Who loves steemit the most?is it measurable?well lets see.

in steemslack •  8 years ago  (edited)

We all love steemit

Yes we do love it do...

But some loves are greater than others.William Shakespeare have wrote a nice little book about it "Romeo and Juliet" if you haven't read it yet,then do so its worth your time (show your support to indie authors)

So we are in a situation that everyone loves steemit.but some must love it more and shout (tweet) it louder than others,Lets see if our modern technology can help us to find out the answer to just that.

Top 4 steemit lovers:
By their Twitter account names
1 @randfish https://twitter.com/randfish
2 @dharmesh https://twitter.com/dharmesh
3 @elioverbay https://twitter.com/elioverbey
4 @myfenixpro https://twitter.com/myfenixpro

Kudos to you fine gentlemen,fedora tipped.

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Writen by:
aggelos rossidis

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kill the hashtag overload man.

my apologies

Much better, trust me the tagspamming won't get you anywhere. +Could get you on the spammer watch lists

I read on a thread recently that adding the hashtags makes your posts pop out more efficient!If I new that I was in danger to be on a spamming list I wouldn't be using them...

does that goes for multiple taging to ? can you share me a link about it?

Thank you and you too blueorgy

¡We do!