How many "incomplete open hypercubes" are there in four dimensions?

in stemq •  6 years ago  (edited)

Sol LeWitt's artwork "Incomplete Open Cubes" enumerates all distinct connected sets of edges of the cube which do not collapse into a smaller dimension (a figure that lies in the plane, or a single line.) There are 123 such figures, if we exclude the full cube, that are distinct under rotation but not reflection. How many are there if we consider 4-dimensional or 5-dimensional hypercubes? How would we calculate it?


StemQ Notice: This post was originally submitted on, a Q&A application for STEM subjects powered by the Steem blockchain.

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Wow, that's a tough question. :-)
I hope that you have the answer to that one because it's going to be hard to find somebody who can answer. ;-)

May I suggest that you add a nice picture to the question to make it more engaging from the summary?

Also, bear in mind that currently StemQ markdown renderer relies on 2 carriage returns to show a new line.
I need to work on this to improve the issue.

Thanks for your contribution!

I wasn't at all clear how to add an image in the stemq front end.

Simply add you picture inline within the body of your text, like Steemit.

Hm, I can't edit it in steemit because the front end doesn't like the "Recreational mathematics" tag due to the capital letter (and, if I get past that, probably the space.)

I think stemq replaces white spaces with a dash and lower the case of all letters.
Let me check once at home.

OK, I just copy/pasted the image tag from here, that seems to work.

Cool, let me know of any further issues.