.S. Coinage about 36 minutes into his Friday Wrap-Up today... He's off a little on the Reset of Federal Reserve Notes... Federal Reserve Notes will not be Reset in purchasing power, they'll be Removed and Replaced... I think my P.C. Theory is heading in the Right direction... People are Waking Up...

Time to start tipping with dollar bills, not my pennies. :)

I've been saving bi-centennial quarters for years. Those will sell!

It's not about Selling them... It will be more about, using them to make a Purchase...
As per my P.C. Theoy, a Quarter Dollar will have the same Buying Power as 25 Federal
Reserve Note Dollars... That's the Part, most People have a hard time Dealing with...
People will understand the New Purchasing Power much better when their Hourly Wage
goes from 25 Federal Reserve Note Dollars per hour, to 25 Cents per hour...

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