in steemterminal •  5 years ago  (edited)

Hi STEEMian's

Image credit @hekittygirl

Last night is the best game-night ever, It was fun and very educated. The theme is Ice-Breaker Questions, thank you so many guys for the wonderful game-night last night I am so happy to be with you last night guys until next time there will be more prizes to come.

So to those who are not a member in Steemterminal discord server come and witness the event every weekend at the time,
America/Los_Angeles: 8:00 am
America/Denver: 9:00 am
America/Edmonton: 9:00 am
America/Chicago: 10:00 am
America/New_York: 11:00 am
Europe/London: 4:00 pm
Europe/Amsterdam: 5:00 pm
Asia/Manila: 11:00 pm

But first, you need to join the server before you join the game-night show. All you need to do is click the link below and you will be directed to the server. Thank you and have a nice day everyone.

Here is the Steem Terminal Discord Server:


To show that the Steemterminal is here to help you hand to hand mine to mine. One mine, One Direction, One Goal. Steemterminal is the SteemTerminal's purpose: to help new people on Steem to learn, Educate and find communities where they will be happy.


The Theme!
Ice-Breaker Questions very simple and we know kids can answer it twenty (20) questions English/Spanish. The winner will receive STEEM & TOKENS.

The Rule!
The game will be a trivia contest I will ask a question and the first person to respond with the correct answer wins a prize. In the next round, a different person will win (so one person can't win two-times-in-a-row). Simply huh! let us are more productive and making remarkable moments.

For more Inquiry
You can directly contact in Steem Terminal Discord Server, chrismadcboy2016#9313

Here is the list of Ice-Breaker Questions

Question # 1. English How many legs does the Legs of Man have?
Spanish ¿Cuántas patas tiene las piernas del hombre?

Answer: Three
Spanish: tres

Question # 2. English Which sea creature has three hearts?
Spanish ¿Qué criatura marina tiene tres corazones?

Answer: Octopus
Spanish: Pulpo

Question # 3. English How many bones does an adult human have?
Spanish ¿Cuántos huesos tiene un humano adulto?

Answer: Two hundred and six (206)
Spanish: Doscientos seis (206)

Question # 4. English Water boils at 212 degrees on which temperature scale
Spanish El agua hierve a 212 grados en que escala de temperatura

Answer: Fahrenheit
Spanish: Fahrenheit

Question # 5. English What is the Italian word for pie?
Spanish ¿Cuál es la palabra italiana para pastel?

Answer: Pizza
Spanish: Pizza

Question # 6. English What was Marilyn Monroe's natural hair colour?
Spanish ¿Cuál era el color natural del cabello de Marilyn Monroe?

Answer: Ginger

Question # 7. English Who sang about being an eggman and a walrus?
Spanish ¿Quién cantó acerca de ser un hombre huevo y una morsa?

Answer: The Beatles
Spanish: Los Beatles

Question # 8. English Name this stringless fictional character created by Carlo Collodi over one hundred years ago
Spanish Nombra a este personaje ficticio sin hilos creado por Carlo Collodi hace más de cien años

Answer: Pinocchio
Spanish: Pinocho

Question # 9. English In nautical terms, what is the opposite of port?
Spanish En términos náuticos, ¿qué es lo contrario de puerto?

Answer: Starboard
Spanish: Estribor

Question # 10. English Who sat in a corner eating a Christmas pie?
Spanish ¿Quién se sentó en una esquina a comer un pastel de Navidad?

Answer: Little Jack Horner
Spanish: Pequeño Jack Horner

Question # 11. English What is the top colour in a rainbow?
Spanish ¿Cuál es el color superior en un arco iris?

Answer: Red
Spanish: Roja

Question # 12. English How many years are there in a millennium?
Spanish ¿Cuántos años hay en un milenio?

Answer: 1000
Spanish: Mil

Question # 13. English What is the distance around a circle called?
Spanish ¿Cómo se llama la distancia alrededor de un círculo?

Answer: Circumference
Spanish: Circunferencia

Question # 14. English True or false? Mickey Mouse’s middle name is Fauntleroy.
Spanish ¿Verdadero o falso? El segundo nombre de Mickey Mouse es Fauntleroy.

Answer: False (it is Donald Duck’s)
Spanish: Falso (es el pato Donald)

Question # 15. English What form of aerial transport does a witch favour?
Spanish ¿Qué forma de transporte aéreo favorece una bruja?

Answer: Broomstick
Spanish: Palo de escoba

Question # 16. English What is the first element on the periodic table of elements?
Spanish ¿Cuál es el primer elemento en la tabla periódica de elementos?

Answer: Hydrogen
Spanish: Hidrógeno

Question # 17. English What is the name of the Greek God of music?
Spanish ¿Cuál es el nombre del dios griego de la música?

Answer: Apollo
Spanish" Apolo

Question # 18. English Which planet in our Solar System is known for having a ring?
Spanish ¿Qué planeta de nuestro Sistema Solar es conocido por tener un anillo?

Answer: Saturn
Spanish: Saturno

Question # 19. English What is the name of the Australian stick or toy that is designed to come back to you when thrown?
Spanish ¿Cuál es el nombre del palo o juguete australiano diseñado para volver a ti cuando lo arrojas?

Answer: Boomerang
Spanish: Bumerang

Question # 20. English Thirsty people need … ?
Spanish ¿La gente sedienta necesita ...?

Answer: Water
Spanish: Agua


Question # 2. English Which sea creature has three hearts?
Spanish ¿Qué criatura marina tiene tres corazones?

Answer: Octopus
Spanish: Pulpo

Question # 4. English Water boils at 212 degrees on which temperature scale
Spanish El agua hierve a 212 grados en que escala de temperatura

Answer: Fahrenheit
Spanish: Fahrenheit

Question # 7. English Who sang about being an eggman and a walrus?
Spanish ¿Quién cantó acerca de ser un hombre huevo y una morsa?

Answer: The Beatles
Spanish: Los Beatles

Question # 9. English In nautical terms, what is the opposite of port?
Spanish En términos náuticos, ¿qué es lo contrario de puerto?

Answer: Starboard
Spanish: Estribor

Question # 12. English How many years are there in a millennium?
Spanish ¿Cuántos años hay en un milenio?

Answer: 1000
Spanish: Mil

Question # 15. English What form of aerial transport does a witch favour?
Spanish ¿Qué forma de transporte aéreo favorece una bruja?

Answer: Broomstick
Spanish: Palo de escoba

Question # 18. English Which planet in our Solar System is known for having a ring?
Spanish ¿Qué planeta de nuestro Sistema Solar es conocido por tener un anillo?

Answer: Saturn
Spanish: Saturno

Question # 20. English Thirsty people need … ?
Spanish ¿La gente sedienta necesita ...?

Answer: Water
Spanish: Agua


Question # 6. English What was Marilyn Monroe's natural hair colour?||
Spanish ¿Cuál era el color natural del cabello de Marilyn Monroe?

Answer: Ginger

Question # 8. English Name this stringless fictional character created by Carlo Collodi over one hundred years ago
Spanish Nombra a este personaje ficticio sin hilos creado por Carlo Collodi hace más de cien años

Answer: Pinocchio
Spanish: Pinocho

Question # 11. English What is the top colour in a rainbow?
Spanish ¿Cuál es el color superior en un arco iris?

Answer: Red
Spanish: Roja

Question # 13. English What is the distance around a circle called?
Spanish ¿Cómo se llama la distancia alrededor de un círculo?

Answer: Circumference
Spanish: Circunferencia


Question # 3. English How many bones does an adult human have?
Spanish ¿Cuántos huesos tiene un humano adulto?

Answer: Two hundred and six (206)
Spanish: Doscientos seis (206)

Question # 5. English What is the Italian word for pie?
Spanish ¿Cuál es la palabra italiana para pastel?

Answer: Pizza
Spanish: Pizza

Question # 10. English Who sat in a corner eating a Christmas pie?
Spanish ¿Quién se sentó en una esquina a comer un pastel de Navidad?

Answer: Little Jack Horner
Spanish: Pequeño Jack Horner

Question # 16. English What is the first element on the periodic table of elements?
Spanish ¿Cuál es el primer elemento en la tabla periódica de elementos?

Answer: Hydrogen
Spanish: Hidrógeno


Question # 14. English True or false? Mickey Mouse’s middle name is Fauntleroy.
Spanish ¿Verdadero o falso? El segundo nombre de Mickey Mouse es Fauntleroy.

Answer: False (it is Donald Duck’s)
Spanish: Falso (es el pato Donald)

Question # 17. English What is the name of the Greek God of music?
Spanish ¿Cuál es el nombre del dios griego de la música?

Answer: Apollo
Spanish" Apolo

Question # 19. English What is the name of the Australian stick or toy that is designed to come back to you when thrown?
Spanish ¿Cuál es el nombre del palo o juguete australiano diseñado para volver a ti cuando lo arrojas?

Answer: Boomerang
Spanish: Bumerang


Question # 1. English How many legs does the Legs of Man have?
Spanish ¿Cuántas patas tiene las piernas del hombre?

Answer: Three
Spanish: tres


Here is the proof of sending the prizes

WEEK 3 Winner 3.png


Next game-night event is SEPTEMBER 29, 2019

See you all there Everyone!


Thank You!

Image credit @thekittygirl

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Gracias por los premios y sobre todo por las dinámicas que realizan incluyendo también el idioma español :,)