Perfect 10s

in steemsilvergold •  6 years ago 

I've been travelling around for various reasons and haven't had a chance to get the memory card out of my camera and show you pics of what you really care about: Silver!

A few weeks back I stopped by the "local" coin store a few towns over. I would love to have one in my town, but it makes me save up a bit more for each trip over there. Also, if I had a coin store in my town, we'd be in danger of our food money getting spent on more shiny. Silver lining. (See what I did there?)

Anyhow, it was a slow day at the LCS, so I had plenty of time to look around and see what they had in stock. I bounced around from Silver American Eagles, to Silver rounds, and then my eyes caught their junk bin. It was obstructed a bit, but when you've been waiting a while to get silver, your eyesight is keener, so I spotted it no problem.

They don't let you thumb through the "junk" yourself as they're normally fairly busy, but in exchange they give you a better rate. What rate? Spot price!

When I realized I was getting these for zero markup I had them count me out $5 in face value of pre-1965 dimes.


Yes, these aren't actually "perfect" dimes as they have been circulated, but I like them nonetheless. To me, it's as if they were perfect.

I got a good mix of Roosevelt and Mercury dimes and I arranged them by the year for perspective. Most of them are in good condition, and since the store wasn't busy at the time, the lady took a bit of extra time to choose the nicer ones.


There's part of my little adventure to the coin shop. I bought a few other things that day, but I'm going to save those for another post.

Thanks for hanging out. If you don't already have "junk" silver coins in your collection, consider them as they're a relatively inexpensive way to add some ounces to your stack.

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That's a nice mix you got there! And for zero markup? Excellent pickup.

The dimes look to be in pretty good condition, even the older ones.I really like the older designs on silver US currency. The stuff that's around in circulation today is bland to me and I really like the designs from the late 1800's to the mid 1900's the best.

Technically there was a small markup. From what I understand, although there is supposed to be .7230 ozt of silver in 10 dimes, most shops only consider them to have .7150 because of wear and tear. So you can say that I paid a small markup if you base it on that, but otherwise, yeah, it was a great deal. And I was surprised at the condition of them as well.

I feel like they put more time and creativity into designing older coins. I'm with you there on thinking that they looked cooler back in the day. I wonder if the people then thought the same thing, that the even older coins were the cool ones. Hmm.

Thanks for stopping by!

thanks for showing us your junk... ;) I didn't realize that you had an interest in silver.... I may or may not have acquired some silver pieces in the past... I like looking at old coins and finding ones with some silver in them

Yeah, man! I haven't been posting on it consistently, so I could see how it would get lost in the mix. I'm going to try to post more on it in the future. Would love to see pics of some of your collection at some point.

Buying and stocking old silver coin is good only if it has future economic values , whereby i can sell them someday and make some good money from it

Yes, but these aren't just "coins." These are 90% Constitutional silver, meaning they're coins, but they are made up of 90% silver, so even if the coin is worthless, they're still worth whatever the silver content is worth. They're a great way of retaining value in my opinion. (Not investment advice. Do your own research.)

Rolling out the dimes! Nice! I really need to see if I can find a LCS, other than a pawn shop that might have the 90% silver coins. There's a couple of places that are advertised on the radio, but I haven't made it to them yet. I guess they would be NELCS. :)

They're so pretty!

Don't discount the pawn store. They probably have some deals in there. They buy the silver at a discount and have already made profit off it, so they may be a little more flexible on the pricing. Just know what you're getting into. (I would also assume a higher risk of it being a fake at a pawn shop, but if you know what to look for, that is probably lessened.)

Not-exactly-local-coin-shop? Ha ha. Yeah, I think you should check them out. The 90%ers are a great way to go in my personal, unprofessional opinion.

That's been my thinking. Widely recognized as containing silver, face value unless something catastrophic happens, which probably means silvers going to the moon. Win-win-win.

I avoid pawn shops generally. The ones here don't quite scream, "Trust us!" when you walk through the door. It's more reminiscent of an indoor rummage sale.

Yeah, so I'll have to go find out where the not exactly local coin shop is. They supposedly also make their own coins and bars, so I guess that means a smelting plant and a print or engraving set up, which means it's probably in the industrial section. The other one I don't think is quite as adventurous, but they've stopped advertising.

Yeah, if silver tanks, then you can get at least face value for it, if everything else tanks, you have something that's actually worth something (at least partially because it can be used in manufacturing and such).

I could see avoiding pawn shops. I was driving through a small town a few weeks ago and saw a pawn shop. Thought about stopping in, but we were sort of pressed for time and I decided I didn't want to risk it. Yes, maybe I could have saved a few dollars compared to my LCS, but since I tend to spend in smaller amounts ($100 - $200) I'd rather be certain they're legit.

That's cool that they make their own stuff. From what I understand, if you have the equipment, it's not difficult to do. Doing it well though is an art and takes time to master. If you're interested in someone who pours his own, check out @pit-bullion. The guy is a Jedi. :)

Nice! I have some junk quarters but no dimes. Might have to get a hold of some at some point...

From what I have seen, the pricing is the same. 90% silver quarters have .1808 ozt in each one. 90% silver dimes have .0723 ozt in each one. When you calculate by $1 face value (4 quarters or 10 dimes) it's the same.

Some places may charge more depending on their pricing structures. There shop I went to had lower prices, but didn't let you choose. There's another shop the other direction from my house that has slightly higher prices, but you can choose the coins, so if they have some that are in really good condition, you can get those for the same (slightly higher) price.

I love me some junk silver! Nice additions to the family there, @themanwithnoname :D

Glad to hear that you enjoy it as well. Would love to see pics of your collection at some point. :)

Oh, I might show bits and pieces at times :)

Enjoy my friend. I no longer boarder myself so much about investments that require capital to avoid cursing myself instead of poverty and lack.

I don't invest more than I can afford to lose (although I'm tempted sometimes). Since it's a precious metal, I figure that it will keep it's value even if the markets go down. They tend to be contrarian anyways. That means while the market is up, it's easier to get more shiny. :)

Not investment advice. Do your own research.

Thanks friend. Just learning forex trading now to see that i have another income aside from steem

Good for you! I haven't gotten into that yet, but from what I understand you can make a lot of money doing it... or you could lose a lot, so good for you to learn it first.

Yea it's a two way thing. Runing my demo account and learning from some good guys who make more than $500 daily

Wow, that sounds like they're doing well. I would be happy with that. Maybe you can just have them run some of your money for you?

I wish I had it, would be running it myself by observing them. Just trying to raise 100 dollars but my schooling is eating the little I get and sbd is very down at this point

I know the struggle, man. Keep making those small, wise decisions repeatedly and you'll start making progress. And in the meantime, you get to make risk-free trades and learn the system.

Thank you for posting so beautifully.

What about the post was the most beautiful, in your opinion?

