Daily top posts in category: art on 2018-07-05

in steemstats •  7 years ago  (edited)

Daily top posts in category: art on 2018-07-05

No Payout Author Title
1 523.674 SBD elevator09 📷 #ColorChallenge - Sunday Purple
2 521.631 SBD dreamscape Hyperdimensional Dreams [Story in Pictures] ((Original Digital Art))
3 366.146 SBD elevator09 📷 #ColorChallenge - Monday Red
4 340.373 SBD elevator09 📷 #ColorChallenge - Saturday Indigo
5 310.993 SBD sndbox The Crypto Renaissance - Final Call for the Exhibition Donor Wall! [5,000 SBD Goal]
6 306.955 SBD elevator09 📷 ColorChallenge - Friday Skyblue
7 304.387 SBD vaansteam Drawing Detroit Become Human (Connor) - & Tips to Get Motivated
8 280.778 SBD dfrankle An American Success Story
9 276.341 SBD sndbox The Crypto Renaissance - A Steem Exhibition in NYC [eSteem DApp Poster]
10 264.540 SBD timsaid MyPictureDay Challenge Round #30 + Winners Announcement Round #29
11 243.062 SBD masummim50 Pencil art-hand coming out of an eye -showing the process step by step
12 229.454 SBD elevator09 📷 #ColorChallenge - Tuesday Orange
13 217.227 SBD charitybot Another SBI contest? Sweet. CURATE!!!!!!!!! And some tips for the noobs.
14 216.158 SBD oddbot Soft Testament [[IGNORANCE]] - (Taken From a Human Heart)
15 210.777 SBD btuniverse BTUniverse - A Look at the Art and Design Behind the Brand
16 202.064 SBD zakiii MEME-O-MATIC -->> 300$ bux a day with memes?
17 197.430 SBD elgeko All About Love II TBOFM#29
18 195.207 SBD sndbox The Crypto Renaissance - A Steem Exhibition in NYC [Busy DApp Poster]
19 188.272 SBD steemmonsters Steem Monsters Art Contest Winners! // Week 3
20 187.652 SBD sndbox The Crypto Renaissance - A Steem Exhibition in NYC [Steemit DApp Poster]
21 179.398 SBD steemmonsters Steem Monsters is proud to introduce our Creative Director, @nateaguila!
22 178.402 SBD steemmonsters Steem Monsters Art Contest! // Week 4 // 10 Booster Pack Prize!!!
23 176.108 SBD artgirl I Made 2 SteemSTEM Designs for Hoodies! 🎉🎉🎉
24 169.307 SBD elgeko TrancePort
25 168.441 SBD sndbox The Crypto Renaissance - A Steem Exhibition in NYC [DTube DApp Poster]
26 167.361 SBD thebigwhitevan Climb into The Big White Van!
27 154.396 SBD naufal My Design - Character Logo for Anole: A Chrome Extension
29 147.918 SBD marzullo Brazilian Classical Guitar & Me - words and pictures
30 126.167 SBD curie Curie Author Showcase (June 30th, 2018)
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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Ok... cool. Nice to see stats... :)


@statsexpert self votes are being countered by @sadkitten for 1 week starting Thursday, July 5th 2018 because they are one of the highest self voters of the previous week. For more details see this post.