Steeming without Bid Bots A Reality with SteevesteemCreated with Sketch.

in steeve •  6 years ago 

As a relatively new user I've been fortunate to wade through the murky waters successfully and not be lured in by bid bots and their bait. I'm not making a judgement call here it's just not personally for me as I am seeking to build lasting and symbiotic relationships with other informed and engaged steemians.

If it's allowed on the blockchain then I abide. I have set my sails for mass adoption, easy onboarding and a quality UX that facilitates content culled for each individual and their interests. This is how I envision steem spreading it's wings, via useful dapps like this one which appreciates the empowerment that being truly decentralised offers, while giving the user a more personalised, tailor made approach to enjoying the content they want to see. Which will in turn then inspire us all to create high quality content. We all win ! In this way the focus of demanding quality or attempting to manipulate a failed economic system through fear, circle jerks, bid bots, and some fake sense of etiquette when it's convenient can be subverted.

Buy votes and copy n paste if you want, that's your choice, my choice is that I can now avoid that stuff and get to discovering todays plankton that has a vision of being tomorrow's whale or perhaps even a top 20 witness.

This can help stabilise the incentives, gamification, retention, activity, and organic growth that will help fix this economy. This will attract outside investors that could become instawhales by simply adding steeve or whatever front-end they are attracted to from an already successful social media account.

Since this is my first post im going to stop here and hope you check this out for yourself and see if it suits you. I look forward to seeing this evolution progress and the benefits it can have for all of us in the near future.


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