Goodbye Battery Powered Mower, Hello, Corded Mower!

in steemstem •  7 years ago  (edited)

When I told you guys about my Kobalt 40v battery powered lawn mower, I expected it to work out just fine. Only for it to take 8(!) battery swaps to get through my lawn. That was with wet, tall grass though. I thought I'd wait a week and give it another chance to see how it dealt with just one week's growth.

It required 3 battery swaps to get the job done this time. It won't be that way for everyone though. @anarchoandrei bought the same mower, and with his smaller yard apparently it does the job. Mows the entire lawn on a single battery. I'm happy for him, but it's just not working out for me, so back to the store it goes!

Now, let's not go crazy here. You guys know me. I will never, ever settle for a gas mower. I would sooner buy some goats and have them eat the grass than go back to mowing with gas. Instead I did what I should have done in the first place, and got myself the corded mower with the highest review scores on Amazon:

As it turns out, 150 feet of extension cord is just exactly, precisely enough to reach every part of the yard with a little to spare for comfort. It's really not that much. I'll be keeping the Kobalt battery powered trimmer and blower as they do fine even on the little 2.5ah battery the trimmer came with.

For mowing however, it's going to be corded until I have the cash for the battery operated robotic mower I've had my eye on. That will do 90% of the yard, then I'll do the 10% it can't reach using the corded mower.

Having tested it out, I'm glad I bought the 10 amp model. It was only $120 brand new! I mean, it does feel a little weak but it never choked up on me. 10 amp extension cord, surprisingly, is a good deal cheaper than 13 amp extension cord in large quantities.

If I'd gotten a $600 Ego 56v battery mower it would have done the entire lawn in one charge no problem. That just felt like an insane amount to spend given I might not even be in this house long enough for it to be worth pouring so much money into a lawn mower.

Anyway this thing does a great job. It's lightweight, so not strenuous to push and for obvious reasons, will never run out of power before the job's done. It's a small disappointment that I couldn't go battery power on my budget, but with SBD doing confusing backflips recently perhaps I soon will be able to.

Stay Cozy!

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For small gardens this might be a good solution! But for big ones I think your solution #1 might work better!


I would sooner buy some goats and have them eat the grass than go back to mowing with gas.

This part killed me. 😂😂😂

Be patient my brother, may this event be a valuable lesson for us. Whatever is discussed with high reviews in Amazon, may not necessarily work as our expectations.

There has been a misunderstanding. The new corded mower had good reviews. The old battery powered one did not.

Ops !! I'm sorry Alex for this misunderstanding.

Poor Mower. But what else, than you are dizzy about grass. Looks like you've been able to find another alternative to your tall and wet grass, @alexbeyman.

I'm happy for him, but it's just not working out for me, so back to the store it goes!

That’s what I love about US. Even if you use it, you can return it. Not everywhere are customers treated like that. When you motioned the goats 🐐 there is actualy company renting goats specifically for this purpose. Seriously!

I think you have a bad luck in mower.8 battaries that's crazy man. Hope the corded one will give you a good service.

It was just 2 batteries. I used one while charging the other. I had to swap between the two 8 times to finish with tall, wet grass. Still not acceptable of course.

what is the weight of corded mower? is it more or less mobility? as well i would like the idea of super powering the wheel motors to make it move alot quicker. (swap them out, if doing so breaks them for ones that are better fitted for the higher speed)

It is very light. That made me skeptical about the power, but it was enough. I won't say "plenty" but it never stopped cutting even when I ran over some thick growth.

The battery mower did have motorized wheels! It was 'self-propelled'. That was a nice feature I am going to miss, as the corded one doesn't have it.

Well the corded mower you show in the picture looks nice mate, and it is incredible the amount of energy needed with the first mower, that didn't sound very efficient in my opinion.

I'm happy for you, because at last you got the right one and because of that you will not have to buy a goat anymore it would be something crazy.

I'm glad that problem solved there, if you were buying some goats the problem would be worse, because with the mower you would only have to deal with the battery, but instead with the goats it would be a safe problem with which you rent the house and with your neighbors and the flowers in your yard will disappear, the investment you made was better.

It was not a mistake to buy Kobalt 40v battery powered lawn mower, but a touch of experience, i know new lawn mower will be the best one.

So sorry about the disappointment with the lawn mower. I'm glad you've got a better option and you still do know of other better options.

Wait this mower had better reviews than the goats on amazon? This can't be right.. I'd definitely go for the goats! :d

I think the mower which is having very long battery backup and with latest modern based technology will always make us to clear whole lawn with one charge power without any other problems...
But to get such a hitech mower to clear your lawn one should have alot of money to purchase it without that we cannot do much about clearing the whole lawn in one power charge but with two or more power charge and with some other problems of mower during the process means consuming alot of time..
As you mentioned only Sbd with high value can do it for you only so hope for the best it will happen very soon..

Indeed! But powering it by extension cord is a good enough solution for now.

True, 'cause you will have uninterruptible power supply, and you will always finish the work without any power problems

I had a problem with my vacuum being battery charged which makes me miss my wire one. Honestly nothing beats the olden day items

The corded mower is still better than using gas for sure.

Upvote for you. The battery solution wasn't going to be great for a lawn of your size. Be careful with the cord, though. In the "old days," corded lawn mowers became unpopular when people electrocuted themselves when running over the cord with the mower. For what it's worth, modern gas mowers are durable and reliable, but they are a mess, environmentally speaking. Good luck with your cord. Happy Mowing!

I'm happy for you, because you've got the right option and hopefully you'll have better options every time!

One should be happy with what he decides and does , and i see you always are , and that is what really matters ... Stay Blessed bro

Alex - Why did you change the mower?... With your battery power mower, you didn't try to recharge it by using Solar?


I can't fit enough solar panels on the mower to charge while I'm using it, and the battery it came with doesn't last long enough.

Alex - Then you made a smart move to this corded version...


Mistakes come once in a while. Sometimes, we don't get all we seek in life. This is what played out here with the mower needing several battery switch. Thanks the coded is providing the needed alternative.


@eurogee of @euronation and @steemstem communities

Hahaha. 3 swaps for mowing the garden, that's not good.
The corder ones are good but they don't reach the whole gardens if the garden is bigger than the length of the cord.
Now as much as you can and leave the rest to the goats.

Where does your hate for gas powered tools come from? And I also thought about buying an electric trimmer but yesterday I ended up buying a more powerful one with a motor. It took me some time to figure it out but it worked perfectly

Bad experiences with the inherent unreliability of internal combustion engines. They have hundreds of moving parts that can break, an electric motor has 1.

I think the mower which is having very long battery backup and with latest modern based technology will always make us to clear whole lawn with one charge power without any other problems
lovely write @alexbeyman
thank you for sharing

You are exploring all the gadgets sir but this will be so special in your kit sir.

Corded Mower is amazing sir whats your thoughts on it.

Good news @alexbeyman

I am so happy for you that problem solve it .

Upvote you . I try to follow your post .

And thanks for sharing @alexbeyman

We have the greenworks battery powered mower and a matching chainsaw that shares the same battery. They both work well.

This will be a great alternative sir,hope you got what you want.

You are one of those guys who picks the gadgets so quickly.

Corded Mower is so powerful sir its a pocket rocket.

This is so cool and amazing sir innovation at its best.

thank you this post...i'm resteem your post..