Sustainable Development Goals : No Poverty

in steemstem •  7 years ago 


Poverty is actually the state of being  poor or lacking something, poverty has different facet : money 💰 💰  social amenities,  Education /Illiteracy,  way of life,  culture and traditions,  poverty  can also be psychological,  poverty exist in different layers of the society  too and it's scourge ravages nations, eradicating poverty in all it's facet remains one of the greatest challenges facing humanity, the number of people living in extreme  poverty dropped by more than  half between 1990-2015  from 1.9 billion to 836 millions with the help of The UNDP,UN,WHO UNICEF, Foundations and NGOs and many grassroots Innitiave.¹


 Worldwide  more than 800 millions people  are still living on less than US $1.25 per day, with lack of access to adequate  clean water,  sanitation  and most importantly Food.² Still today, over 40% of people living in sub-Saharan Africa live in absolute poverty. ... Some African countries are very poor, but others are wealthier (often from oil) with extreme inequalities between their citizens. The Sustainable Development Goals  are a bold commitment to finish what we started and end poverty in all its firm by 2030.

Poverty in Nigeria : No fewer than 112 millions  Nigerians  live below  the poverty  line as poverty as a force is fighting  back and hitting 1 billion globally  due to war,  insurgency, terrorist  attack,  civil war,  high rate of refugees,  and internal displaced person,  human trafficking  and illegal migration. According  to the latest poverty report from The National Bereau of Statistics  67.1% of Nigeria population  is living below the poverty line and all this data beg for answer from well meaning humanitarian and agencies by seriously  asking for way  out,  but how can we find way out if we haven't had a deep understanding of the problem  at hand and which comes by accurately  drawing a problem tree and highlighting it's root causes and effects, it is by doing this that as an agency or organization  can tackle properly  the menace of poverty,  not having  a thorough  grasp of the issues has led to many  international funds been wasted in time past and on most occasion embezzled by the government, many more reason exist on why poverty still plague Nigeria and Africa at large.³

The Director General of International Labour Organization,Guy Ryder said "though Work should be the best route out of poverty, but 327 million working men and women live in extreme poverty and 967 million in moderate and near poverty."

But the real focal point is have both as an individual, agency, Human Right activist etc fully grasp the source of poverty?  Do we understand what it is?  Because am sure  having a sincere  answer to this questions will surely birth  a genuine revolutionary act against Poverty. 

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I saw that some African's were looking into lending platforms with crypo still because of the benefits they could have on the economy Every USD dollar of profit is huge in some african countries.

Yes, you're completely right, every dollar 💵 💵 💵 counts in this part of the world.

As the international community is making all effort to eradicate Poverty so many Africa leaders are profiting from this by soliciting more funds for them to pocket it, making Africa more poorer, but with the help of Strong agencies now among us graduall the light is shining brighter.

Good one there

Poverty is a problem that exacts a toll on everyone. If people are poor and desperate, even the rich will get affected.

Thanks for joining your voice in the campaign against poverty

i personally believe we can win this war together, great post by the way.