RE: Bizarre Natural Phenomena Vol. 47 - Rainbows In The Night (Moonbows)

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Bizarre Natural Phenomena Vol. 47 - Rainbows In The Night (Moonbows)

in steemstem •  7 years ago 

It didn't look exactly like that, I'll have to check on my photos to see if I remember well :P

Yeah, triboluminescence, I 've written about it in a past post only I can't remember now. I'll have a read of yours in a while.

And you just called me an asshole LOL!!!

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Lol... hahahaha!
well who could have guessed. of all words in the greek dictionary. ;D

Well written. i had it in mind to research on this topic someday. your work seems to make it a lot easier to understand.
Truth is, i haven't really seen the moonbow before. Maybe someday.

I couldn't help laughing when I read it too!

Cool topic, isn't it? There were so much to write about, but I didn't want to make it too long. Thanks for reading @pangoli! And let's hope we'll see a moonbow sometime...

Oh we sure will. For one, i've had my eyes on Greece for... errr... well, since @trumpman told me about it.

Moonbows, the moon's rainbow!

Kinda wondering why it wasnt termed 'sunbow' instead of rainbow. wait, don't tell me there actually is ''sunbow' :O

Nooooo, is that what it literally means. I'm sorry, now I am embarrassed haha. If anyone's the arse hole here its me, haha. Sono un buco del culo (Italian).

It's a cool effect right, triboluminescence? I tried it by hitting my quartz crystals together, only to break my favourite piece, I was quite upset and just stood there for 1 minute contemplating my stupid mistake.

Looking forward to your next article anyway, keep up the good work :)

I couldn't help laughing when I read it too!

Cool topic, isn't it? There were so much to write about, but I didn't want to make it too long. Thanks for reading @pangoli! And let's hope we'll see a moonbow sometime...

I know but know thinking back to it, i should have known that Yanis and Nikos were telling me silly things to say. I blame them haha.

Yeah maybe @pangoli we will see one one day, for now we are just average rainbow observers. We'll do it bro!

Lol... Someone got pranked! hahahaha!
I do that to my friends a lot ;P

Hehe! No worries, I took no offence. :D

I know, I know, it's really cool. And I remember @erh.germany had suggested covering another similar topic, fire through friction. Maybe I should some time soon. I'm sorry about your quartz :(

I know, I was being silly. That's a good topic to write about actually, remember to warn people about carpet burns, i hated those as a child, burning my knees sliding around.

And thanks, I like my crystals a lot, the planet is filled with quartz but there's one quartz that belonged to Benjamin, now I have to find some more, or maybe it will find me......

Ooh tell me about those burns, last summer I got some in a water slides park :P

No worries, you will find another piece to cover the loss. I'm sure :)

Ouch I'm assuming on a tender area...... Not nice!

I hope so too, thanks :)

Elbow and shoulder, it was kind of annoying...

Sorry Ruth... Had a couple of those growing up too. I wasn't rough or anything, just unfortunate at the time. lol