Before entering fully with the post, it is necessary to keep in mind basic concepts, in order to have a better understanding of what is being read.
- Field: In physics, a field represents the spatio-temporal distribution of a physical quantity; that is, it is a property that can be measured in the environment of each point of a region of space for each moment of time.
- Magnetism: Magnetism is one of the aspects of electromagnetism, which is one of the fundamental forces of nature. Magnetic forces are produced by the movement of charged particles, such as electrons, which indicates the close relationship between electricity and magnetism.
- Earth magnetic field: It is the magnetic field that extends from the inner core of the Earth to the limit where it meets the solar wind; a stream of energetic particles emanating from the Sun.
The Earth has its own magnetic field, it is as if it had a giant magnet inside it, this magnetic field is similar to that of magnets; unlike it has an inclination of 11 degrees with respect to the axis of rotation of the Earth. The Earth's magnetic field is produced in the depth of our planet just in the nucleus, where the movement of large amounts of liquid metal generate electrical currents, these electric currents are responsible for the Earth to have its own magnetic field.
What is the use of having a magnetic field?
It helps us so much, thanks to it we stay alive, this field acts as a shield that blocks the solar winds emanating from our nearest star, the sun. This solar wind is dangerous, since it is constituted by a flow of energetically charged particles, if this flow manages to cross the magnetic field of the earth, it would make us ashes due to the high temperatures that the earth would be subjected to.

However, some particles manage to enter our planet, being directed by the magnetic field towards the poles, while increasing their speed and reaching the ionosphere, one of the outer layers of our atmosphere. At this point they collide with the air particles releasing energy and sometimes causing those amazing lights known as Northern Lights.

The magnetic field has oriented man since the invention of the compass. Who does not like compasses? They are great and interesting instruments, this consists of a needle that is magnetized and therefore works like a magnet that can rotate freely in such a way that it always points towards the north, aligning itself with the great magnet that the earth possesses.
The man is not the only one who uses the magnetic field of the Earth to orient himself, the animals also use it, but in a more special way, they move thanks to their instinct, this instinct has led them to develop what is known as magneto-perception But, what is magnetoreception? It is not more than the ability of an animal to feel the Earth's magnetic field in its benefit, it could be said that it is as if they had a sixth sense, so they can move around the planet without be lost.

Some of the articles I read to write this post:
- Earth Magnetic Field
- How is the magnetic field of the Earth studied?
- How do animals use the Earth's magnetic field?
- Terrestrial magnetic field (Auroras)
Source of the images:
Greetings to the entire community of Steemit, I returned with an interesting and educational post, I decided to talk about the Earth's Magnetic Field because it is something that has been present since the beginning of our planet, in addition, we must know a little more about the function that fulfills in our life and in the lives of other living beings.