This is a Funny Looking Eagle Don't You Think ?? This Silver Round was an Achievment Award for Something........

in steemsilvergold •  6 years ago  (edited)

There are Some Really Compelling Reasons to be a "Stacker" of Precious Metals..............

One of those Reasons is the Fact that you can make Friends with Like Minded People Right here on Steemit that have their Own Community @ssg-community......................

Another Reason is that You can Learn From other People as Well as Drop some Knowledge on Them....................

The Reason I am doing this Post this Evening is to Share a Silver Round that I got a couple of Days Ago at my LCS (Local Coin Shop)............

This Silver Round was put out by a Company Called "The Associates" back in 1987 and it was Probably Awarded to an Employee for an Outstanding Achievement...........................

Let's take a Look at the Silver Round with The Funny Looking Eagle...............

I am Laughing Right Now because it Kind of Looks like a Cross Between a Pigeon and an Eagle, Not Very Majestic Looking at Least to Me................What do you Think ??


I never Worked for The Associates but If I did I would be Trying my Damnedest to Win this Achievement Award as Often as Possible......................

Does Anyone in Our Community Know what Outstanding Thing you would have Needed to do in Order to be Awarded this Silver Round ??

By the Way I did Look at Other Silver Rounds on Google Images and I must say that The Associates has an affinity to doing Silver Rounds for various Awards and Employee Appreciation for many Years......................

Take a Look and Tell me what you Think in the Comments........

That Eagle sure Does Look Funny to me Though........................

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Definitely not an eagle. Maybe a disguised pidgeon...

Unique round @stokjockey, that bird looks like a pigeon. I can tell you one thing, this was not awarded for outstanding achievement in engraving a bird that looks like an eagle.
Thanks for bringing it everyday @stokjockey!

I have to give that 100% UP since you are making me Laugh @summertooth. I Appreciate you my Brother........Pigeon or Eagle ??

hiya, well i like the sound of a company rewarding people with silver :) i think more companies should do this! thank you for sharing this post, hope you have a fab day, respect

It looks like a vulture with a short neck...