Just got a Package of Medicine Smuggled in from Canada...........Stackitus arrested for another day

in steemsilvergold •  7 years ago 

I was so Excited to see my Medicine arrived in the Mail today. I got my Medicine for my Stackitus from a Smuggler North of the Border as can be seen here by the Postage they used..................


Now I think this is very resourceful to use stamps that were issued years ago............................


Now once I opened the Box I knew my Medicine was PURE Canadian................................Hockey was a Clue


Was I really getting The PUREST of Stackitus Medicine ? Well I guess so here was another part of the Purity Clue.....


Now once I reached into my Package I knew I got my Medicine straight from the Cartel, The Package was tightly wrapped..............


You know they refer to Silver as the DEVIL's Metal, Do you think this is a Good Clue as to Why ??


Now lets take a little gander at the 18 1/2 Oz.'s I received today.......................


Stokjockey do you think you can show us some more Close UP Pictures of the Medicine ??

Well lets first take a look at the Western Mint medicine...............


And the Reverse..........




The Reverse of The Rink on Renfrew..........


Now Lets take a Look at The Johnson Matthey Medicine..................................The First JM bar is a sealed 1/2 Oz. Piece....


Somebody along the way used some Tape on the Reverse but this can be remedied with a little GOO Be Gone.......


Next a 1 Oz. Silver Bar Sealed of Scotia Bank, Not a Friend of Silver Medicine.........................


Scarce Scotia 1 Oz. Bar the Reverse...................


Next the Big Brother Scotia Silver Bar 5 Oz.................


Then the Reverse of the Evil Scotia Bank........................


Then finally The Biggest and Best Piece of Stackitus Medicine in 10 Oz. form....................Less than 250 of this Piece of Medicine was created..............Another Evil Bank Bar.......................


Then the Serialized Back of the Royal Bank Bar.............Stackitus Arrested for another day or two..................


Feeling Much Better now and @stokjockey hopes you keep Stacking your Medicine too...............

If you enjoy content such as this then please feel free to UP Vote........

Follow me here on Steemit @stokjockey

Also Support all of the Silver & Gold Stackers as well as #steemsilvergold !!!

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Holy Hell stok!!! You fucking killed it with these rarities!!!

(...thedamus stomps around kicking dirt wondering where he went wrong...!!

Lol — excellent grabs man!

Like Me I know you LOVE those little Western Mint Bars if you stumble across them while at the LCS. That little Canadian Cartel !

DAMN STOCK!! Don't OD bro!!

@- , -@

Silver is an Addiction !!! Be Careful out there.................

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold


@pit-bullion I was Sick Man I needed the Medicine............................

That 10oz back is pretty cool with the coats of arms on it. And a nice low number even if it's from the evil banks. :)

Those are some cool bars!

@brianphobos Thank You for coming by to take a Look. It is People like you that make me excited about being on STEEMIT. I wish I had time to go around and give everyone a Great UP vote and a thank you for letting me know I exist.....................

You are welcome! It is rough out there right now. It is very frustrating for all of us for sure. A lot of us feel like we are all giving more than we are getting back and when we spend a lot of time on our blogs it is hard right now to feel like we really got ahead with it.

This medicine'll sure cure what ails me...


I is so sad. I won my very first gold bar here on Steemit and some creature of ill repute had the audacity to steal it :(


Great story board, BTW 😁 I enjoyed it. Why is it they call silver the Devil's Metal?

When Jesus overturned the money-changers tables, he was not angry at the concept of money or profit, he was angry at them for charging people a high premium for the special silver coin that was needed in order to make temple offerings. Essentially the money-changers were running an extortionist/monopolistic cartel; other Jews were required by their religion to visit the temple and there was no where else to get the coins (of course he was most angry about them defiling a house of God by turning it into a marketplace, but the monopoly made it worse).

Kind of like the SYSTEM we Live Under Now......That is why The Bankers hate Cryptos

The 74 Pacific Coliseum is the bees knees. ☺️

More Silver from my neck of the woods that even I didn't know about. First time heard of Western. I've been to the Pacific Colosseum a few times in my Baby Bat years for those highly distorted, totally discernible kind of music that we'd come out of the building saying "What?" to each other for hours afterwards.

I am surprised that you did not look at the previous two posts I did to take advantage of nice UP votes.......

I am under the weather and under motivated lately. Performance anxiety and can't finish a couple of posts I've been working on. I got Tax filing deadline looming. At less than 6 hrs sleep a day my writing anything becomes a big challenge. I am so convinced that my govt is determined to make me a debt slave and is financially punishing me for not getting into debt. I don't have enough time for myself and wanting to put it all away but I got family that depend on me. I come back here to make a few good comments and use what insignificant power I have to support my friends. Now I'm forced to make more better cost benefit use of time. I appreciate your helping hand @stokjockey I understand this takes time and resources , things I am in very short supply of now.

Nice pick ups. Good to see you taking your medicine :)

Thank You @buggedout I am grateful for the Stackitus being put down for a day or two....................

My friend, my OCD compels me to ask you how is it possible that a bar numbered 001243 and your "Less than 250 of this Piece of Medicine was created" can both be true? By the way, beautiful bars!

This mintage of 250 bars is an estimate of the Allengelhard.com website................

Great variety @stokjockey! Nice additions....

...like mama said - always take your medicine! It's sooo good for you baby! Great pickups! I would greatly benefit from understanding what constitutes a rare piece. Perhaps a future post?

Great Idea @nofiat, but for now you may want to peruse this Website, this will give you TONS of Information concerning scarcity of Silver Bars........................... http://allengelhard.com/

perfect, much appreciated!

I'm lovin' that GASTOWN from Western Mint. It's pretty awesome.

I may be Wrong but I think Western Mint Bars are Way Undervalued......................

Very nice bars man!

That is some serious hardware your displaying! I really like the looks of that Gastown bar because it is something a little different. They all look like they are in real nice condition and thanks for sharing.

Nice Post!!
I gave you an up-vote.

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@srijana-gurung welcome to Steemit and I am sure that I and many more people will Follow your progress here on Steemit. All you have to do is be Consistent and Produce Compelling Content................