Formerly Likes to Ride an Ojek, Now Rich of the Kingdom Thanks to Gojek

in stemite •  7 years ago 


YOU definitely know mock. It might even use it as a means of transportation. But do you know who founder and founder of Gojek? Gojek is an application that embraces motorcycle taxi drivers with passenger-based online smartphone.

The founder of Gojek is Nadiem Makarim. CEO of PT Gojek was used to use ojek service. From frequent use, Nadiem sees great opportunities.

Nadiem Makarim, Founder of Gojek.

Nadiem Makarim is a loyal enough to use ojek service. Nadiem sees the main problem of motorcycle taxi drivers is a large unproductive time, such as hung and waiting for passengers. When in the motorcycle taxi, ojek drivers must take turns with other motorcycle taxi drivers. On the other side of the motorcycle taxi users, also feel lazy to walk looking for motorcycle taxi.

In big cities, people prefer to use taxis because they are easier to find. Based on the research, Nadiem got the initial idea to innovate how to connect motorcycle riders with prospective buyers. One solution is to use the phone. GoJek pioneered in 2011 using a system that is still very simple, ie prospective passengers contact by phone, or send sms.

Along with the development of smartphones and android, Nadiem also developed online gojek system as it exists today. Currently Nadiem Makarim the founder of GoJek has proved a remarkable achievement. Nowadays almost all provinces in Indonesia have a gojek.

GoJek's business model is a revenue-sharing scheme with an ojek driver. GoJek only takes part 20% and is 80% is part of motorcycle rider. GoJek provides facilities to the driver in the form of jacket, helmet and HP Android. Growing out there is also GoJek coverage also provides health insurance and accident insurance to the driver.

What lessons can we draw from the success story of Nadiem Makarim the founder of GoJek? The first thing is an innovative solution using technology. The idea is very simple just make it easier to bring together motorcycle taxi drivers with prospective passengers. The simple solution turned out to get a positive response from the community and soon growing rapidly.

At first people do not want to use motorcycles, because in some cities the price of motorcycle taxis are quite expensive and the issue of price transaparansi. Apocalypse Application trying to make people aware, there is a solution to their needs. An ojek transport can actually be a solution, if managed properly.

Finally, Gojek opened a new workforce that was labor-intensive. Many young people who initially have no income, can now generate substantial income by being mock drivers. This is all thanks to Nadiem who is able to see opportunities in everyday life.

Nadie Makarim is a man born July 4, 1984. He had a high school education in Singapore, an undergraduate education at International Relations at Brown University United States. Master's Education at Harvard Business School. And he found his greatest business on motorcycles !! (ts / sbr *)

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