Got me a surprise Tuesday.

in steemsilvergold •  7 years ago 

Sorry everyone, I have been so tied up with school and soccer practice that I haven't had time to post anything. Well on Tuesday after I got down with the Doctors they told me I would not be able to continue boxing but for now I could practice with the soccer team. The doctor is supposed to take my monitor reads to with him on Friday to Birmingham and a panel of doctors are going to review the monitor reads.🤞🤞

So I guess maybe Monday I will know if I will be able to stay on the soccer team. I guess my pops was feeling bad on Tuesday that I had gotten some bad news, cause he came home with a gift.

If any of y'all know him, I had to guess that I was about to be blessed with more silver🤗.

I was right, man did he surprise me with this one, I do not have many bars, most of my stack consist of silver rounds and constitutional silver. I do have 3 sunshine mint 1 oz bars.

Sorry this isn't really an unboxing, cause he didn't take time to box it up.


YES! A geiger bar, and it's 100 grams, which I think is a little over 3 oz, making this my biggest bar yet.


Thank You Pops, this is a very nice bar and it's a name brand🙌


Shhhhh, I snuck into the safe, well not really we use the same one. But I got one of his big bars, so you could tell the size difference.


Oh man, got a long ways to go to get to the big bars, one day though, I will have a 1000 gram bar,

Thank you everyone for your prayers and awesome comments. I didn't really want my pops to say anything but he seems to be pretty close to everyone here so I guess it's alright.

Usually he goes to the pawn shops on Friday, I think In will go with him tomorrow and spend some left over X-Mas money. So maybe I will do a post tomorrow.



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Boy, you can't handle that 1000 gram, you better have it put away by the time I get home. You get 100 gram. Did you go to practice today?

yep practiced with no issues, ok I will put it up.

Bah ha ha — what an awesome sneaky kid you got!!! 🤣👍

Hi sidewayzs! Duder, i’m sorry to hear about some of the issues your facing — and it may sound corny — but it is the very things that test us that make us stronger. And do welcome a fork in the road when you find it — it offers another test of your character.

I took the road less travelled by, and that has made all the difference.

~some famous poet guy

Cheers sidewayzs! Keep on stackin’!!!

Wishing the best for Monday bro. You gotta a care package heading your way here soon too 👍

ah man really, oh boy I cant wait


That's a great gift from your Dad @sidewayzs13! I'm sure that it will always hold a special place in your collection.
I like the older junk silver too, and I have a Standing Liberty Quarter from my Dad, that no amount of money could ever purchase. I did alot of hard work in the blazing sun that day, and he offered me paper money, or that quarter.

Enjoy the silver and the lessons your Dad teaches ya, but cherish the time that you get to spend together....that's where the real gold lies.

100g is a good size bar. 1000g 😳.

the weight feels really good. much better than that 1000 gram.

Me likey :) I picked up a dragon coin at the Perth Mint yesterday, but my appetite is still not satisfied hmm

I dont have any perth mint items, but I will one day

Score! Those Geigers sure are beautiful! What a nice surprise! 👍 Your dad is awesome! LOVE that 1000 grammer! 💗

yes sir, I like this one

Glad to hear that you've been able to practice...though I think your dad gave you another illness...the stackitis!

what is stackitis

Ask your dad. He's got one of the worst cases of it around. Isn't that right @raybrockman!

This is the perfect, absolutely perfect, time to say: go ask your father — lmfao!!!

very smart size!

Awesome. And 100 grams is a chunk more than three ounces. 28 grams to the ounce. So nearly four. That’s a nice gift. I think I will start calling Ray “dad.”

Nice present. Good luck with the ⚽️