Counting the Number of 2-State 2-Dimensional Symmetric Cellular Automata

in steemstem •  6 years ago  (edited)

Suppose we have a two-state cellular automaton using the Moore neighborhood, which counts both orthogonal and diagonal neighbors. How many possible rules are there?

With 9 cells total (including the center one) there are 2^9 = 512 different states or "patterns" of the neighborhood, and each pattern may have either 0 or 1 as the next state for the center cell. That gives 2^512 different rules, about 10^154.

However, it is more usual for 2-D cellular automata to be symmetric with respect to rotations and flips. This group of symmetries is the Dihedral Group of order 4, D_4, which has 8 elements. So a particular pattern may have up to 7 other patterns that should have the same outcome.

Burnside’s Lemma

We can count the number of distinct patterns under this symmetry using Burnside’s Lemma. We just need to identify, for each symmetry (group) operation, how many patterns are fixed under the operation. For example, if we flip along the vertical axis

then the pattern is the same only if the corresponding cells match: 1=3, 2=2, 4=6, 5=5, 7=9, 8=8:

We can see that gives us six choices to fill in; the other three cells are determined by the symmetry. The center column cells can be anything; the left and right columns must match.

There are thus 2^6 possibilities that are fixed by flipping along a vertical axis.

For rotation by 90 degrees or by 270 degrees we have three choices, or 2^3 possibilities:

For rotation by 180 degrees we have five choices:

For a flip along the diagonal we have six choices, or 2^6 patterns that are fixed by that group operation.

Let's put it all together. The dihedral group can be generated by rotation a and a diagonal flip x:

Group elementexplanationnumber of patterns fixed
eidentity2^9 (all of them)
arotation by 902^3
a^2rotation by 1802^5
a^3rotation by 2702^3
xreflection along diagonal2^6
axvertical flip2^6
a^2xreflection along other diagonal2^6
a^3xhorizontal flip2^6

Burnside’s Lemma tells us there must be

(1/8) * ( 2^9 + 2^3 + 2^5 + 2^3 + 2^6 + 2^6 + 2^6 + 2^6 ) = 102

distinct patterns, and thus 2^102 possible Cellular Automata (of this type) that respect symmetry. Again, each possible pattern can have two possible outcomes: center cell live, or center cell dead.

Brute Force

Of course, this number is small enough to just enumerate all the possibilities. Using Python, we can represent each pattern by a 9-tuple, and implement the two generators of the group:

# abc    gda
# def => heb
# ghi    ifc
def rotate( pattern ):
    ( a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i ) = pattern
    return ( g, d, a, h, e, b, i, f, c )

def rotate2( pattern ):
    return rotate( rotate( pattern ) )

def rotate3( pattern ):
    return rotate( rotate( rotate( pattern ) ) )

# abc    adg
# def => beh
# ghi    cfi

def diagFlip( pattern ):
    ( a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i ) = pattern
    return ( a, d, g, b, e, h, c, f, i)

Then for any given pattern, we can create a list of its images under all the possible symmetries:

def symmetries( pattern ):
    return ( pattern,
             rotate( pattern ),
             rotate2( pattern ),
             rotate3( pattern ),
             diagFlip( pattern ),
             rotate( diagFlip( pattern ) ), 
             rotate2( diagFlip( pattern ) ), 
             rotate3( diagFlip( pattern ) ) ) 

Then we blast through all 2^9 possible patterns and only record those we haven't previously seen:

import itertools

patterns = set()

for x in itertools.product( [0,1], repeat=9 ):
    tx = tuple( x )
    found = False
    for s in symmetries( tx ):
        if s in patterns:
            found = True
    if not found:
        patterns.add( tx )

print len( patterns ), "Patterns found"

This results in 102, just like mathematics told us it would.

Displaying the results

While we've got a computer enumeration of all the possibilities, we might as well make a nice plot using matplotlib. The same techniques I used here come in useful to make all the plots come out as squares:

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection

scale = 0.32
offset = 0.02

def rectangle( xy, live ):
    if live:
        return Rectangle( xy, scale, scale, fill=True,
                              facecolor="black" )
        return Rectangle( xy, scale, scale, fill=True,
                              facecolor="white" )
def drawPattern( ax, pattern ):
    ( a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i ) = pattern
    rectangles = [ rectangle( (offset, offset + 2 * scale), a ),
                   rectangle( (offset + scale, offset + 2 * scale ), b ),
                   rectangle( (offset + 2 * scale, offset + 2 * scale ), c ),
                   rectangle( (offset, offset + scale), d ),
                   rectangle( (offset + scale, offset + scale ), e ),
                   rectangle( (offset + 2 * scale, offset + scale ), f ),
                   rectangle( (offset, offset), g ),
                   rectangle( (offset + scale, offset ), h ),
                   rectangle( (offset + 2 * scale, offset ), i ) ]
    for r in rectangles:
        ax.add_patch( r )
    #ax.add_collection( PatchCollection( rectangles ) )
def byWeight( pattern ):
    return sum( pattern )

def showAll():
    for i, p in enumerate( sorted( patterns, key = byWeight ) ):
        # 102 patterns fit in 11x10
        ax = plt.subplot( 11, 10, i + 1 )
        ax.axis( "off" )
        ax.set_aspect('equal', 'box' )
        drawPattern( ax, p )





How many distinct patterns exist in a 3-dimensional 2-state cellular automaton, under rotational and mirror symmetries? There are 2^27 possibilities if we have a "cube" neighborhood instead of a "square", and there are 48 symmetries to work with.

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I wanted to make a serious math comment but then

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