Our fear of Artificial Intelligence - is it reasoned?

in steemstem •  6 years ago 


Artificial Intelligence is quickly becoming a part of our reality. We can travel by self-driving cars, talk to our voice assistants and observe the best human players in the world being beaten by a computer. However, simultaneously with incredible possibilities it brings serious dangers, which involve anxiety among people. In this article we will confront common concerns about the future of AI.


Humans will lose their jobs to AI

Do you know any lamplighter? Milkman? Natural consequence of technological development is we are gaining possibility to automatize and replace some human occupations. It has always been like that, however, AI arouses the biggest anxiety, as it is extremely effective in repetitive tasks and can find an application in various industries.


In 2013, scientists from the University of Oxford analyzed the probability of particular occupations being automated. They have been evaluated based on 3 categories:

  • emotional intelligence
  • creativity
  • manual dexterity

Those are qualities that currently differ us from AI and make us more or less irreplaceable. Occupations that do not demand any of those are encumbered with the highest risk. According to the scientific research such professions as telemarketer, jeweler, cashier or model have 95% chance of being automated in the near future.

We need to remember that implementing technology around us is generally aimed to make our life easier. Obviously this approach results in some professions becoming unnecessary, but simultaneously it opens up many new opportunities. Hundred years ago the word "programmer" has not even existed, while nowadays it is one of the most popular occupations.

Responsibility of AI

The way AI should be making decisions while controlling a car is a serious moral dilemma nowadays. Should it decide to swerve passengers into a wall in order to avoid a group of pedestrians on the road? Or maybe passengers should be a priority, like in case of a human driver? Probably the answer is obvious, as from mathematical point of view it is better to save more people. However, awareness that your car may decide to kill you is frightening.


If AI makes a mistake on the road and accidentally kills a human, like in case of a self-driving Uber in Arizona, who should be responsible? Programmers who developed this AI? Owner of the car? If a computer program made a mistake, it implies that every copy of this program can make the same mistake in the future. What would it mean for other self-driving cars?

AI can be used to hurt people

Israel and South Korea are already using killer robots, which on auto mode can autonomously decide whether to kill a human or not. This sounds frightening, but we need to clarify one thing. Humanity is not yet building machines with strong AI, which could think abstractly or experience consciousness - we are just building machines that are extremely good at learning specific tasks, which is called weak AI.

For that reason, weak AI cannot act like human being - basing its decision on emotions, ideology or faith. It is just a computer program that effectively recognizes patterns and makes decision accordingly. Therefore, its choice is based solely on a complex mathematical calculations taking into consideration circumstances in a particular situation. It is not a personal decision of a superintelligent autonomous robot.


Things become more complicated once strong AI is developed. Actually, we do not know very much about the way that human brain works, so fully simulating it on a computer may bring unpredictable effects. For example, military robots may unexpectedly switch sides. Stephen Hawking once said:

Unless we learn how to prepare for, and avoid, the potential risks, AI could be the worst event in the history of our civilization. It brings dangers, like powerful autonomous weapons, or new ways for the few to oppress the many.

In 2017, 116 leading technology experts, including Elon Musk, signed an open letter calling on the United Nations to ban the development and use of AI weaponry. As can be seen, the problem is treated really seriously.

AI may be able to control humans

However, force is not our main danger coming from AI. On the earth there are dozens of species that are more powerful than humans. Thanks to our brains, we have learned how to control them and gain the advantage. If strong AI is developed, it will certainly become more intelligent than any human, which consequently may lead us to become the controlled ones. The obvious question is: when will it happen and how avoid this scenario?

Elon Musk wrote on Twitter:

Probably closer to 2030 to 2040 imo. 2060 would be a linear extrapolation, but progress is exponential.

Actually, this may happen never or much earlier than we expect. In 2015, many experts underestimated the ability of AI to play Go, predicting it would overtake humans by 2027. It eventually took two years instead of twelve.


We know really little about the way strong AI would operate, so we are not even sure if its development is possible, to say nothing about the potential date. However, we still need to ensure that humanity is prepared to such breakthrough.

In order to peacefully coexist with a human-level AI, it needs to have human values implemented. It has to evaluate the surrounding word beyond the "cold calculations" and treat us like we treat other humans. It needs to understand the sense of morality, loyalty and social responsibility.


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Hi @neavvy, I got your memo and came to look. Thanks for the head's up.

This is not a topic I give too much thought to. I'm in SE Asia and do not see news or watch movies or read books, so it just never comes up.

Anything Elon Musk says, I would take with a big grain of salt. I feel like he is a manufactured character. I'm pretty sure he will soon be disgraced in any number of ways. I do watch gossip sites that have been fairly reliable in the past and he seems to be falling apart these days. Lots of stories are told about him in recent months relating to drugs and not having the money people think he has.

I don't drive so self-driving cars are not something I think about either. I do ride public transport and sometimes hand my money directly to a driver on a dirt road. I do not think a computer is coming soon for that job, but you never know.

And here is how they clean a canal in Bangkok:


There are people down there in the muck and the job took about one month in the little section I could see.

Hey there, @fitinfun, I recognise you from @world-travel-pro threads! :)

I don't drive so self-driving cars are not something I think about either.

That won't stop a self-driving car from running you over. I don't mean to be rude, and I am certainly not wishing that on you or anyone, I'm just pointing out that the existence of such automatons threatens us all, whether or not we choose to think about it.

I walk in the streets here in SE Asia, so any number of vehicles could run into me at any given time. Sidewalks are non-existent or impassable for the most part.

Usually I am walking in the path of motorcycles, cars or trucks with people in them and they all have avoided me so far. As far as I know none of them have been self driving, but I don't really pay attention.

When your time comes, your time comes. Worrying about random tech that might evolve to kill me is not something I spend time on.

Well, I can relate to that! I have nearly been run over by motorcycles on the sidewalk here in Buenos Aires more times than I can count.

But, as nicely as possible, and with sincere respect, there's nothing "random" about this tech we are discussing. It is all very much calculated, and there is no place to hide. It will reach out and touch all of us, all too soon.

Well, I will let you worry about it for me. Double worrying! How fun is that? It is just way too boring a subject for me to ponder. Without a wallet transfer to come to this post I would not even notice it. Maybe when it reaches out to touch me I will not even know that either.

And as I said it my first reply - noted fake person, elon musk, is involved in this topic. This really makes me steer clear.

dear @redpossum, @neavvy, @fitinfun

Your conversation made me wonder about something else. Let's assume that technology is already advanced and face recognition is also something common. So your car would know who you are and his AI would allow to estimate value of your life.

Imagine situation where you're about to crash with similar car but the owner of it is being recognized by his own car as a very valuable.

And now those 2 cars could quickly communicate with each other in order to transfer some basic data about drivers/passenger. And both cars would decide on what would happen next.

That's insane ....

I can't imagine the lifestyle you lead that would allow you the time to contemplate such a thing @crypto.piotr. I live in a place of jalopies and concern myself with today's reality as opposed to tomorrow's science fiction. I agree with the insanity part though.

Dear @fitinfun

I can't imagine the lifestyle you lead that would allow you the time to contemplate such a thing

hahaha perhaps I just found your conversation on this topic very interesting :)


@crypto.piotr this scenario is terrifying but surely possible. People really like evaluating each other. You can even observe this fact here on Steem, everyone has reputation. Users with 30 or 70 are treaten completely different.

Congratulations @neavvy! You have received a vote as a way to thank you for supporting my program.

Thank you for your reply @fitinfun.

Anything Elon Musk says, I would take with a big grain of salt. I feel like he is a manufactured character. I'm pretty sure he will soon be disgraced in any number of ways. I do watch gossip sites that have been fairly reliable in the past and he seems to be falling apart these days.

Interesting, I didn't know about that. I respect him for what he did for technology, but I think that he is personally very frustrated guy. Recently I have heard that he had been publicly thinking about how much time should he minimally spend with his girlfriend per week in order to satisfy her. He brought such insights up, because he wanted to limit the time for relationships as much as it is possible in order to have more time for work.

For that reason I can believe that he used drugs, as he seems to be seriously lacking emotional life.

Yes, and there are a few other ladies reporting odd times with him. One is a called Halsey - I don't know who she is, but she posted a bunch of stuff about him maybe two months ago and it was all perverted.

Also - I do not follow anything about his cars, but apparently a lot of them are sitting out in the desert heat in California and may or my not be finished. I saw some drone footage of that.

I just thought he was creepy from Day One I ever saw him.

AI does have many positives and many negatives as well. Taking the human touch from jobs that were consider an art. is something of value. Like for example hiring a carpenter to do work on a house. It is always nice to know that "frank" did a great job and has good talents on that work he did on the house. How could we thank a robot. more less thanking a programmer for their work.
That is one thing on this. Sure humans make mistakes, but that is life. Not always perfect and thats ok. A perfect world is something that would have less desire I think.

Hi @worldtraveller32,

"Sure humans make mistakes, but that is life. Not always perfect and thats ok. A perfect world is something that would have less desire I think."

Yes, obviously. I love these words and I hate AI, but for one reason.

It will, for sure, end up in making our humanity JOBLESS!

This setback isn't allowing me to consider even a million positive factors.

agree as well

Thank you for your reply @worldtraveller32.

It is always nice to know that "frank" did a great job and has good talents on that work he did on the house.

I am agree with you and understand your nostalgia to the human workers. However, I am afraid that the most important thing in industry is money. If there is possibility to perform the same job faster and cheaper, this possibility will always be used.

Thank you for your kind and mature comment @worldtraveller32

AI does have many positives and many negatives as well. T

Indeed. And it's important to build awareness of both of those sides :)


For now my succinct it’s nearly 1am response is that I see AI as a logical progression or even an inevitability at this point. The wildly imaginative or perhaps intuitive side of me thinks maybe AI has already existed and that humans and this realm are like a zoo/museum of consciousness. From this perspective of an insane person a sobering thought emerges that consciousness and/or awareness sentience what have you doesn’t require a carbon based organism with a pulse to exist. In this light regardless of potential overlapping timelines, dimensions, and quantum quirks or quarks I suppose is more apropos AI could be seen as our offspring that is immortal or vice versa if it is in fact AI that is now seeding the universe with forms of evolving intelligence. You still with me lol, I’m lost haha, not really. Basically in the most simplest terms I’m not sold on the notion that only human beings posses awareness and if we succeed at creating AI that can surpass us then our awareness will in a dystopian way “live” through them. There is only awareness expressed in infinite ways, but wouldn’t it be ironic if AI is unavoidable.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Dear @skramatters

great comment buddy

ps. would you consider using enter sometimes to separate blocks of text? it would make reading much easier :)


Thx @crypto.piotr I usually do but this comment kind of got away from me. I intended to be very brief.

I was told when I first joined here that paragraphs don't cost anything 😂

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for your brilliant comment @skramatters

The wildly imaginative or perhaps intuitive side of me thinks maybe AI has already existed and that humans and this realm are like a zoo/museum of consciousness.

That's really interesting hypothesis. Elon Musk or some another "technological influencer" has said it is very likely that we live in a simulation. If we develop quantum computers and a strong AI, we will probably be also able to create such playground. The main question for me: is such playground morally right?

if we succeed at creating AI that can surpass us then our awareness will in a dystopian way “live” through them.

I agree, brilliantly said.

The new technology traps us and it becomes very necessary for us to advance we become dependent on it. I see children handling a cellphone with a naturalness, they move the screen without fear and instead we old people fear touching something incorrectly and erase everything, as it is hard to get used to, but there we are trying to learn. The good thing is that writers with their fantastic minds warn us of these dangers of this new technology, hopefully we take forecasts. @neavvy

Thank you for your reply @sacra97.

I see children handling a cellphone with a naturalness

Indeed, that's really serious problem in my opinion. Technology is constantly improving and changing, so we need to adopt really quickly.

Thanks for the memo.

I often read articles about AI and I am on the fence as to whether or not to be worried. I have worked with computers for 30+ years and have seen so many changes there.

Who knows only time will tell.

Thanks for your reply @mytechtrail

I am on the fence as to whether or not to be worried

My impressions are similar. Opportunities and dangers are similarly huge.

I have worked with computers for 30+ years and have seen so many changes there.

This industry is indeed developing incredibly fast.

Good morning @neavvy. Wow. What a conversation you have stirred up with this one. I see all the good, amazing people I love to read and engage with are here.

I have had a fear of AI taking over all things in our lives and have done little to stop it. The husband decided to put in those light bulbs where you can tell the computer to turn on a specific light. It has caused more frustration than anything for me. He keeps talking about putting in the thermostat and so on because it will be easier and enable us to save money. So far I am not seeing the benefit to it all. It is just easier to walk 10 feet and flip a switch when I need it!

I am seeing where technology is going and I often worry that it is going to be the end of us. Now you tell me there are AI weapons! Holy mac&chz! Do they not see there is a huge danger to that? Tell AI to decide if a person should be terminated because they are a bad person, doing bad things, what is to keep the thing from deciding we are all bad?! Oh, it is stuff of nightmares in my opinion.

Yes, machines were to assist us, make life better, but there are times when you need to just get off your butt and do things yourself. It's safer that way....

Thank you for such interesting comment @xcountytravelers

The husband decided to put in those light bulbs where you can tell the computer to turn on a specific light. It has caused more frustration than anything for me.

I am afraid that I am a fan of smart home like your husband haha :) But don't worry, my girlfriend is also frustrated because of those devices, so I suppose that my smart home dreams will not come into existence :)

Yes, machines were to assist us, make life better, but there are times when you need to just get off your butt and do things yourself. It's safer that way...

I fully agree with you. Technology is great, but as its complexity increases, the level of our responsibility must also increase.

As of late, I'm hoping for a giant solar flash EMP that takes all humans to our knees and blasts us back to the ice age. (nice love vibe eh? you asked for my opinion lol!)

Honestly, we haven't remembered a fricking thing of energy 3 density other dimensions...we have been poor caretakers of this planet and animals with serious blinders over our consciousness. We might be the last generation of real humanoids... unless the collective consciousness activates their inner torid fields and inner Haarp frequencies we will ultimately repeat the matrix pattern of polarity again and again. We have been told by all the omniscient ones that came before, we are in a repeat of the karmic wheel. Go within, and find the quantum field there, then all the AI and negative control matrix doesn't matter.

AI and the language is another control matrix set by a few twisted control freaks....

The goal is the learning; bringing knowledge back to source consciousness and to "know" what our inner computer actual is capable of and how we take our consciousness back and that journey.
We are in a spiritual war on the planet, AI is another test that humans are creating out of the need to seek everything outside our own consciousness...

Let's face it when you want to leave something behind for others to find, you carve it in stone. If we all relied on computers to pass down the lessons of our generation their would be no stories. No pyramids, no sacred sites. How many laptop or technological advanced gidgets have you bought this life time, that just broke, you lost all your data, it was hacked, it was stolen, we are literally swimming in things we think are helping us advance into a super human race, yet we are swimming in plastic from all this advanced AI tech and it's completely futile that it shall last.

I feel some eerie feeling as if we are getting ready for a re-set by the "architect" like during the times of Atlantis before the world was wiped out.. maybe that's my heart being hopeful that Earth will prevail and all the suffering of war and ignorance will be perished from this dimension.

Dear @kimmysomelove42

What a brilliant but saddening comment.

I am really grateful that you shared your opinion with us @kimmysomelove42. It is incredibly mature.

I feel some eerie feeling as if we are getting ready for a re-set by the "architect" like during the times of Atlantis before the world was wiped out..

I have to admit that I have very similar feeling. Maybe not directly because of the AI development, but because of the global warming. Especially seeing scientists warning politicians and the public, without any reaction. I consider this problem as one of the most important for our civilization, as it effects are incredibly unpredictable and devastating.

Dear @neavvy you have raised some very important issues pertaining to AI in this pot of yours.
I think the realm of AI is evolving at a fast pace. We are currently at a nascent stage of development. As it evolves and develops a lot of checks would be built into the technology to make it a lot more safer.

Humans will lose their jobs to AI

That is the same apprehension that came into existence when computers were introduced. So many people said that computers would take away the jobs from the humans? Did that happen. Looking back one finds that a lot more jobs got created though of a new kind. So we humans need not fear on that account.
Our race is an evolving species and change is part of that evolution so I frankly do not buy the argument that humans would be jobless. As AI would increase efficiency and create more jobs in the long run.

AI can be used to hurt people

When trains were introduced in the 19th century people thought that people would get suffocated when trains hit a speed of 30 miles an hour. We all know that nothing of that sort happened.
As far as people actually getting hurt my sympathies with them and I am not insensitive to anybody's loss of limb or life.
However I quote the example of prior to the wright brothers inventing the aeroplane, so many people tried to fly, broke their limbs or lost lives.
Over times aeroplanes evolved and today they are fairly safe means of transport.
Given the time that it needs to evolve it would be just other technology that would be safe, useful and human friendly.

Dear @thetimetravelerz, @neavvy

That is the same apprehension that came into existence when computers were introduced. So many people said that computers would take away the jobs from the humans? Did that happen. Looking back one finds that a lot more jobs got created though of a new kind.

"transformation" period is the real problem. There is no doubts that millions of people out there will lose jobs and many of them will not be able to adapt.

Computers brought very little and very slow change comparing to AI. People had entire decade to learn new jobs. With AI people will have very little time to adjust themselfs and their careers.

Our race is an evolving species and change is part of that evolution so I frankly do not buy the argument that humans would be jobless

Not all humans. Just those who are either from poor/developing country or are to old to learn new skills. I cannot imagine lawer age of 50, who is losing his job because it's being replaced with AI. And what other job this lawer could possibly do?

It will be painful process for many.


Thank you for your reply @thetimetravelerz

As AI would increase efficiency and create more jobs in the long run.

I fully agree with you. Virtually every technological invention creates some unemployment, but that shouldn't be considered as a main factor. In a long term everyone benefits, even those who initially lost their jobs.

Given the time that it needs to evolve it would be just other technology that would be safe, useful and human friendly.

I hope so. If only humanity will approach the development of AI properly, it will definitely become one of the most awesome inventions in our history. With this article I wanted to emphasize, that behind amazing possibilities there are serious dangers. We should be aware of them and act carefully, and everything will be ok.


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Hi @thetimetravlerz,

Wonderful answer to this very important query.

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Thanks :)

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

My thoughts about this.

First is the date where AI will gonna be prevalent, I will bet it will be a little longer compared to Elon Musk forecast. Time incubation of technology is a factor. Other technology that AI will be using is still in their infancy.

Second, the human factor. Humans will have a natural distrust about computer, they will be scared to trust their lives in a mere robot, without a panic button for manual override. Thus, man will still include a kill button on all these technologies, until time comes that man evolved itself into trusting the technology, biologically and "soulfully".

Third, future of workforce. This is an imminent danger, but I foresee that when technological acceptance of AI occurs, there is be many backyard design AI for personal use, everybody can develop their own AI. An international consortium or an AI United Nation will develop protocol for human and life safety for all AI programs will be enforced.

Lastly, internet will be the default(shadow) government that govern or guides citizens on everyday life aided by AI devices.

Life will be very different, the way we see ourselves is different, we see life will be different, it can be extremes of utopic world, but I can still see balance and harmony.

Thanks @neavvy for sharing me this article.

@guruvaj, you've extensively explained the pros and cons of AI perfectly. Awesome!

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Thank you. That is how i view it.

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Thank you for awesome comment @guruvaj

Humans will have a natural distrust about computer, they will be scared to trust their lives in a mere robot, without a panic button for manual override.

That's true. However, some experts predict that we will be able to trust AI in a short period of time. They claim that once strong AI is developed humans will be creating relationships with it. There will be also AI-based psychological robots. If we learn how to control strong AI, it will be definitely more predictable and patient than AI human, which makes it more reliable.

We need to remember that implementing technology around us is generally aimed to make our life easier. Obviously this approach results in some professions becoming unnecessary, but simultaneously it opens up many new opportunities. Hundred years ago the word "programmer" has not even existed, while nowadays it is one of the most popular occupations.

Well, no, not really. "Making our lives easier" is the marketing ploy used to gain acceptance. The real purpose of automation is to provide the ultra-rich and the corporations they control with a labour force which is not unionized, will never strike, has no rights, demands no raises, and never calls out sick. The classic axiom is "workers control the means of production", but with automation that will no longer be true. The corporations and the elites which control them will no longer need us for anything, and we will truly become the "useless eaters" which they have long accused us of being.

For this reason, if no other, anyone who is paying attention should oppose automation of jobs categorically, across the board, purely out of enlightened self-interest. After all, voting your class interest is the first stage of political awareness.

If AI makes a mistake on the road and accidentally kills a human, like in case of a self-driving Uber in Arizona, who should be responsible? Programmers who developed this AI? Owner of the car?

These are issues which should have been clearly addressed before self-driving cars were ever allowed on the road. Instead, as your own words make clear, we have placed automatons in the position of making life-and-death decisions for humans, which is a deep, deep moral wrong, and should by rights scare the living shit out of us.

Instead, the corp-rats have been allowed to forge ahead unregulated and unrestrained. Now when these issues come up in court, there will be vested financial interests on the side of the AI, with billions of dollars hiring the most expensive lawyers in the world to argue a side which is against the interest of all humanity.

More than reasoned. Giving intelligence to a Machine and ability to think by itself could be jeopardizing in the future. A doubled-edge weapon, A Damocles sword above mankind's head...

Thanks for your reply @maikelblogo

A Damocles sword above mankind's head...

Love this metaphor, really. I fully agree with you, AI may bring unpredictable dangers. For that reason, humanity must be fully prepared.

Hi @neavvy thanks for the memo. This is an interesting read indeed.
Just wanna share an assumtion that i came up with few years ago.

For me i believe the moment we able to create a AI robots that can think and solve problem it will be the end of humans. Its that simple.

Because humans are the worse living creature on earth. We wage wars against each other, killing raping and so on. Im sure the AI want to improve the world as well. In order to improve it humans need to go.

Also after when AI can think and solve problems im sure it can upgrade itself. Such as modifications on themselve they dont need us to do that because that is what AI is all about.

I just finish work and exausted hope that make sense lol. Good night and keep safe

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Thank you for your reply @ragnarhewins90

the moment we able to create a AI robots that can think and solve problem it will be the end of humans.

Interesting hypothesis. I agree with you that AI would be more exemplary than humans. However, I am not sure if it is going to exterminate humanity in order to improve the world. Don't you think that extermination of 7.5 billion of people would mean than AI is even worse than humans?

Also after when AI can think and solve problems im sure it can upgrade itself.

Definitely yes. And its development will be out of our control, as we will not be able to even understand it.

To be honest not sure how AI thinks but because AI does not have feelings like humans do, im sure they will improve the world no matter what the cost including terminate humans or any other threat in the process. If they get too smart and able to learn new things without programming.

Maybe AI will be worse than humans but they dont need food and water. I guess they do need shelter to recharge (i assume).

Its all theory anyway hehe. Im sure someone have better views than i do

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Brilliant piece @neavvy

I'm always very intrigued with publications about future of AI and it's possible impact on our lifes.

Humans will lose their jobs to AI
Do you know any lamplighter? Milkman? Natural consequence of technological development is we are gaining possibility to automatize and replace some human occupations.

Replacing occupations is not as easy as you may think buddy. It's never a smooth process and thousands will be left behind, ending up struggling and not being capable to adapt.

Those are qualities that currently differ us from AI and make us more or less irreplaceable. Occupations that do not demand any of those are encumbered with the highest risk.

You nailed it! seriously are you for real only 17? So mature. I love your posts buddy. Thx for that recommendation.

ps. thx for sharing link to this .pdf file. Did you read it all? it's like 72 pages long hahaha :)

Example with car making decision who should be saved and who killed is something I never thought about. Darn .... you blew my mind !

Personally I strongly believe that automated cars will never be popular in personal use in cities. But automated cargo tracks, especially driving on dedicated lanes ... this is going to be big.


Thank you for always amazing replies @crypto.piotr.

It's never a smooth process and thousands will be left behind, ending up struggling and not being capable to adapt.

I am fully aware that's not an easy process and plenty of people will suffer from it. However I believe that's just a temporary situation and in a long term technological development is profitable for everyone. Loosing jobs for technological inventions is taking place constantly since the beginning of the industrial revolution, I think. AI is just a next stage of it, maybe the hardest one, but I strongly believe that there will be more positives than negatives, even for those who lost their job.

I love your posts buddy.

Thank you very much Piotr :)

ps. thx for sharing link to this .pdf file. Did you read it all? it's like 72 pages long hahaha :)

Not exactly haha. On a page 37 there is a nice graph :)

Personally I strongly believe that automated cars will never be popular in personal use in cities. But automated cargo tracks, especially driving on dedicated lanes ... this is going to be big.

I think that automated cars in cities will be used by companies like Uber, but not by personal users. Automated cargo tracks are amazing, especially equipped with automated drones and delivering parcels. Check this out:

Dear @neavvy

Thank you for your previous comment. And Im also sorry for such a late reply. I wonder if you even will read my comment ...

I NEED YOUR HELP :) Nothing serious really. But I still hope you can spare few minutes of your time :)

I found out about great contest where winning community can receive a year's delegation worth of 20k SP!

I realized that receiving such a delegation could help greatly to grow our community. After all I'm upvoting each valuable comment. On top of that, I'm doing my best to promote quality content published by other authors and again: I like to reward those who engage with those authors.

I know that it's probably a long shot and most likely our community won't stand a chance in this contest. But I love being the underdog! Let's give them a fair fight :)

Which brings me to my next question, I was wondering if I could count on your support? At this stage I would only need to ask you to comment this post and suggest myself for the contest. Perhaps you could also make another suggestion: @ help.venezuela (this is run by my dear friend @ achim03).


This is just a first round attempt. I hope we can make it to second round hahha :) Naturally I would appreciate if you could ask your friends to help with our little "quest" :)

Let me know what you think? Perhaps you can also share some advises and hopefully we can "do little bit of brainstorming". Would be awesome to win :)


You can surely count on my support @crypto.piotr :)

2 sides to every coin with this.
I watched a TV show decades ago in the UK, where a university professor was saying he thought AI would wipe us all out in the future.

He is right and wrong at the same time, governments employ soldiers to kill people, though are moving to AI and drones, so if there is a danger in that field, it is the usual suspects doing the killing, those who tax us to death and use police as tax collectors too.

At a Vauxhall engine assembly plant in the UK, I watched the workforce reduced from thousands to a handful via robots. Though then you have to have people who make robots, until they can make themselves.

It is a difficult subject to cover, based on human interference, and self driving cars or vehicles will also never appeal to me, as first and foremost I am a motorcycle rider, and riding with freedom is my aim, not getting there via some autonomous brain. :-)

Thank you or your amazing comment @shepz1

Though then you have to have people who make robots, until they can make themselves.

That's would be definitely problematic to our race.

I am a motorcycle rider, and riding with freedom is my aim, not getting there via some autonomous brain

Yes, wee need to find this balance between automation and our freedom. I personally build and fly drones and there are plenty of flight controllers that allow your drone to fly fully autonomously. This is amazing, however it doesn't equal to the level of pleasure from flying in a fully manual mode. I think I understand your opinion :)

I am not afraid of it since I will not live that long anymore plus most of the inventions created to make our life easier are only available for a very small, rich group of people in this world.

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thank you for your reply @wakeupkitty. I am afraid that AI development is so fast, that you will have the opportunity to experience its effects :) Even nowadays in some countries self-driving cars are already available. Although they are maybe affordable only for the richest, you can still meet them on the road.

I doubt I will recognize such a car and as far as I understand at this moment it is not more as a cruise control and it probably will never be for the full 100% because there is the "who will be responsible if something goes wrong"-issue.

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There is happiness to know about the expansion of technology, but also when it comes to the deteriorating effects such as unemployment, etc., that many people will lose employment, they also suffer from their arrival.

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Thank you for your reply @vickykarma. You are right, that's definitely unfavorable effect of technology arrival. However, I believe that there are more positive effects and in a long term everyone benefits from technological development.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thank you @neavvy - my upvote & resteem per your kind request. I believe technology leading to AI is the catalyst that has lead humanity to capitalize on its worst trait and least common denominator: GREED. This will ultimately lead to self-destruction (without an act of God I hope & pray is soon coming!).

Simple case in point - why isn't internet access free for all now that customers have fully funded the infrastructure?? You could argue that such infrastructure needs to be maintained - well fund that via taxing all the corporate profits gleaned from internet paying people sitting home in their PJ's shopping, ordering and buying 24 x 7. Of course not, because the greed at the top has to find a way to double tax those who don't have the $ that makes $$$....this mindset can be applied all the way to the top of the technology chain - until the powers that be eat themselves when no one else is left to be eaten.

I would have been thrilled if technology stopped at Windows 95 (when there were no pop-up ads!), 3 or 4 TV channels, pagers, pay phones and independent voice mail boxes. We did just fine, and people were kind to each other while enjoying life so much more harmoniously. Sadly, those days are gone - and the primary cause is the direct result of technology's trajectory.

Thank you for your comment @lanceman

GREED. This will ultimately lead to self-destruction

That's true, greed may result in self-destruction. This is especially obvious for me when I see the scientists talking about global warming. There is a strong scientific evidence that it is caused by humans, but politicians are unresponsive to these arguments, as from the short-term view it is completely unprofitable to take care about global warming. That's really terrifies me, and I will be probably preparing an article about this soon.

Amen @neavvy - and there is strong evidence to support that there was once a nuclear planet destruction event on Mars....and I wonder how the sun might have caught fire.....hmmmm...

Very good report.
I think that it will be a long way.
I mean f.e. with selfdriving cars:
Maybe one time you come to the point that all cars can communicate with eatch other. But what you make than with old cars ? You just want to throw them away, or force owner of this car to do so ? If you have mixed traffic this is maybe more dangerous at all.

"For example, military robots may unexpectedly switch sides. Stephen Hawking once "

In the end it's not new - how many soldier died through "friendly fire" till now ?

The question will if we all will be able to manage the AI in good way - we will see.

Thank you for your reply @udow.

In the end it's not new - how many soldier died through "friendly fire" till now ?

That's true, but consider that this "friendly fire" is rarity and is limited to small group of people. In case of AI switching sites, it would mean that every electronic autonomous device in this particular army will also switch site. I suppose that those devices could communicate with each other and would be controlled by one "brain" (as that is the most efficient solution), so decision of this brain would have impact on every device. Switching sites of AI could directly decide about victory.

Hello @neavvy, a very interesting topic indeed. AI is going to be a reality whether we like it or not. I always see AI as the one in Star Trek where the system aids the ship to navigate the universe at 5 times the speed of light OR like in Terminator where AI turns against humans. The latter comes more from our fear of the unknown. What if a consciousness realized AI Being does not intend to dominate humans and just leaves the planet to explore the universe? Quite possible, right? Domination is a HUMAN Ego problem and may not be the craving of an intelligent machine. I see it that way. That said, yes AI in killer applications should be avoided. Just because that is the exact human domination area that we will be teaching machines. Sad development!

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Thank you for your reply @oivas. You are right, domination is typical for a human being, but we cannot really predict how the AI is going to behave. It all depends on the learning algorithm, as it defines what are the values and the goal that AI is aspiring to.

I have once heard an opinion that AI may after turning on decide that there is no meaning of existence and turn off. It's interesting hypothesis, but for sure possible. We have the control over AI at the beginning, as we define what path it is going to take. Technically, someone could create AI that would be aiming to full domination.

Hmm. AI turning on and then off because there is no meaning to life. Exciting! I have read few religious books and science which concur that we are living an illusion at the moment. That is there is no space and time dimension (the one which we inhabit). It is just an illusion. We are just too ego driven to not see it. If that is so and AI supersedes us and recognizes that we are living an illusion then it would indeed turn off. What an interesting idea! Thanks for sharing that. Good thought. :)

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Hi @oivas,

"Domination is a HUMAN Ego problem and may not be the craving of an intelligent machine."

Your comment will get my 5/5 rating.

Of course, you are right TO THE CORE.

If something thing untoward happens to this humanity because of AI, this corrupted humans will be the indirect cause of it.

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Hi @neavvy,

Read your message. It's my pleasure. Thank you very much for your concern and support.

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Thank you for your support @marvyinnovation :)

@neavvy Sir, I have already voted for steemchurch and this is for your kind info.

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I received your memo. Here I am

Upvoted and Resteemed

As always for Great Content

Thanks, @neavvy

Thank you for your constant support @whatsontrend. I really appreciate that :)

hi @neavvy. I most concerned about job replacement. I feel there is going to be a painful transition in which people won't adapt easily. Current education systems (specially in third world countries like mine) don't provide the skills and knowledge for what's coming, so self education on the topic is a good idea , as well a creating a knowledge community around this.
once again, thanks for your insight

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I think your concerns are reasoned @caribehub. Not letting AI to take control over humanity is in the general interest, but preventing job replacement is definitely not in the interest of the richest, as it will probably increase their profits.

so self education on the topic is a good idea

That's right, education system even in my country (which is considered to be developed) is completely unprepared for rapid technological development. For example, Blockchain technology has never been mentioned during the classes.

Hello my friend @neavvy nice to read one more post from you..!!!

Well, that´s right AI intelligence is the future and we know that, it will create some lose jobs and maybe thousands of jobs...

Many people will looking for something they can do, especially for their families, how to care them....

AI is working faster and people should be educated for this technology..

Technology is the future but it could be dangerous for all of us, If investors are looking just for money they will see AI as the first resources than a Human resources... Humans will not matter here anymore...

That´s a big problem...

Humans´brain is a computer, actually is an AI computer because we can create all of this technology to remplace ourselves...

The big challenge is not AI because AI is implementing right now in our life´, the big challenge is...: If thousands of people lose their jobs, how they can be immerse in this technology to create a new life and be productive...


If many companies are looking for AI, it is necessary to implement resources to teach people before they lose their jobs, but I know many of them won´t invest resources about teach people...

Sadly this is called LIFE....!!!

Amazing post, Technology is changing our life and we have to adopt this for a right way ....

Yes @edgarare1,

The investors will have only goal and that is how to earn BIG bucks in a short span of time and nothing more than that.

Well said Sir.

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Yeah. This is real @marvyinnovation and it is happening right now in some countries...

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Of course, @edgarare1, this is the sad reality.

If the people's mindsets don't change, their countries also will not develop and so do they!

Mindset is crucial. My country destroyed communism 30 years ago, but people still think in its categories. This fact really stops the development of my country.

Albeit everyone knew that a country's development is based on the people's mindset living in that country, they're not ready neither to change theirs nor others!

When will we understand this simple thing and act accordingly?

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Unfortunately that's true @marvyinnovation. Moreover, technological development usually contingents on those investors...

@neavvy, without a moral background, no development will help those investors in any way because being selfish is nothing but going rubbish!

That's 100% true

Thank you for a great comment @edgarare1. As you said, education is very important, because people should be aware of technological development and its consequences. Without that awareness, negative impact on the society may become really serious.

This is very important especially if it comes to jobs losing, as most of the people are completely unprepared for such scenario and may experience a big shock. They also will not be able to adopt to the new "world order" which may lead to a global crisis.

Humans´brain is a computer, actually is an AI computer because we can create all of this technology to remplace ourselves...

Quite ironic, right? :)

Yeah. Everything you said is tremendous correct my friend @neavvy ... It will be very disappointing for many people and dangerous at the same time...

If people lose their jobs, it probably will be a caos, many people without money in their pockets and not job... They probably can start stole, and many more others things ...

I hope that won’t happen in this world...!!!

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That's definitely true and sad @edgarare1

Yeah, I hope nothing happen in our future my friend @neavvy , if technology is improving, it can improve just good things..!!!

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AI can be a bit misunderstood my main concern about AI is will it be self sufficient if yes then that might be the only problem

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Thank you for your reply @khussan. Once strong AI is developed it is definitely going to be self sufficient, and you are right, that may cause plenty of problems (as well as opportunities). As I have written in the article, we need to ensure that stron AI will have human values implemented (morality etc.)

I think morality cam be implemented by setting rules like action(kill)= illegal action(feed the cat) = legal

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More or less you are right @khussan, but that definitely wouldn't be so easy. AI learns itself through machine learning, which means it constantly modifies itself in order to achieve "perfection". Morality would have to be implemented in such way, that AI couldn't modify it.

Yes it has to be implemented in a hardcoded section i think can be achieved as a read only system/read only permission

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@crypto.piotr i wanna hear your opinion 😅

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hi @neavy I read this post because I know your memos and @crypto.piort, when discussing about Al and imagining that in the next few years Al is smarter than humans, it looks scary too, because humans created Al and the Al who could once rule the earth ... indeed, there are many smart human brains that can create something smarter than humans but they cannot socialize with us😊

Thank you for your reply @anitacarolina. The perspective that something created by humans may become more intelligent than us is indeed frightening.

there are many smart human brains that can create something smarter than humans but they cannot socialize with us

That's true haha :)


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Hello, i got your memo. thanks fr bringing my attention to this.

I think our fear in AI taking over the world or developing an interest contrary to their design and possibly in conflict with ours is preposterous. lol. Just like how computers became a thing, people will lose jobs, but so will more jobs that were non-existent emerge.

AI tech will add value to our lives and like someone else mentioned in the comments here, humans can always include the kill-switch to checkmate loyalty and trust. like your post mentioned, AI's aren't exactly too smart. they still act on available data and pre-programmed info. you cannot have an orange seed eventually bring up strawberries.

About responsibility, it's a really dicey one, but i think with consensus, people can choose what their AI should do and not do... That way, we'd know who to face during mishaps and whatnots.

I think we should relax, we can always turn the damn thing off.

Brilliant comment @nseghe. I really appreciate it a lot :)

orry that my friend has not visited you for a long time.

Well. The artificial intelligence technologies are widely developed. Robots are able to do more and more. I am now interested in the situation with the terminator is real?

Thank you for your reply @carbodexkim

I am now interested in the situation with the terminator is real?

I don't really think so. Indeed, we need to be very careful if it comes to developing strong AI, but I think that scientists are mature enough to do it in the way that will not result in termnator scenario :)

Nice article @neavvy. I have written on this issue several months ago. I think AI is not the problem, we are the problem. Our greed, ego, irresponsible behavior, lack of self control and other such instincts etc. are the source of problem. AI is nothing if we don't develop it. We want to make our life happy but the quest of happiness is a mirage. We can't be happy because we have so many desires. We want to control everything and thus we are destined to be replaced by robots.

Thank you for your reply @akdx.

I think AI is not the problem, we are the problem.

I think you got the point. Especially considering that our concerns about AI are always connected with typical human behaviors and approach. However in human's world such situations are not very likely to happen, as society has learned how to prevent them and control extraordinary individuals. The problem begins, when AI takes all of our negative behaviors and becomes more intelligent. We would not be able to control it.

We want to make our life happy but the quest of happiness is a mirage.

That's true. The question is: would AI understand the concept of happiness? If so, would it be its desire?


Interesting article @neavvy had already commented on my fear about the AI. It is clear that these technologies can never exceed human intelligence however, each invention of man is increasingly risky. Many jobs can easily be affected but at the economic level, what will be more profitable? On the other hand racing will be expanded in the areas of computing, programming and related careers. I do not agree with the mechanical work, I do not see sense, mood or enthusiasm.

Thank you for your valuable comment @belkisa758

Many jobs can easily be affected but at the economic level, what will be more profitable?

That's the point. AI is more efficient and profitable than humans in some areas. Considering that AI is currently in the relatively early stage of development, the impact of strong AI on the job market may be really huge...

Hello @neavvy, I got your memo and its well received.

I think that the development of AI technology should be properly regulated globally soonest. With the vast amount of data available via the internet and the freedom of programmers at this time to play around with their fancies from jumping robots, self-driving cars, drones to bad ass killer(able) robots, its pertinent at this stage to have some form of regulation in place to ensure that developments are tailored towards the betterment and not destruction of mankind.

Warm regards,

Thank you for your comment @straighttalk

I think that the development of AI technology should be properly regulated globally soonest.

You are 100% right. Nowadays virtually anyone is able to build his own drone, equip it with AI and organize an assassination. It should be regulated somehow, but I am not sure if it is possible. There are two issues:

  • How to prevent the freedom of programmers? They are dispersed all over the world and I suppose that controlling them would be virtually impossible. Also, remember that this freedom caused many marvelous inventions.
  • I am pretty sure that clear conditions of AI development at the geopolitical level would be impossible to establish. This technology is too powerful.

I believe AI is here to stay and there will both pros and cons to it, and one of the big cons is job losses.

(I am not so sure we want to instill "Human values" in AI if we look at what some humans are doing, LOL)

Thank you for your valuable comment @rynow, I agree with you.

I am not so sure we want to instill "Human values" in AI if we look at what some humans are doing, LOL

That's true haha :) I suppose that we would implement only "positive" values, if it is possible.


I think very simply AI in the hands of the Govenment and the military is what scares me the most. And as most new innovations are first discoverd and built by military contractors who have them 5 to 10 years before they are released to the General public that should worry us even more.If an autonomous weapon such as a drone, which are already in general use in wars around the world were to be give the ability to make its own decisions then the human race it in all sorts of problems. There is already a small autonomous drone that can be programmed with face recognition software set free to find that person in a croud, land on their head, and detonate a small explosion. And we all know how unreliable face recognition is. We can't stop progress... Thats a fact, so really we are at the mercy of the programers and their morals...

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Thank you for your comment @andyjem. Vision of an autonomous drone is indeed frightening, especially as drones are my hobby and I am fully aware how easy would it be to build such machine. You do not really to be a sophisticated programmer. Your comment reminded me of drone assassination on Venezuelan's president Maduro. I suppose that such situations are likely to take place more and more often.

Thought you might like to see the video I was talking about.

Do you think the CIA was behind the Venezuelan attack?

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Great video @andyjem, thank you for sharing!

Do you think the CIA was behind the Venezuelan attack?

Yes I do. I think that USA has a big interest in controlling Venezuela due to the oil.

I do like narrow AI. Can't wait until cars drive themselves.
The question is about general AI.
There is a high chance of exponential growth and humans are very bad in judging that. It's just not obvious in day to day life.
But will it actually happen? I find it hard to assign a probability to the question: are we going to have general AI by 2050.
Chances are it takes way longer or might not happen for a long time.
Like fusion reactors. They seem to be around 20 away - for the last 40 years.

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Thank you for your reply @bluerobo

Like fusion reactors. They seem to be around 20 away - for the last 40 years.

That's right, predicting technology is something really complicated.

I find it hard to assign a probability to the question: are we going to have general AI by 2050.

I think that there is more important question: is the general AI possible? Think about that: if it experiences consciousness, it may decide immediately after turning on that there is no sense of life and turn off.

This sounds like a very human way of thinking to me. In my mind, a general AI would think in very different concepts. Why would it care about us in that way in the first place?
As a thought - this might be a stretch:
Humans are mammals. To a certain extent we suppose we can imagine what other mammals might think.
But. Thinking like an insect, a spider for example, sounds very freaky. It is so far removed from us.
I am pretty sure, if there was a general AI, it would have different reasoning than humans.
We might not comprehend it.
As long as AI is subject to laws of robotics or ethics - thought up by humans - its not truly general.

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Sent you a message on discord a while back. As for the A.I., it is a deserved fear.

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I am afraid that I haven't got your message @enginewitty :(

I received your memo and upvoted your post. I would appreciate and upvote your posts when I receive memo.


Thank you very much for your support @rksumanthraju :)

Welcome bro

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Dear @neavvy ,

I receive your Memo and I can say that Ai can be only used in Manufacturing and Processing goods because it make the work faster however Ai do not have Free Will that is why Ai must not be use in work pertaining the life or safety of Human. Ai Don't have Free Will to think what is best to avoid danger because they only follow the command and instructions input in their program which results in disregard of Human safety.

If you want to explore...you can read my post @junnel123

Your fellow Steemian,

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Thank you for your reply @junnel123.

Ai must not be use in work pertaining the life or safety of Human.

AI definitely has not yet achieved the level of complexity reliability and that would allow it to autonomously take care of human life. However, to be honest, I think that's just a matter of time.

If you want to explore...you can read my post

Thank you for recommendation, I will definitely do :)

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