The Steem Sister Show - Episode 06 // Embarrassing and Memorable Childhood Moments

in steemsistershow •  6 years ago  (edited)


Welcome to the sixth episode of the Steem Sister Show!

Your hosts are @coruscate and @maryjaney. We are two sisters using the Steem blockchain to chat about our life experiences and provide a little entertainment value to the Steemit Community.

Today We are Talking about Embarrassing and Memorable Childhood Moments!

Grab your popcorn and get ready to hear some crazy stories! There were so many more that we could have shared, that we might make this topic a two or three part in the future!

I think we probably laugh the most in the episode as we remember some pretty funny stories. We also had some tissues on stand by because we ended up drawing out some tough memories too. More than anything, we just had fun getting each other‘s perspective on some of the same events!

For your viewing pleasure... we've included some funny childhood photos below! Mary actually went over to our parent's house to dig through the old albums.mI kept getting texts from her with embarrassing photos while she was there.

We actually tried re-creating one of the photos for the thumbnail image for this episode!

Questions Answered this Week

  • Audience question from @legalcanada - Did you ever embarrass yourself in front of a childhood crush?

  • Audience question from @melvadg - Did you ever fight over anything specific growing up, like a doll or a boy?

  • What was your sisters most annoying habit growing up?

  • Audience question from @jfitmisc - What is your most embarrassing elementary school memory?

  • What was your favorite trip you took as a child?

Some Childhood Photos


Thanks for the matching PJ’s Grandma! lol


Mary strutting her stuff in a pond... just a typical day.


Look at Mary’s foot... she is literally gushing blood.


Oh god... I used to make Mary take pictures of me so I could get a new profile picture for MySpace. LOL


Aww Mary after a dance recital! Our brother Mark is trying to figure out if there is chocolate in that box...


We have no idea what is going on in this picture.


Apparently I had aspirations to be Scottish.


When I was 13, I let my friend color my hair, and it looked horrible . Mary and my mom are getting a kick out of trying to fix it.


How bout them shells?


Got bangs? My dad was my hairdresser...


This is the first picture we took when Mary came home from the hospital. I was SO excited to finally have a sister!!! <3

What is the Steem Sister Show All About?

We aim to bring more “non-crypto” related content to the Steem Blockchain. Although there is nothing wrong with this kind of content (@corsucate even posts on crypto related material sometimes) – we want to help create a better onboarding experience for new users. We talk a lot about attracting new users to the platform – but if the trending page is filled with crypto posts and flagging wars, they are likely to lose interest quickly.

We hope that by creating content that is more similar to what they are used to seeing on other social media sites – they will feel more excited about being here and creating content of their own! If they see this type of content being celebrated here… they are more likely to engage.

How Does It Work?

We pick a topic every week, and then throw totally random questions about that topic in a hat and go back and forth. We always have a mix of our own questions and some audience questions. Our rule is that we cannot tell each other our answers before filming! So you guys are getting our raw, unfiltered reactions here.

Every week we announce the next week’s topic so people can submit questions.

Want to win some SBD??

If we chose to answer your question in the next show… we will send you 2 SBD! Now that’s some easy money. With the current price of SBD… you could go grab a Starbucks coffee with that!

Announcement: The Steem Sister Show is Going to Start Running TWICE a Week!

The Steem Sister Show has been our absolutely favorite content to create and we have received such a positive response from the Steemit community! We always get way more questions than we can get to in each episode, and so we are excited to start producing the show more regularly!

We are actually in the middle of working on a real cool little intro shot to have with each episode too... so stay tuned for that! (Ps... there may be singing involved).

We are still working out exactly which days we will post each week - so we may experiment with that to see what kind of schedule works best!

The Next Episode : Spirituality and Religion

In this eposide, we both referenced our religious upbringing. In the video, I mention that we didn't grow up in a typical Christian family...but one that was a little more radical. We actually upped and moved our life to move to a mega church that was having a big revival and spent 5-6 nights a week at church.

As adults, we have both done a lot of exploring to see where our beliefs and value systems lie. Surprisingly, we actually don't talk about spirituality all that often, and so I think we are both really excited to learn from each other next week.

This is such a RICH topic and I'm sure it will spark a lot of meaningful conversation. I think we may end up turning this into a two part episode so that we can discuss both our upbringing, our journeys, and where we have landed. Honestly... it could be a three or four part series - but I think we will start with two!

Send us your questions!

I think the ideas of spirituality and religion are topics that everyone has thought about or struggled with on some level. Please send us your questions regarding this topic! Because we are going to do a two part episode - we will likely choose more questions than usual to answer.

Thank You all SO much for your Support!

We have both been so blown away and touched by how warm and welcoming the Steemit community has been to our show! I just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone who has watched our shows, asked engaging questions and supported our efforts.

Speaking of support - I want to give a special shout out to our top supports, @dtube, @kpine, @goldmatters, and @nanzo-scoop. We are so grateful that you guys have gotten behind our efforts!

@goldmatters has supported our show in so many ways. He actually helped us brainstorm the name and format and was a huge resource to getting this show off the ground. The Steem Sisters love you!

That’s a Wrap!

We hope you enjoyed watching this episode about childhood memories! We certainly had a fun time filming this episode and going down memory lane.

Thanks for watching and we’ll see you guys in the next episode!

With Love,

The Steem Sisters

@corsucate and @maryjaney

▶️ DTube

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What has been the most life changing event that has led you to the best perspective in life?

A question for you each to answer...individually

Thanks for watching our show and submitting such an awesome question!

Another great episode!! Thanks for spending Saturday evening with me #SSS :)

My question for steemsistershow is.....Have you ever had to deal with a conflicting spiritual or religious set of beliefs with a close friend or signficant other? If so, how was it reconciled? Can two people with a deep dissonance spiritually find common ground in a personal relationship? (Feel free to paraphrase this for the show if it makes it on :) )

Wow, this is SUCH a great question!! I’ve got a few stories comimg to mind already!

lol, I love those cry eyes she did totally looks like the old one :D looks like you two have had many adventures together already and many more to come! Glad to see you two are so close. and Myspace HA remember when that was cool

Hahah I know right? We’ve evolved so much since MySpace!!

I’m so grateful to have Mary as one of my best friends. ♥️

Adorable you two....

Thanks Chris 😘

Omg, I just found this kind of account on Steemit. During my blogging time in here, I just find lots of topic about crypto, blockchain, Steemit and others hard thing that sometimes I didn't have any idea about.
It's interesting when you and your sister find a creative way to entertaint this platform users.
Your old pics collections are just a Lol to see, those memories were tough hahahaha. You girls had a wonderful childhood memories I guess.

So for now and later, let me take part on your show. I'm excited to know more about you. As I'm a new comer on this cutting edge social media, so why not? 2 SBD is just a bonus, I love your content more than that.

Regarding the next week topic will be about Spirituality and Religion, so here is my question about that.
As you are getting mature, you said that you've explored many thing, then you realize that your belief and value system is so much lie. What was the moment that you had experienced which finally led you to have this kind of point of view?
Cheers girls❤️

Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and excitement for our show! We really appreciate your support.

I think that is a GREAT question! Thank you for submitting it! 😊

You are welcome @coruscate! 😇

I am tempted to post mine. :D This picture color looks so ninties.

Hahah do it!!! Seeing people’s childhood photos is always entertaining!

when my brother joins steemit maybe.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

You sisters are doing a great job. My question goes thus: What would you want someone outside your faith to know about your religion?

Keep it up @coruscate and @maryjaney

Hi @oxygen02, Thanks so much for watching our latest episode and submitting such a great question! ♥️

Hey steem sisters.!
It's quite lovely and entertaining.
EnjOyed it 😊👍

Yay! I’m so glad you enjoyed it!

Yes really. And keep it up 👍

It must have been exciting and fun putting up the show weekly and now going to twice weekly. My parents were not Christian to start with when I was young. I become a Christian when I was a teenager. My parents converted to Christianity later when there was a crisis at home couple of years back. My wife and I accompanied my mum to church.

My simple question just for the fun of it:
What was the most interesting prayer that you had for your boyfriend?

Thanks for always being such a loyal watcher of the Steem Sister Show!! ♥️

So interesting to hear more about your spiritualaity and upbringing.

your sweet memories remind me of my sister who is far away from me. I miss my sister.

Thanks for sharing your memories.

Hi)!!! I love this topic)

Awesome!! I’m so glad you enjoyed it.

Nice show

Haha! Nice! I'm glad you both survived childhood and ended up so cool. Great photos.
Ok, I attended a born again christian school through 5th grade. I was told some pretty messed up things (especially because my brothers and I were never baptized) but the one that sticks out most in my memory was from a teacher who said "If you say the word hell, you will go to hell." That blew my mind as a kid, she said the "h" word! - What's the craziest thing you were told about your religion that didn't make sense and still sticks out in your mind?

Woah! Sounds like you had some really crazy childhood stories around Christianity. So crazy about saying the word “hell”! Hahah

Haha, I really enjoyed this episode.

Mmm, my questions for today is...

Do you think parents must inculcate religion to their children or wait for them to grow up and decide what to believe?

Bonus question:

Have you ever gone through a weird religious experience in your life?

Greetings from Venezuela! :D

Thanks for the great questions @ralk98!! I’m glad to hear you enjoyed this episode! We had so much fun filming it. Haha

You are a wonderful family and all the pictures that is company with us were showing a lot of love. Thank you for sharing with us

I’m so glad you enjoyed it!!