in steemstem •  7 years ago 

"Nobody should try to abate Buhari in 2019. All Fulanis in Nigeria today our eyes are open. All of us are ashamed Buhari.We acquire credible that they appetite to arrest the Fulani because of Buhari. We would be attainable to hunt him and activity it"- Alhaji Bello Abdullahi Bodeji, President of Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Affiliation of Nigeria (MACBAN), The Sun Newspaper, 3rd February 2018.

I was tempted to accept to the credible threats and the advancing and aloof words of this biased cattle-rearer and accustomed Fulani herdsman declared Bello Abdullahi Bodeji in this accession but if I best up the saturday newspapers I realised that I bald to accordance with a far added insidious and alarming alone whose angle are as abhorrent, alarming and unacceptable as Nazi Germany's Adolph Hitler's anytime were.

This is a connected commodity but charm breach with me till the end because the annual and admonition that it seeks to ashamed is vital. Permit me to begin.

In a adorable and annoying interview, the Punch Newspaper (3rd February 2018) asked one of the greatest advocates, a lot of connected proponents, a lot of able choir and a lot of adroit ascendance stars of Fulani supremacy, hegemony, irrendentism and power, Professor Umar Mohammed Ladbo of the Humanities Department of Maitama Sule University, Kano, the afterwards question.

"You say Benue belongs to Fulani by adapted of conquest. Is such a adapted greater than that of the ancient owners or bodies who the Fulani met there?".

Ladbo's acceptance betrayed the mindset of the quintessential conquistador and ancient supremacist.

Though long, I shall qoute him abundantly and in fact in acclimation for readers to get a ablaze annual and alive glimpse into what can alone be declared as a afflicted mind. He said,

"Don¡¯t address about ancient owners. Now that the adapted of accretion is recognised worldwide. And abounding of the people, who acquire afresh in adapted countries, they are there and are alive there by the adapted of conquest.

And this adapted of accretion is recognised, even by our Supreme Court. One of my followers on Facebook, who is a lawyer, said he could acceptance 10 cases in which our Supreme Court recognised accretion as one of the abject of accepting titles for land.

So, don¡¯t address about that. Who are the ancient owners? Original! If did they come? We acquire that the ancient antecedent of the Tiv was Mohammed Alla, who migrated from Katsina, that is why today, you acquire Katsina Alla! Let them explain, what is the acceptation of Katsina Alla?

So, this Fulani man, if he got to that across and fathered Tiv, there were added Fulani bodies there. That was why he came to accompany his own brothers.

So, if you are talking about any ancient owners of the Tiv land, it is in achievement the Fulani. And the Fulani are the fathers of the Tiv and the Jukun are their mothers.

Many of the bodies alive in the across they acquire today migrated to that area. And I aswell mentioned in my Facebook cavalcade that Fulani are absolute affectionate and benevolent conquerors because if the Europeans acclimatized in Chill America, that is, today¡¯s USA and Canada, they massacred all the people.

That is why there is no one to anxiety them settlers today. They asleep them all and destroyed their bureau of livelihood. If the Europeans acclimatized in Australia, they asleep the Aborigines.

That is why there is no one to anxiety them settlers now. But Fulani, we did not abate anybody. We butterfingers over the bodies and some bodies are allure if it is authentic that Benue belongs to Fulani?

Why are they not Muslims? Now, the acceptance is Fulani did not force anyone to embrace Islam. Even today in Kano here, you acquire bodies who are not Muslims and they are originally from here.

We anxiety them Maguzawa. That is why the missionaries had the befalling to arise achievement and abecedarian them to Christianity. You acquire them in Bauchi and even in Sokoto, Kebbi, Zamfara and Katsina". (CONCLUDED).

Why am I not suprised by these alarming and amazing submissions and assertions and this counterfeit narrative.

For Professor Ladbo to about affirmation that "the achievement that we Fulani did not abate all those we baffled and all the ancient bodies we defeated in battle, baffled and apprenticed is something that Nigerians should be apprenticed for" is cruel, demeaning, dishonorable, insulting, disingenious and shameful.

Worst of all it is not true. It is counterfeit and it is historically incorrect. The achievement of the bulk is that the Fulani conquerors burst added bodies in their alternation of jihads in chill Nigeria than ANY added assailment force in the history of Africa.

Has this declared "professor" never heard about the amateurishness and genocide committed by Usman Dan Fodio if he offered either "the cast or the Koran" to those he baffled in the north?

Has he never heard of the massacres and accession murders that accompanied the Fulani jihads, the abolishment of the Habe ascendancy and the achievement of the Caliphate?

Ignorance is a abhorrent activity but ambidexterity and absolute agnosticism is even worse.

To say that the Fulani were amiable and affectionate in their conquests of locations of chill Nigeria and in their chance to accredit their caliphate and angrily advance

Islam is a lie from the pit of hell.

It is like adage that Lucifer admired God and never rebelled abut him or that Hitler's Nazis showed amore to the Jews or that the white slave-owners of the pre-civil war "confederate" southern states of the United States of America admired their atramentous slaves.

The accurateness is that the history of the caliphate is paved, antidotal and attenuated with ancient cleansing, accession murder, genocide and claret and their animality to those that they attacked, baffled and apprenticed was legendry.

They in fact humiliated, broke down and destroyed their accommodation and took accumulated away from them including their dignity, liberty, land, identity, admiration and culture.

Worse of all they able a determined "scortch the earth" policy, burnt accumulated in sight, raped ALL the women, apprenticed ALL the children, took millions of lives and even burst the animals.

That is the history of the caliphate and Fulani accretion and not the aflush annual that Professor Ladbo and added absolute revisionists seek to paint.

This is not hate, it is history.

Sadly Ladbo's aloof delusions was not apprenticed to the above.

He went a footfall added down the abysm of abhorrence and bogeyman by cogent the aloft Punch Newspaper that

"the Fulanis are destined to acquire able Nigeria".

He said the Fulanis brought articulacy to the country and that the Fulani affiliation had transcripts dating ashamed to 500 years ago ¡°when no added affiliation knew how to write¡±.

Permit me to allocation his exact words:

¡°Those who adage are those that are added civilised and educated. Now, Fulani happened to be added able than all added tribes in Nigeria afore the Europeans came.

We are the ones who brought articulacy achievement as we acquire manuscripts, hundreds of them, which were accounting amidst 300 and 500 years ago, if no added affiliation knew how to write.

And that is why the lot fell on our bodies to beforehand in this country and we are still able the people. We are destined to acquire able people; but I know, if bodies apprehend this, they will say he is a abolitionist or something like that, no!

It is not like that. This is a accountability and we pay for it. Sardauna was asleep because he was a ruler. If he had not been a ruler, why would he acquire been killed? Murtala Mohammed (former Military Head of State) was aswell killed. Why? It was because he was a ruler.

It is not something we are beholden of: it is a accountability but we acquire to acquire the accountability because we are the ones who are able for it.

In 1840 the Yoruba defeated us in Osogbo and adorable us packing but you are talking of alone one defeat if we baffled the able of the Chill including Kano and even Benue. We are the owners of Benue by conquest.

Our man was already basal Borno by then, there was no allegation to beforehand them. We don't even eat cow meat. It is you Yoruba and Igbo that are attainable to die for cow meat. Look we are destined to beforehand Nigeria for long" (CONCLUDED).

For these asinine and air-conditioned assertions advancing from a alone and abominable blockhead who can be bigger declared as a angel idiot than a Professor of Humanities, I acquire no words added than to say that his angle acquire no abject in rationality, argumentation or history.

It is aswell blah history that the Fulani came from Futa Jalon in modern-day Guinea (from a address declared Vulture Mountain) and that their progenitor, Usman Dan Fodio, did not set basal in what was to afterwards become modern-day chill Nigeria until 1797 or actuate his jihad until 1804.

So if this Kano "Professor" compares the Fulani to "other tribes" in Nigeria "300 to 500 years ago" he is authentic a grave applesauce because the achievement is that at that time the Fulani were not even here!

If any affiliation or ancient adherence can be declared as modern-day immigrants and aliens in Nigeria it is the Fulani. Every added affiliation in our nation has been achievement for centuries, accoutrements of years and in fact from time-immemorial but the Fulani are about newcomers to our belted space.

As a bulk of achievement they acquire far added in acclimatized genetically and in acceding of bloodlines with the Tutsis of Central and East Africa (who aswell originally came from Futa Jalon and who are aswell migrants) than they do with ANY affiliation or ancient adherence in Nigeria.

They were not originally allocation of us and neither are they in fact negroid. Their claret is adulterated with Taurag and Berber claret and they are a achievement of constant and accoutrements of years of cross-breeding amidst the belted atramentous Africans of Futa Jalon and the Arab, Taurag and Berber traders that plied that route.

To beforehand that they were ancient to the acreage that was afterwards to be acclimatized as "Nigeria" or even "northern Nigeria" afore the mid-1800's is artlessly not authentic and it is historically incorrect.

That is the absinthian accurateness and accession is as follows.

The abide three years acquire acclimatized that the Fulani apperceive far added about cow-herding and cattle-rearing than they do about nation-building and governance.

They acquire aswell acclimatized that they address far added bulk on the activity of a cow than that of a beastly being. What on angel could be added backward, primitive, uncivilised uneducated, illiterate, awry and awry than that?

Contrary to what Professor Ladbo would acquire us believe, the Fulani are not added able than others, they are not added affiliation than others, they were not able afore others, they are not congenital to rule, they are not destined to lead, they acquire no compassionate of accumulated and all-embracing administering in a multi-religious, multi-racial, multi-cultural nation and, as connected as Jesus is on the throne, they will not beforehand or adage Nigeria forever.

Permit me to end this accession with an arresting and adroit abstruse from Professor Ozodi Thomas Osuji's well-researched and seminal commodity aloof 'The Fulanis Chance To Adage West Africa'. He wrote,

"I acquire been annual up on the Fulani. I am now a walking anthology on them. I acquire acclimatized that they appetite to adage all of Nigeria.

They baffled the Hausas states (1804-1809) and now they appetite to exhausted all of Nigeria. That six amateur Fulanis in Nigeria (and 13 amateur in all West Africa) appetite to adage 150 amateur Nigerians is amazing!

When 5 amateur white Afrikaners butterfingers 45 amateur Africans in South Africa we declared their behavior as racist.

But in the Fulani case affiliation do not accept to base the racist angle to the able affected activity breadth the a lot of benighted accession in Nigeria wants to adage the a lot of able affiliation in Nigeria, such as the Edos, Ijaws, Efiks, Igbos and Yorubas.

Fulanis originally lived in Morocco as allocation of the Maghreb Arabs that baffled the Iberian Peninsula, Spain and Portugal in 711 A.D. and swept into France in 732 A.D. afore the Franks (Germans...Arabs still anxiety Germans Franks) below their leader, Charles Martel, the Hammer of God, brimming them at Tours, beside Paris, at the acclaimed activity of Poitier.

Many of those Arabs adulterated with Africans and are now declared Fulanis. They drifted south and eventually acclimatized about Senegal and Guinea. Fulanis drifted into Chill Nigeria in the eighteenth aeon (1700s).

They acclimated a acclaimed angle (which they are now appliance accustomed Nigeria) to get Hausas to beforehand them and acclimated that affectation to beforehand and exhausted Hausa states.

Their leader, Othman Dan Fodio declared himself the Sultan of what he declared the Sokoto Caliphate and appointed his ancestors the Emirs (Chiefs) of aloft Hausa towns.

Apparently Fulanis appetite to extend their adage all over Nigeria. We accept to assay the abominable appetite of the Fulanis, a adolescence Arab accession that wants to adage the majority of Africans in Nigeria, just as a adolescence white accession basic to adage the majority of Africans in South Africa. This accept to be stopped. Democracy requires that it be stopped". (CONCLUDED).

Osuji is in fact right.

And just in case anyone is still in any agnosticism about how angled the Fulani are to ascendancy on to adeptness in Nigeria they should accept the words of Alhaji Ahmad Usman Bello, the National Chairman of the Fulbe (Fulani) Development Affiliation (FULDAN).

Last ceremony he told the Nigerian bodies that ''any ancient accession that fights the Fulani will be accomplishing so at their own peril. No-one can defeat the Fulani in Nigeria''.

As we attorneys say, 'res ipsa loquitor' (meaning 'the facts adduce for themselves').

Ahmed Usman Bello, Umar Muhammed Labdo, Bello Abdullahi Bodeji and all those that allocation their adventuresome angle discount that affectedness comes afore nemesis and that pride comes afore a fall.

May God buck them from their alarming and annoying delusions afore it is too late.

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