An impractical reduction: factoring->3SAT->SUBSETSUM

in steemstem •  6 years ago  (edited)

The Subset Sum problem is NP-complete, but what does a reduction from another problem actually look like? I set out to create a concrete example.

Let's start with factoring. What are the factors of 91? (Or, in decision problem form, does 91 have any factors less than some number M?)

This web tool turns factoring into a 3SAT (boolean satisfiability) problem, in conjunctive normal form, an "AND of OR":

Using 91 as the input produces a 3SAT instance which has 116 variables and 434 clauses. In DIMACS format, that looks like:

p cnf 116 434
1 7 -11 0
1 -7 -11 0
-1 7 -11 0
-1 -7 11 0
2 7 -12 0
2 -7 -12 0
-2 7 -12 0
-2 -7 12 0
3 7 -13 0

Each line is a single clause (combined with OR.) The three variables in each clause are represented by their index (1 though 116) and is given as a negative number if the variable should be negated. The zero marks end of line.

This SAT instance is satisfiable if and only if 91 can be factored (and the factors can be read out from some of the variables, explicitly.)

Now we need a reduction from SAT. The slide deck here: shows a simple reduction based on the following idea:

For each variable, have a number that represents "true" and a number that represent "false". For variable i, the i'th digit is a 1:

t_1 = 10000000.....
f_1 = 10000000.....
t_2 = 01000000.....
f_2 = 01000000.....

After all those digits are defined, we'll use later digits to represent the clauses. Digit j in this section will be set to 1 in t_i if variable i appears in clause j, or in f_i if variable i appears negated in clause j. For example, if the first clause is "1 -2 3" then we get

t_1 = 1000....1000...
f_1 = 1000....0000...
t_2 = 0100....0000...
f_2 = 0100....1000...
t_3 = 0010....1000...
f_3 = 0010....0000...

If we pick some of these numbers and add them together, that corresponds to an assignment of truth values to variables. We want to avoid picking both "true" and "false", and to avoid not choosing, so we want the sum of the first set of digits to be "1111....". We want every clause to be satisfied, so the sum of the second set of digits should be at least "...1111...." But all three terms in the clause might be true, so it could be as big as "...3333..."

So, to have an exact match, we add some auxiliary numbers per clause that will let us always make the sum of the clause digits equal to 3.

t_1 = 1000....1000...
f_1 = 1000....0000...
t_2 = 0100....0000...
f_2 = 0100....1000...
t_3 = 0010....1000...
t_3 = 0010....0000...
x_1 = 0000....1000...
y_1 = 0000....1000...  (=x_1)
x_2 = 0000....0100...
y_2 = 0000....0100...  (=x_2)
---   ---------------
sum = 1111....3333...

Now to solve SUBSETSUM (that is, pick a set of numbers that match the desired sum), we must use exactly one of t_i or f_i to make the "variable digits" sum to 1. We have to find at least one t_i or f_i to pick that makes each of the "clause digits" sum to at least 1, and then we can use x_j or y_j or both to get the digit sum up to exactly 3.

Each column contains at most 5 one's (because it's 3SAT, plus the two auxiliary numbers) so we can use base 6 instead of base 10 to be more compact and still avoid worrying about carries. Or we can use base 4, because it's not possible for any of the clause digits to be 3 and generate a carry.

Doing this with the 3SAT instance results in a SUBSETSUM target value of W = 4527661763497952830924504761197555928678312823105815165828398899092711621214467209188022084775295485151946522124553722119049654441916904709910750284851441684561318928061797552824158151674088805607120404932246132968538085398242167820568025790444515682326688804196711134215815381800392441542981645015241294491116954007657234558877695

and 1110 numbers in the set (=2 * 116 + 2 * 434 ) ranging from 3395746322623464623193378570898166946508734617329361374371299174319533346901383237484575835008494634841497130232591291199064221510716245345444098899398637111465429632436577732225266419533815042671537502647398260571221934004096164886962195528039504102441913149042262548604812767654233516604492490397751325389277239158172929191051264 to 1.

So, if 91 can be factored, then some subset of those 1110 numbers add up to the target value W above. Each step in the reduction is reversible (though this need not be the case in general) so that we could work our way back from which numbers were chosen, to which variables were set to true, to the actual factors found.

However, this should be an ample demonstration that just because a reduction is possible does not mean it's feasible. An earlier attempt to reduce through a different problem (3-D Matching) resulted in tens of thousands of numbers in the set, exceeding what I could easily manage in memory. A polynomial reduction can add significant overhead. This example also demonstrates that the typical dynamic-programming approach is basically completely useless for instances that are reductions from other problems.

This happy little image (from

Try visualizing it with 200x as many rows and 10^300 times as many columns. (That's a googol, cubed.)

I was originally looking for hard instances of the "Change Making Problem" and the only reduction I learned was from SUBSETSUM:

Performing this additional reduction would double the number of numbers, and increase their length substantially, so I don't know if I'll end up carrying that out, or think about whether we can go more directly from 3SAT.


Full file, including the 3-D matching reduction and DIMACS parser:

# SAT -> SubsetSum reduction given here
class SubsetSum(object):
    def __init__( self ):
        self.w = []
        self.targetW = None
    def zeros( self ):
        return [0] * (self.m + self.n)
    def initFromSAT( self, numClauses, numVariables ):
        # Maximum column sum is 5 (three variables in a clause, plus the
        # two auxiliary columns.)
        # But, 5 doesn't produce a valid result base 4, it's 1 + a carry,
        # we only care if it's 3 + a carry
        self.d = 4
        self.n = numVariables
        self.m = numClauses

        self.tDigits = []
        self.fDigits = []
        for i in xrange( 1, numVariables + 1 ):
            # i'th digit =1
            ti = self.zeros()
            ti[i-1] = 1
            self.tDigits.append( ti )
            fi = self.zeros()
            fi[i-1] = 1
            self.fDigits.append( fi )

        self.xDigits = []
        self.yDigits = []
        for j in xrange( 1, numClauses + 1 ):
            # n + j'th digit  = 1
            xj = self.zeros()
            xj[ self.n + j - 1 ] = 1
            # these won't be modified so they can be shared
            self.xDigits.append( xj )
            self.yDigits.append( xj )
        self.j = 1
    def addClause( self, c ):
        # Handling clause j, marking the appropriate variables
        j = self.j
        for v in c:
            # Variable v is at offset v-1
            # it's negated if we want it false
            if v < 0:
                self.fDigits[-v - 1][self.n + j-1] = 1
                self.tDigits[v-1][self.n + j-1] = 1
        self.j += 1

    def digitsToNumber( self, digits ):
        base = self.d
        ret = 0
        for (p, x) in enumerate( reversed( digits ) ):
            ret += x * ( base ** p )
        return ret        
    def finishSAT( self ):
        for i in xrange( self.n ):
            self.w.append( self.digitsToNumber( self.tDigits[i] ) )
            self.w.append( self.digitsToNumber( self.fDigits[i] ) )

        for j in xrange( self.m ):
            self.w.append( self.digitsToNumber( self.xDigits[j] ) )
            self.w.append( self.digitsToNumber( self.yDigits[j] ) )

        targetDigits = [1] * self.n + [3] * self.m
        self.targetW = self.digitsToNumber( targetDigits )

    def dump( self ):
        numDigits = int( math.log( max( self.w ), 10 ) ) + 1
        fmtString = " {:>" + str( numDigits ) + "}"
        print "W =", self.targetW
        print "|w| =", len( self.w )
        print "w = {"
        for x in self.w:
            print fmtString.format( x )
        print "}"

def SAT_to_SUBSETSUM( sat ):
    ssum = SubsetSum()
    ssum.initFromSAT( len( sat.clauses ), sat.numVariables )
    for c in sat.clauses:
        ssum.addClause( c )
    return ssum

SUBSET-SUM instance

Full output: which also has the input 3SAT instance.

(Embedding it here exceeds the 65KB limit on Steem posts.)

w = {
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