RE: Those who did nothing to prepare...

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Those who did nothing to prepare...

in steemsilvergold •  2 months ago 

Day 6 of missing your posts. You cant stay away for ever....

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The Reset will happen sooner than anyone thinks, including I really have nothing left to write that I haven't already written... I will return with the Biggest Up-votes on Steemit... This means, I have to get busy with my Silver and Gold Discoveries... That doesn't start until "after" the Reset...

Hi @pocket-change ,I wish you a happy night

I hope all is well... I sure wouldn't want to be holding Bitcoin right now... The way it's Fluctuating up and down would be making me wonder why anyone would want an unstable Cryptocurrency... I can't wait for the Activation of U.S. Crypto Coinage...

I like it when I give you a good vote, maybe it's a bit strange to say this but it's what I feel.
When I give vote and nothing appears I feel bad, I don't think it's fair to receive without giving.
On the other panel I'm working on this

I was excited over on Hive when my Votes reached 2 Cents... The more I give, the more I get back in return...

I see this post, it's been 15 days , it feels a bit nostalgic, even though you talk about the same subject there is always something different.
I wish you a happy day

You can comment on something I posted years ago, and I'll still be able to give you an up-vote... So if you find anything I write too hard to believe, be sure to ask lots of questions...