Essential Guide For Kids Programming

in stem •  4 years ago 

In our generation, we might have started learning how to use computers in primary school. Now, many kids have started to learn programming since kindergarten. Schools from kindergarten to universities have also started adding programming as compulsory or additional subjects. Are you still struggling with how to get your children to kick off their programming studies? Here, we are sharing the essential things about kids coding from the best programming courses, languages to games.

Top Kids Coding Courses

Minecraft/ Roblox Holiday Boot Camps
Holidays are the best season for Kids to start learning some new things! As summer is the time for having fun, it is always a great idea for kids to start learning from exciting games. For Gen-Z, the most popular computer games that kids can learn coding from are surely Minecraft, Roblox. During summer there are many educational courses themed on these games to ensure kids understand programming concepts from a fun environment!

Coding with Scratch / Scratch JR
Developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), ScratchJr (for kids aged 3-5) and Scratch (for kids aged 6-8) are block-based programming tools designed for children to kick start their coding journey with simple drag-and-drop blocks. Youngsters are able to create their own stories, games and animations such as Flappy Bird with the professional coding tutors.

Scratch acts as a stepping stone and a great transition tool to text-based programming languages.

Create Apps with App Inventor
For 9+ kids, App Inventor Program is recommended to empower youngsters with computational skills and problem-solving skills.

App Inventor is another popular block-based programming language for young children to develop applications like utility apps and games for smartphones or tablets, kids can create their own version of popular games like Food Ninja or Angry Bird easily with App Inventor, they can even launch their App projects in App Stores! To have a trial on app inventions, there are some free tutorials for your kids to try on!

Read More:

The Ultimate Guide: STEM education for Kids:

Code Camp For Free: Learn How To Code With Free Code Camp:

Kids Friendly Coding Languages

Lua is one such high-level programming language that is lightweight and designed primarily for embedded use in applications. It is also fun to learn! As “Roblox” the top hit kids gaming platform is also developed by Lua, your children can start learning Lua and implementing them into creating their own games. Kids can build their own 3D world using Lua, and keep their creativity flowing online!

Apple developed a platform – Swift Playgrounds for young people to learn coding, and to learn how to build IOS applications. Through a game-like environment, kids will need to solve different puzzles to level-up in which there are coding challenges hidden in the game.

Python is used by many tech giants like Google, Netflix and Dropbox. Unlike the traditional programming languages, such as Javascript and HTML, Python uses English keywords as the commands and syntax (rules of how to code) which make children and anyone without a prior coding background easy to get started.

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Code While Playing Games
LightBot doesn't teach an actual coding language, but they do introduce children to the basics programming knowledge and logic learnt from the puzzle game they built. It is suitable for 9+ kids, over 20 million kids have played this game and it has also been used by teachers all over the world. 4-8 years old kids can also start learning with LightbotJR, an easier-to-play version of LightBot.

As mentioned above, Minecraft is a really popular game nowadays, it is more than a game but an international phenomenon. Kids can build their own incredible ‘world’ block by block using their creativity and imagination, and with the user-friendly canvas and tools provided.

Advanced Level

After mastering the basic coding skills, young people can try to attend web development courses or python courses which are all popular in recent years.

Original article:
Top programming languages, courses and games for your kids in 2021:

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