Some of you guys have been waiting for it come back online and now its finally here again. Also an apology to the emails, comments and messages I didn't reply to about SteemTracked.
Now that I've freed up some time, I'm currently working on a new update for it to implement new features, enforce stability and allow for scalability.
What is SteemTracked?
This is a website which retrieves your Steem blockchain data and provides the statistics and analysis of your account and activity. Any steem account is accesible regardless of whether it's your account.
Home Section
Account Holdings
28 Day Upvotes & Earnings Overview
Graph representation of your upvotes and earnings since from 28 days ago till now. The figures under show how you are performing this month, the last 7 days and on average.
Recent Post Overview
See how your most recent post is performing.
Stats Section
General Stats
Earnings Per Upvote
This feature gets your earnings average for upvotes so this can help you get an idea of how many upvotes your next post needs to get the result you want.
Estimated Earnings
The addition of estimated earnings lets us know our future earning possibilities and if we are on the right track to reaching our earning goals.
Earnings By Day
You probably never knew until now what day you generate the most post rewards from. For the day that generate the most earnings has a underline under the earnings.
Earnings By Time
To take it even further, I added a feature which discovers what time you earn the most and just like the earnings by day their is a underline for the highest earnings.
Monthly Overview
See your current progress this month and in the last 2. This also displays your top post for the month which is determined by upvotes.
Posts Section
Engagements Graph & Data
A lot of people really liked the style of the graph presented in the 1.0 version of SteemTracked, therefore I decided to keep it and make it more visually pleasing. The 1.0 version commonly had issues when there were a lot of data to display on the graph.
Tag Search
Known as the hashtag performance search in the 1.0 version. This tool was also commonly used so I kept it and upgraded it by adding a dropdown of all the tags used in a post so you can either type in the tag or select it in the dropdown.
Posts Table
Responsive table that has all your posts in it and you can also search for specific data. If all of your posts are not present then go to the top of the page and click "+ Load More Posts" or refresh.
Audience Section
Follower's Reputation & STEEM Power
2 Charts which categorize your followers by reputation and steem power.
Top Followers
Find out your top 3 followers when it comes to reputation and steem power. Their upvote worth is also displayed.
Followers Table
All your followers along with their reputation, followers, following, steem power and upvote worth are in this table. If all followers are not there then go to the top of the page and click "+ Load More Users".
- Load Account From URL
- Load Screen From URL
Screen names: home (default), stats, posts and audience
- Load Both
Easy Chance To Win 3 SBD
I have small survey of 5 multiple choice questions about SteemTracked. If you could fill it out, that would be very helpful. After 4 days of publishing this post, I'll send 3 SBD each to 2 different participants of the survey.
Steemit User Analysis Tool
Follow @shango for all SteemTracked updates